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General Horace

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Everything posted by General Horace

  1. Berserker's my favourite class, but I don't really like many of the units that are berserkers. Uhh, DOZLA I guess.
  2. most anyone can fight in thracia, dean doing is nothing special karin hands down
  3. He only has 9 hit less than Rutger, (despite having axes), it's just no enemies Rutger fights have 15 luck.
  4. He has the second highest hit on the team, Wolt has 1% higher hit with an iron sword and does significantly less damage and doesn't double, Marcus is my only option. He has 19 base skill, it counteracts horrible axe hitrates. EDIT: Bors has higher hit but doesn't outdamage throne healing
  5. I've been toying around with Chapter 3 for a bit now, and the main issue is this: the boss rolled decent speed and really really high luck along with decent defences/HP so he's really hard to take down. He falls to a Marcus Iron crit, which I think i'll end up having to do anyway, but the odds aren't good.
  6. I think at this point Abel's stealing Sheeda's exp too. Might as well have invested heavily in Sheeda earlygame and then had Hardin as your main cav.
  7. just to see what would happen, I turned Lugh into Fa and apparently his con becomes -- he unfourutnately doesn't have the power to rescue the almighty walrus though. (also he's not actually a manakete)
  8. Igrene's are pretty decent, and Hugh's are actually pretty good too. Niime will likely be totally useless if she rolls a physical class since her HP/Def is atrocious so even if she has good combat stats she'll likely get oneshotted and can't rely on a robe+nosferatu.
  9. base stat randomization is either +/-4 in each individual stat, so if a unit initially had high personal bases (like Percival) they'll likely still have high personal bases. Bartre will still have very good strength, for instance.
  10. hey, he would have -1 con and probably break the game if he were that class (he's sadly not)
  11. You can lure at least one of the heroes away with Samson or another 7 move unit. You can kill the General and Sniper from over the walls with Castor/Wendall/whoever. You'll have a robe/dracoshield by that point too, and Marth should be at a decent level (if he's still at base defence you really should fix that too)
  12. Chainey can still oneshot Gharnef in his chapter, which is the only time he's needed if you don't warp.
  13. Oh, probably, I just spam torch whenever I play said chapter. I actually didn't know that.
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