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General Horace

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Everything posted by General Horace

  1. I actually don't know. We'll find out if someone with -con becomes Fa's class.
  2. Lugh has a -2 con mod, his con is pretty hilarious too.
  3. H5 chapter 1 is really really stupid, there's no way to do it fast that isn't luck based the rest of the chapters dondon's done have been significantly more reliable and probably could be done in one run (barring someone missing an 80something or something like that)
  4. There are some random tiles in Battle Before Dawn that do this too. I'm not sure why.
  5. uhh, I'm not totally sure tbh, I think I needed a slim lance crit or something, or My Minerva had 20 speed (I doubt it)
  6. no clue whatsoever. Might just roll with whatever happens.
  7. I'm sure i'll come across worse units than Thany in my travels. She could become a 3 con druid! Even Niime had 4 con. A real issue with that though is that you can't buy Flux tomes until like the desert or something, although I could hack some into a shop somewhere.
  8. I just rigged the boss so Lance could get the kill. Marcus ORKO'd with the devil axe. He had almost 40 crit regardless, berserker op.
  9. hey, I did it! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0FfD9-v_a5c&feature=youtu.be Chapter 2 in 6 turns. Unfourtunately nobody in Dieck's group other than Thwomp Lott has the Con to rescue Roy, so this is as fast as I could go. The boss randomly had a chest key, Thief Dieck for top tier.
  10. how do you want things reported? finished #57491 in 108 turns I could edit the doc myself but I dunno how you want things to be organized so i'll make you do it.
  11. CHAPTER 16 - 3/96 TURNS Artur's magic was too lame to 2 turn. At least he proc'd it this chapter, and the extra turn allowed Myrrh to get a bunch of levels. CHAPTER 17 - 1/97 TURNS Warped Cormag, he killed Lyon. CHAPTER 18 - 6/103 TURNS Warped people places. Needed a bit more movement to do in 5 I think. CHAPTER 19 - 1/104 TURNS Warped Ephraim to the boss. CHAPTER 20 - 2/106 TURNS Warped Cormag carrying Ephraim to the boss area. CHAPTER FINAL PART 1 - 1/107 TURNS Myrrh killed Lyon after being warped. CHAPTER FINAL PART 2 - 1/108 TURNS Cormag, Ephraim, Myrrh and Eirika killed the boss. Gilliam was a huge help in Chapter 9. Other than that, he helped route Phantom ship pretty well since Duessel was too fat to be rescued by Cormag, and this actually made a difference in the long run. I think Garcia might have saved more turns overall though. fuck you ross and your 11 speed he was still pretty invaluable earlygame, he just didn't turn out well. if he had like, 2 more magic I would have saved probably 3 turns. Oh well. He still did his job pretty well. i gave him a lot of shit but he saved a lot of turns. Thanks bud. filler/10 Duessel really isn't that great. Cormag on the other hand he's a weird unit in FE8 drafts, since he's either nonexistant or he's totally broken on Ephraim Route. I decided to go Eph route since my team would inevitably just lose on Eirika. hey, she killed a few things actually pretty clutch, probably would have lost a turn or 2 in final without a trained Myrrh. 10 strength promoted, worse than Marisa/10 his stats were good, but his strength was bad for Ephraim. He also failed to double the final boss by 1 speed, although I probably could have gotten him a earlier and made sure his speed was capped. Oh well.
  12. CHAPTER 14 - 4/88 TURNS wow, Forde MVP and by Forde I mean Cormag. He ORKO'd Vigarde exactly, and with the power of Door Keys and DANCE I managed to dump Ephraim 5 spaces away from the throne on turn 3, while Forde tanked staves for Cormag (he had to dodge a Berserk @58 hit still, but such is life) Artur spammed staves, he has B and a bit in staves now, should reach A with some more spam in the desert. Ross fetched Hammerne. CHAPTER 15 - 5/93 TURNS Eirika (followed by Innes and Saleh) helped Ross (who was dropped by Cormag) clear out the top enemies, while Cormag went over to take out all the Pegs after getting the swiftsoles and killing osme wyverns on turn 3, Ross got Warp while killing Caellach with the Swordslayer. Everyone else killed the lower half of the enemies, with Valter falling to Dragonspear!Gilliam and Duessel. Nice. I mean he hit A staves but he's like -4 magic or something (he's had an energy ring. He hasn't proc'd magic since he was like level 16 unpromoted or something. her offence is better than Forde! For some reason he keeps getting more exp than Duessel. I dunno why, just ends up happening that way. just barely not doubled by Caellach has S axes now for Garm at least. at least he has 8 move. he contributes I guess balanced unit Eirika why :( I think i'll need to feed Myrrh a lot of levels to kill Fortimiis in one turn since all my Garm users are slow as fuckkkk Actually Cormag + Ephraim might be good enough with a Garm dude/Eirika securing the last hit.
  13. CHAPTER 8 - 7/53 TURNS Turns out Promoting Gilliam wouldn't actually save any turns, so I didn't. Ross ferried Eirika to the boss and Eirika + two Ross handaxes (he didn't double Tirado rofl) + Artur did the deed. Forde is fucking horrible. actually I think that's pretty great for a level 12 gilliam. He'll probably get promoted for Fort Rigwald. I think I should have picked Garcia instead of him tbh, but he might prove me wrong next chapter! ross hits really hard at least but he's so slowwwww i'm used to having better Ephraim's tbh hahahaha what the fuckkkkkk plz carry He'll probably promote for chapter 10 unless he really needs to promote here in chapter 9 for an extra movement. CHAPTER 9 - 12/65 TURNS ayyyy lmao Forde did his best but when you do no damage and don't double things don't end well. Got the Ocean seal with a chest key. Recruited Amelia for her speedwing. CHAPTER 10 - 5/70 TURNS Got Cormag and Duessel. Gilliam killed the boss actually pretty easily with the Halberd. Cormag immediately eats a secret book and speedwing. CHAPTER 11 - 6/76 TURNS I forgot how the AI worked here and everything just sat around for a few turns despite me having dudes in range. Anyway Cormag got like 5? levels since he'll promote next chapter, he's good unlike the rest of my team. CHAPTER 12 - 4/80 TURNS Cormag flew to the boss and killed him, nabbing me a swordslayer. Forde charged for Ewan's village so Marisa would autorecruit. CHAPTER 13 - 4/84 TURNS Ross and Forde promoted. Forde went down the right side with Gilliam (Duessel's too fat to rescue) and Cormag flew up the middle with Ross (ross just water walked) and Marisa tanked damage so Artur could work on his staff rank. Ephraim/10 he hasn't proc'd magic since last update so 8 levels actually more useful than Duessel because he can actually be rescued i hate ross so much his stats are pretty shit but he's tanky enough to not die when enemies attack him i guess. I gave him Seth's Silver Lance and he can kill stuff he doubles with it (which is surprisingly a lot) duessel/10 what was IS thinking hey, she got a couple decent levels I guess.
  14. My favourite is Pandemonium from FFII. I liked the Four Fiend's music in FF4 and the Clash on Big Bridge from FFV a lot too. EDIT: OH and the Underwater Temple from FFI is fantastic too.
  15. So you did! I guess you changed it when you changed Saleh's stuff and I just didn't look at anyone else's items.
  16. i've played 1-13, but I never finished FE10 because I didn't like it. Beat every other game though.
  17. plz actually give dedede a buff instead of a nerf like seriously why was he ever nerfed ideally i'd like less endlag/startup on fair and bair and the gordo nerf to be reverted but I know it won't happen, it'll be like JET HAMMER KNOCKBACK GROWTH INCREASED BY 2
  18. Also now that the match is over, I thought I might say a few things... You get two Hoplon Guards in FE8, and KP didn't use any, and that would have helped him a LOT. I think they're essential in the GBA meta because crits are so relevant and defences are generally lower. You also get two Fili Shields, so Lopey could have given one to Myrrh (She gets ORKO'd by anyone with a bow otherwise).
  19. CHAPTER 2 UNITS Thief/10. She has the second best offence on the team already, shame she's a thief. UNIT HP ST SK SP LC DF RS ELLEN +3 +4 -- -2 -4 +2 +2 dat +4 strength. Ellen has a really good personal speed base, so the -2 didn't hit her too hard in a fast class. Dieck is... a worse thief? It's a shame that he got stuck in a lame class. Ellen's better, so he'll probably be benched. He hilarious started with two slim swords. UNIT HP ST SK SP LC DF RS DIECK -4 -1 +1 -2 -3 +1 +2 pretty lame +'s and bad -'s seal his fate. Actually not bad bases for a mage. There's a very small chance he'll be used long term, he's kind of like Lilina with a massive HP boost and slightly slower, with defence instead of Res. And Lilina isn't very good. His bases are decent enough and he'll provide some solid chip for a while I guess. UNIT HP ST SK SP LC DF RS WARD -4 +4 +2 -- -4 -1 +4 It's really a shame he didn't get +4 speed instead of strength. Or even instead of skill. Oh well. rofl He's kind of like Bors growth wise, which would be good considering his raw bases, (although he'd be a bit slow) and his low strength growth is patched up by his huge base. But he's a thwomp. His defence is pretty shaky too. UNIT HP ST SK SP LC DF RS LOTT -4 +4 +3 -1 +1 -2 +4 thanks - speed +4 res Pretty similar to Ward's gains/losses actually. rip thany 2 con 3 base speed UNIT HP ST SK SP LC DF RS THANY +3 +2 +4 -4 +4 +1 +1 -4 speed killed her. All in all, the chapter 2 units are all pretty terrible. Ward or Ellen might be the best, and they're not great. I'll likely play the chapter a bit later tonight.
  20. Turn 9 Lopey's Tana@Vidofnir attacks KP 2010's Ephraim@Siegmund! vs. ______________________________ Tana attacks! 23 DMG 2x | 100 HIT | 11 CRT | 20 SKL [71] [2] | [57] | [35] Ephraim takes 23 damage! ______________________________ Ephraim counterattacks! 31 DMG 1x | 68 HIT | 0 CRT [30] [31] | [37][100] Tana takes 31 damage! ______________________________ Tana attacks again! [27] [16] | [86][82] Ephraim takes 2 damage! ______________________________ KP 2010's Ephraim has been felled. KP 2010 0/55 Ephraim 0/59 Garcia!W 0/46 Tana!WK 0/49 Eirika 0/42 Neimi!S Lopey 0/40 Myrrh 21/57 Ephraim 47/47 Eirika 0/40 Saleh 15/46 Tana!WK game over man
  21. Yeah, FE6 nomads aren't weak to horseslaying weapons... for some reason. They're weak to them in FE7/8 though. That being said, Nomads are pretty awesome. They face less terrain penalties than other mounted (nonflying) classes and honestly Bows don't hurt them too much. Snipers are generally pretty decent, it's just archers that suck because of weak bases.
  22. VICTORY ROAD There are a few unexplored and unfinished area's i've yet to cover, and Shin hasn't finished the Elite 4 yet, so once he finishes that, I'll have my final updates ready... in a few months probably.[
  23. CONTINUED BUT THERE'S MORE But seriously, the next update is probably my favourite part of the game so far, Shin really did something cool with Victory Road!
  24. uhhh, somehow I teleported to SHINNIBAR ISLAND in my screenshots. So here I am! TO BE CONTINUED SHORTLY
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