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General Horace

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Everything posted by General Horace

  1. I have infinately more free time than I did this summer, so i'm hoping once every 2/3 days, but 2/3 days in Horace timetmmight be longer than that I'll honestly try to update somewhat regularly though.
  2. Uh, technically we're supposed to drop them (in the case of getting a Runesword or a statbooster or something) but if you get a steel lance or something I don't really care if you keep it. Only if it's something you don't already have access to. and thanks google. Mage Knight takes Neimi, and SB's list is gone, so we wait!
  3. Yeah, its totally up to you. Eirika route is generally quicker though unless you have a team specifically catered for Ephraim route, and even then, Eirika might still be faster.
  4. I forgot to mention, I added in the "training Amelia and Ewan in the tower" rule to the main rules, I added it an hour ago or so. I highly doubt it influenced any of the picks yet, so I assume we're all good.
  5. I'm not a huge fan on FE6, but I haven't played it in a while and randomizer puts a new spin on it (kinda) And yeah the FE7 run was pretty easy since Priscilla and Oswin were ridiculously OP. I think i'm still gonna do normal mode here since i'm buffing the enemies already, and the units with good bases can roll useless classes.
  6. All i'm seeing here is a L'Arachel pick, clearly the only French name.
  7. Oh, so they do. Maybe I just needed an Ogma with decent enough stats, I forget. I planned the run like 2 years ago. How are you allocating warp uses?
  8. I'm still fairly certain I would have gotten an email saying why my videos were removed if it were the nintendostomp, so I don't think it was that. I still plan on doing videos (afaik no other bigger channels with FE stuff on them have been hit anyway). In case you guys missed it, there's another topic here: http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=57448 The next run in question is FE6 with random bases/classes with some enemy buffs.
  9. It was just a planning run for a run I was going to do. Abel got a few fabulous skil/lck/wlvl levels so Roshea was better than him when he joined and Roshea actually has pretty good growths in FE3 book 1 (he's pretty much Abel with 10% higher HP and defence in exchange for 10% less speed) so I thought i'd use him instead. I made some minor mistakes (giving Barst exp was probably not needed, I recall needing another 8 move indoor unit so a promoted Ogma might have been needed?)
  10. Marth has to kill the soldiers on turn 1 (give him a killing edge or silver sword depending on his stats probably) otherwise the bishops will aggro towards Marth (and the soldiers). You'll have to weaken one of the north enemies to get them out of the way. For the bosskill, you can put sheeda north of marth (beyond the wall) to give him 10 hit/avo/crit to make your life easier too. He doesn't do any damage to the boss with the thunder sword anyway. as for my saves... I appear to have left my USB with all my saves on it at work (i'm home for lunch now) so I'll post them all after I get home from work ~4 hours or so. Luckily, I have a chapter 10 save since one of my current save files happens to be there. https://www.sendspace.com/file/d8rh1d
  11. wow, that filled up fast OH THE HUMILITY LAST PICK :(
  12. I have some notes on the AI in that chapter from a scrapped low turn run, the bishops will move if you weaken an enemy on the map somewhere (even the knights way up top or something), so you can warp Marth to the chest, have him kill all the soldiers on the EP, open the door on turn 2, kill the boss on turn 3, and seize on turn 4. Actually if you need any saves (i think you've probably played through the game by now and don't need them) I have them too. I didn't notice this topic until you'd uploaded chapter 3 sadly.
  13. Kinda in the mood for an fe8 draft, haven't done one in a while. Drafting: 1. This draft is for 4 players. 2. Eirika/Ephraim, Orson, Tethys, and Myrrh are free for all to use. 3. Seth is banned from all use. 4. The game will be played on Hard Mode. Rules: 1. Undrafted units may recruit characters, rescue undrafted units and NPCs, trade, visit Shops and Armories and dig up items in the desert. 2. Undrafted units may not do anything not listed above, including but not limited to meatshielding, building Supports, and opening Doors or Chests. 3. Map shopping is allowed. 4. Skirmishes/use of the Tower or Ruins is disallowed. Skirmishes that are blocking your path may be activated and immediately fled from. 5. Defend chapters count the last played Player Phase for turns if the timer is waited out. 6: burning an rn to complete the prologue in 2 turns brings shame on me and on your entire family 7. Amelia and Ewan can be trained to level 1 in a tier one class in the tower of Valni provided no other drafted units gain exp. You may use undrafted units to help them achieve this. Penalties: 1. Undrafted units have a 4 turn penalty, per unit per chapter. 2. Seth has a special 8 turn penalty per chapter. Teams: Topazd - Vanessa, Kyle, Natasha, Gerik, Dozla, Ewan, Knoll SB - Franz, Saleh, Garcia, Colm, Innes, L'Arachel, Rennac MageKnight - Tana, Lute, Moulder, Joshua, Amelia, Neimi, Syrene Horace - Artur, Gilliam, Ross, Forde, Cormag, Duessel, Marisa
  14. Turn 2 KP 2010's Eirika@Sieglinde attacks Lopey's Saleh@Excalibur! vs. ______________________________ Eirika attacks! 27 DMG 2x | 100 HIT | 8 CRT [4] [46] | [34] | [No Skill] Saleh takes 27 damage! ______________________________ Saleh counterattacks! 24 DMG 1x | 77 HIT | 11 CRT [13] [49] | [4][No Skill] Eirika takes 49 damage! ______________________________ KP 2010's Eirika has been felled. It is now Lopey's turn. KP 2010 55/55 Ephraim 59/59 Garcia!W 46/46 Tana!WK 0/49 Eirika 0/42 Neimi!S Lopey 40/40 Myrrh 57/57 Ephraim 47/47 Eirika 13/40 Saleh 46/46 Tana!WK gg gba meta
  15. Turn 1 Lopey's Ephraim@Siegmund attacks KP 2010's Neimi@Nidhogg! vs. ______________________________ Ephraim attacks! 43 DMG 1x | 76 HIT | 15 CRT [62] [68] | [2] | [No Skill] Neimi takes 42 damage! ______________________________ KP 2010's Neimi has been felled. It is now KP 2010's turn. KP 2010 55/55 Ephraim 59/59 Garcia!W 46/46 Tana!WK 49/49 Eirika 0/42 Neimi!S Lopey 40/40 Myrrh 57/57 Ephraim 47/47 Eirika 40/40 Saleh 46/46 Tana!WK
  16. why not just warp Marth to get the boots chest? You can even use them the turn you open the chest.
  17. Averages + Metis tome! A battle between KP 2010 and Lopey has begun! TEAM | KP 2010 | [0-49] TEAM | Lopey | [50-99] Unit HP ST SK SP LK DF RS CN ACC AVO CRT Class Ephraim 55 27 26 24 26 21 16 10 65 74 13 Great Lord (M) Garcia 59 30 23 14 17 17 09 16 54 45 11 Warrior Tana 46 24 24 29 29 14 17 09 62 87 12 Wyvern Knight (F) Eirika 49 23 29 30 30 19 19 07 73 90 14 Great Lord (F) Neimi 42 24 25 29 23 11 17 06 61 81 12 Sniper (F) Unit HP ST SK SP LK DF RS CN ACC AVO CRT Class Myrrh 40 20 17 17 09 20 13 05 38 43 8 Manakete (F) Ephraim 57 27 26 24 27 23 18 10 65 75 13 Great Lord (M) Eirika 47 21 29 30 28 17 17 07 72 88 14 Great Lord (F) Saleh 40 22 23 22 19 21 20 08 55 63 11 Sage (M) Tana 46 24 24 29 29 14 17 25 62 87 12 Wyvern Knight (F) [84] Lopey goes first!
  18. Votes have been tallied, ties were broken by what I voted for. Fe6, Random Growths/bases (with variance), Normal Recruitment, Enemy growths increased by 10%, bosses classes changed and buffed, and upon looking at my team, I've decided that i'm doing NORMAL MODE because holy shit my initial team is extremely useless. I'm also allowing myself to look at growths so I don't commit to someone with 5% str/spd/def or something, EDIT: I might actually end up vetoing random growths. 5% seems like a really common thing to happen (it's like half of half my units growths in strength or speed). For instance, Roy has 140% HP, 80% strength, 75% defence, and 5% everywhere else but luck. Confirmed that I'm not going to randomize growths. Mostly because almost all my growths were useless, but Dieck's group were three bards and Wyvern Rider!Lott with 80% str/spd. I just don't want things to become unwinnable or just a Lott solo. I'm also gonna rerandomize someone if they spawn as a dancer/bard if I already have one. I'm also replacing poison weapons and fixing weapon ranks. For reference in the above picture, Marcus was a MANAKETE and oneshotted everything.
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