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General Horace

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Everything posted by General Horace

  1. i'm pretty busy for a little while, but if you still need somebody by this time tomorrow I can fill in.
  2. you also don't have to draft all the mothers first (by the standard ruleset anyway). The person who gets locked into Briggid or Ayra or something would much rather pick a solid male unit like Aless or Cuan than the mother.
  3. Radiant Dawn (and Path of Radiance to some extent) actually sold pretty poorly (from what I recall it was the worst selling FE game released worldwide), but that's probably attributed to it being released on console rather than handheld. Shadow Dragon actually sold reasonably well.
  4. Nah, just their replacements are free. So Forde is free for you.
  5. why use anybody other than the Paladins and Wyverns then? They can skate through the game without need of any staff user other than Pent, who also can fight. Serra definately can't fight more enemies than Lucius can reliably. They both die in the same number of attacks, be it at 50 hit or 40 hit. The avoid difference really isn't that much anyway until much later where the huge difference in their luck growth becomes more apparent. Serra also can't wield any Light Magic without losing attack speed, and lacks the magic to consistantly ORKO without using stronger tomes, which may result in her failing to double (again until much later on). Vulneraries can absolutely replace a healer past Chapter 15 in HHM. Enemies aren't threatening enough to warrent needing to heal more than 10HP a turn, and every single unit isn't going to need to defeat an enemy with their player phase action, especially since FE7 is a very enemy phase centric game. I'm not arguing Lucius is better than Florina/Kent/Sain or whatever other top tier units you're gonna toss out, that much is obvious. All i'm saying is why bother using a staff user when you can just use an offensive magic user right away that eventually gains staves (faster than Serra gains tomes) anyway well before the need for staves exists. Do you think Serra is better than Erk and Canas too? If so, I'll say we're in disagreement merely based on playstyle. I've never found staves to be particularly useful in FE7 (and 8). Unless you're using warp or something that is.
  6. I just used Artur since he replaced Eirika, and whoever replaces the lords and Orson were free. I guess I was lucky (unlucky?) that Artur wasn't one of my drafted units.
  7. L'archel, Natasha, Cormag, Eirika, Ismaire, Hayden, Joshua, Gerik, Seth, Fado, Lyon, Artur PROLOGUE - 2+4/6 TURNS Artur couldn't win without a lot of lucky dodges, so I needed a Lute Penalty. She stole the bosskill too, what a jerk. CHAPTER 1 5+4/15 TURNS that wasn't happening, stoopid archers. In other news, mages have 8 movement, I hope I get one. Lute penalty again. I hope I get a unit that isn't an archer soon. Oh here's Artur btw CHAPTER 2 - 8/23 TURNS Seth was pretty good here since he's decently durable with his huge HP. He has a massive skill growth too, he proc'd two +2's this chapter. CHAPTER 3 - 8/31 TURNS My whole team is so slowwwwww at least I have two beacon bows for the monster chapters. CHAPTER 4 - 9/40 TURNS WELP he has a Shamisir and doubled my whole team so I had to gang up on him and kill him on one player phase (thankfully he was really squishy and had 5 move) WHY his only weapon is also a purge tome, I might save that for later. We could make Myrrh free since her growths are likely to be ridiculous and if she's in another class early on she'd be pretty gamebreaking.
  8. Just add Neimi to Sniper Knight's team in the first post and we're good (I was really confused why they had one less unit.) Also I wish I hate Lute
  9. It's just a list of all the changes made that you can view (so you can check the growths of your characters, to see if the characters you're using have a 0% strength growth or something). For instance.... My lord is Archer!Artur with a 0% Strength/defence/res growth
  10. you don't need dodges for lucius to be effective in combat, the only units you're tossing into loads of enemies for a very long time are Marcus, Hector and Oswin. It's not very hard for him to take out an enemy per turn, and it's not particulary hard to use him to draw in an additional enemy for him to kill (so if he gets hit, it doesn't matter). Serra's healing is pretty neat in the first few chapters, but after the first 5-6 chapters or so it's easily replaceable by vulneraries or just isn't needed. If you're dumping loads of money into Physic and Barrier staves to turn Serra into a real unit it says something about her contributions pre premotion (I still think it's a good idea to buy all that stuff if you're using her for the record). It is nice to have more than Pent for a restore user after all (although literally any non-Nino magic user can easily have A Staves before Cog when status staves become relevant). i'd just rather deploy another unit that can fight then a staffbot that doesn't really contribute to the completion of the chapter. Perhaps it's personal preference?
  11. Sure, that works. EDIT: Are we allowed to make a changelog to see the changes?
  12. So we just get the list that's in our drafting order? So since I picked second i'll get the second list?
  13. Serra gains exp way too slow and takes too long to promote early on, she doesn't get any staff that she can use to just gain exp until the dread isle torch staff and barrier staff in dragon's gate, and she faces competition from Priscilla (whom I think we all can agree is a better unit) for those staves. Lucius isn't significantly better or worse than Erk or Canas (I'd say he's better post premotion since he doubles a lot easier than Canas/Erk) and guiding ring competition isn't a big deal since there are quite a few early on. Once Lucius promotes (because he will reach promotion level faster than Serra if you're actively using both) there's very little incentive to continue using Serra since she has no advantages over him. other than higher luck with is nearly irrelevant. I guess Serra gains exp faster upon promotion, but that's a minor point in itself.
  14. Lucius is better merely because he can fight before promotion.
  15. i'll literally take whoever's left among the units you guys pick if you guys wanna do that. If not I take... Natasha
  16. I've always found people who draft to screw over opponents end up having weaker teams and it just doesn't work out. It used to happen a lot in FE4 drafts and it was horrible.
  17. Lucius can probably reach warp by spamming Pent's Mend/Physic and Unlock in 28, along with the B Rank staves (Sleep, Berserk) and Hammerning stuff. Serra should do what Canas did anyway hopefully. It would still be kinda close since he can't promote until chapter 28 unless you fail to one turn chapter 24 and you get the earth seal. CHAPTER 29 - 4/114 TURNS Heath owned most of the map. Matthew promoted, etc. CHAPTER 30 - 3/117 TURNS Hammerne'd Rescue, Warped Hector ahead, rescued Nils, warped Hector, Hector killed Kaim with the Killer axe over two attacks (and Erk could have helped with Bolting if he failed the KO.) CHAPTER 31 - 11/128 TURNS fuckk this chapter trained Hector a bit, since Heath and Lowen are capped out, and capped out Erk's level, he hit 26 magic. Serra level capped at 20, with 13 magic. CHAPTER 31X - 5/133 TURNS Arena'd Hector. CHAPTER 32 - 3/136 TURNS Serra rescued Nils, and Nils dance Heath + Hector so they could move ahead again after Erk warped them. Serra pointlessly promoted with the Earth Seal. CHAPTER 32X - 1/137 TURNS Erk warped Heath and Heath owned Kishuna. CHAPTER FINAL PART 1 - 2/139 TURNS Matthew killed Brendan's Room, Hector killed Darin, Erk + Athos Bolting'd Uhai down for Wil to Clear out his room, Lloyd killed his bro thanks to berserk staff, and was finished by Lowen. Heath killed the mage room, and Athos killed Nergal thanks to Filla's might. CHAPTER FINAL PART 2 - 1/140 TURNS Killed the dragon.
  18. I was going to randomize my picks anyway, i'd be down with that. If people want to actually pick, my choice is... L'Arachel
  19. if we're doing randomized recruitment, Franz could come in Syrene's spot (or worse...)
  20. One thing to consider in FE8 Randomized Recruitment is it also includes creature campaign units (Ismaire, Fado, etc) so we should either add them to the draftable unit list if we're going random recruitment. And I assume we just get whoever becomes Eirika/Ephraim/Orson for free.
  21. a 3 turn is possible already if you rig a bunch of strength and speed and Hector and he owns the boss and hits every enemy up north at ~40-60 hit. EDIT: Not possible on Hard mode since the boss doens't move until turn 3 CHAPTER 25 - 3/75 TURNS Heath pure watered and got the bishops, Matthew was dumped across the water and ferried Erk ahead for the pirates, and Promoted!Guy took care of Pascal's fort with Guy. CHAPTER 26 - 11/86 TURNS not a whole lot really happened, I hate this chapter. Lowen tanked a monk for many many turns while Erk healed him. CHAPTER 27 - 5/91 TURNS Got the guiding ring (for Canas, since I don't have any tomes for Serra, but I can have her solo Denning's chapter or something). Heath killed the boss with an iron lance, lol. CHAPTER 28 - 15/106 TURNS Erk hit A Staves, Canas hit D and is unlikely to contribute anything meaninful staffwise. Used Hammerne on Torch lol. CHAPTER 28X - 4/110 TURNS Heath flew to Sonia and Brave Lanced her. He equipped the brave lance on turn 2 enemy phase to kill the wyverns.
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