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General Horace

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Everything posted by General Horace

  1. TURN 7 Tharja's BOND heals Relativity by 10HP (58/80) VS Cordelia @Brave Sword attacks Tom G @Brave Bow! 16x2 damage, 100% hit, 0% crit (14) Cordelia's VENGEANCE activates! (67) Pavise Tom G takes 16 damage! (64/80) (1) Cordelia's VENGEANCE activates! (34) Tom G's PAVISE activates! He takes 8 damage! (56/80) Cordelia doubles! (92) Cordelia's VENGEANCE activates! (85) Tom G takes 16 damage! (40/80) (79) Cordelia's VENGEANCE activates! (50) Tom G takes 16 damage! (24/80) Espinosa's turn. ESPINOSA CARMINE TOM G 24/80 RELATIVITY 58/80 PANNE 00/80 CORDELIA 80/80 GANGREL 80/80 SUMIA 80/80 AVERSA 80/80 FLAVIA 00/80 CORDELIA 80/80 THARJA 80/80
  2. TURN 6 VS Tom G @Brave Bow attacks Relativity @Vengeance! 17x2 damage, 70% hit, 0% crit (87) Luna (18, 77) (41) Relativity's AEGIS activates! She takes 8 damage! (72/80) (84) (3, 83) (37) Relativity's AEGIS activates! She takes 8 damage! (64/80) Tom G doubles! (56) (34, 56) (37) Relativity's AEGIS activates! She takes 8 damage! (56/80) (90) (42, 50) (4) Relativity's AEGIS activates! She takes 8 damage! (48/80) Carmine's turn. ESPINOSA CARMINE TOM G 80/80 RELATIVITY 48/80 PANNE 00/80 CORDELIA 80/80 GANGREL 80/80 SUMIA 80/80 AVERSA 80/80 FLAVIA 00/80 CORDELIA 80/80 THARJA 80/80 aegis too strong
  3. TURN 5 VS Relativity @Vengeance attacks Panne @Brave Bow! 31 damage, 100% hit, 0% crit (95) Vengeance Panne falls! Epsinosa's turn. ESPINOSA CARMINE TOM G 80/80 RELATIVITY 80/80 PANNE 00/80 CORDELIA 80/80 GANGREL 80/80 SUMIA 80/80 AVERSA 80/80 FLAVIA 00/80 CORDELIA 80/80 THARJA 80/80
  4. TURN 4 VS Cordelia @Brave Sword attacks Flavia @Yewfelle! 25x2 damage 100% hit, 0% crit (7) Cordelia's VENGEANCE activates! (80) Pavise Flavia takes 25 damage! (17/80) (24) Cordelia's VENGEANCE activates! (76) Flavia falls. Carmine's turn. ESPINOSA CARMINE TOM G 80/80 RELATIVITY 80/80 PANNE 27/80 CORDELIA 80/80 GANGREL 80/80 SUMIA 80/80 AVERSA 80/80 FLAVIA 00/80 CORDELIA 80/80 THARJA 80/80
  5. TURN 3 Tharja's BOND heals Flavia by 10HP (42/80) VS Flavia @Yewfelle attacks Panne @Brave Bow! 16 damage, 100% hit, 0% crit (66) Luna Panne takes 16 damage! (64/80) Panne counters! 24x2 damage, 43% hit, 0% crit (86, 17) Miss! (43, 56) Miss! Flavia doubles! 16 damage, 100% hit, 0% crit (32) Flavia's LUNA activates! Panne takes 37 damage! (27/80) Espinosa's turn. ESPINOSA CARMINE TOM G 80/80 RELATIVITY 80/80 PANNE 27/80 CORDELIA 80/80 GANGREL 80/80 SUMIA 80/80 AVERSA 80/80 FLAVIA 42/80 CORDELIA 80/80 THARJA 80/80
  6. TURN 2 Panne's BOND heals Tom G by 10HP (60/80) Tom G's RENEWAL heals himself by 20HP (80/80) VS Panne @Brave Bow attacks Flavia @Brave Sword! 24x2 damage, 94% hit, 0% crit (16, 90) Flavia takes 24 damage! (56/80) (89, 80) Flavia takes 24 damage! (32/80) Carmine's turn. ESPINOSA CARMINE TOM G 80/80 RELATIVITY 80/80 PANNE 80/80 CORDELIA 80/80 GANGREL 80/80 SUMIA 80/80 AVERSA 80/80 FLAVIA 32/80 CORDELIA 80/80 THARJA 80/80
  7. The trainee units are pretty mediocre, even when compared to other units at an equal level. Amelia isn't particularly better than any of the cavaliers (or Seth) even lategame at equal levels, and Ewan is actually probably worse than Lute and about on par with Saleh. Ross is pretty good if his speed keeps up, his strength is actually pretty ridiculous. how did you vanessa gain magic, physical units can't gain magic in gba games
  8. Big Mistake! Maribelle blow the lobster away with Forseti. EDIT: wow, Lobster had Str+2
  9. Seth is the best unit in the game, and is among the best in the entire series. Other strong units include Vanessa, Franz, Artur, Cormag, Gerik, Tana and Saleh.
  10. TURN 1 VS Flavia @Brave Sword attacks Tom G @Yewfelle! 14x2 damage, 100% hit, 0% crit (29) Flavia's LUNA activates! (7) Tom G's PAVISE activates! He takes 16 damage! (64/80) (51) (52) Tom G takes 14 damage! (50/80) Espinosa's turn. ESPINOSA CARMINE TOM G 50/80 RELATIVITY 80/80 PANNE 80/80 CORDELIA 80/80 GANGREL 80/80 SUMIA 80/80 AVERSA 80/80 FLAVIA 80/80 CORDELIA 80/80 THARJA 80/80 No way! A warrior had Yewfelle equipped!
  11. I think it's round 3 anyway. TEAM ESPINOSA vs TEAM CARMINE SWORD STATS UNIT HP ST MG SK SP LC DF RS HIT AVO CRIT WARRIOR!TOM G 80 52 30 44 40 44 39 34 88 82 22 BRIDE!PANNE 80 42 38 44 45 44 42 39 88 89 22 BERSERKER!GANGREL 80 48 30 38 47 44 33 30 79 92 19 DARK KNIGHT!AVERSA 80 37 44 41 41 43 42 38 83 83 20 HERO!CORDELIA 80 43 29 48 44 44 40 35 94 88 24 ------------------------------------------------------- UNIT HP ST MG SK SP LC DF RS HIT AVO CRIT GENERAL!RELATIVITY 80 54 27 43 34 45 52 34 87 73 21 HERO!CORDELIA 80 43 29 48 44 44 40 35 94 88 24 SAGE!SUMIA 80 28 46 45 45 45 29 41 90 90 22 ASSASSIN!FLAVIA 80 41 29 50 47 45 30 30 97 93 25 SORCERER!THARJA 80 30 47 37 41 42 42 44 76 82 18 (86) Carmine goes first!
  12. we gucci. I could have made Maribelle Miriel but I hate Miriel so much. and yeah random.org has been either slow or down for me too the last few days.
  13. TURN 12 VS Cynthia @Superior Jolt attacks Severa @Superior Jolt! 31 damage, 90% hit, 0% crit (2) Cynthia's AETHER activates! (6, 30) Severa takes 31 damage! (15, 17) Severa falls! Quint wins 2-0.
  14. TURN 11 GALEFORCE VS Severa @Superior Jolt attacks Noire @Forseti! 20 damage, 100% hit, 0% crit (6) Severa's VENGEANCE activates! Noire takes 35 damage! (45/80) Noire counters! 21 damage, 41% hit, 0% crit (78) Noire's VENGEANCE activates! (33, 53) Noire misses! Quint's turn. Quint Carmine Lucina 00/80 Lucina 00/80 Cynthia 41/80 Severa 49/80 Morgan 00/80 Morgan 00/80 Yarne 00/80 Noire 00/80 Noire 45/80 Yarne 00/80
  15. TURN 11 VS Severa @Superior Jolt attacks Yarne @Brave Axe! 37 damage, 100% hit, 0% crit (56) Severa's VENGEANCE activates! Yarne falls. Quint Carmine Lucina 00/80 Lucina 00/80 Cynthia 41/80 Severa 49/80 Morgan 00/80 Morgan 00/80 Yarne 00/80 Noire 00/80 Noire 80/80 Yarne 00/80 Severa's GALEFORCE activates! Her move?
  16. TURN 10 VS Cynthia @Superior Jolt attacks Severa @Superior Jolt! 31 damage, 90% hit, 0% crit (92) Aether (71) Luna (71, 70) Severa takes 31 damage! (49/80) Severa counters! 24 damage, 74% hit, 0% crit (4) Severa's VENGEANCE activates! (87, 33) Cynthia takes 39 damage! (41/80) Carmine's turn. Quint Carmine Lucina 00/80 Lucina 00/80 Cynthia 41/80 Severa 49/80 Morgan 00/80 Morgan 00/80 Yarne 43/80 Noire 00/80 Noire 80/80 Yarne 00/80
  17. TURN 9 VS Severa @Superior Jolt attacks Yarne @Brave Axe! 37 damage, 100% hit, 0% crit (19) Severa's VENGEANCE activates! Yarne takes 37 damage! (43/80) Yarne counters! 31x2 damage, 20% hit, 0% crit (75) (55, 47) Miss! (40) (43, 68) Yarne misses! Quint's turn. Quint Carmine Lucina 00/80 Lucina 00/80 Cynthia 80/80 Severa 80/80 Morgan 00/80 Morgan 00/80 Yarne 43/80 Noire 00/80 Noire 80/80 Yarne 00/80
  18. TURN 8 VS Yarne @Brave Axe attacks Noire @Brave Lance! 30x2 damage, 87% hit, 0% crit (80) Astra (94, 61) Noire takes 30 damage! (50/80) (1) Yarne's ASTRA activates! (24, 30) Noire takes 15 damage! (35/80) (75, 42) Noire takes 15 damage! (20/80) (17, 93) Noire takes 15 damage! (5/80) (85, 61) Noire falls. Carmine's turn. Quint Carmine Lucina 00/80 Lucina 00/80 Cynthia 80/80 Severa 80/80 Morgan 00/80 Morgan 00/80 Yarne 80/80 Noire 00/80 Noire 80/80 Yarne 00/80
  19. TURN 7 VS Noire @Brave Lance attacks Morgan @Yewfelle! 23x2 damage, 56% hit, 0% crit (21) Noire's LUNA activates! (6, 9) (40) Morgan's PAVISE pointlessly activates and he finally falls. Quint's turn. Quint Carmine Lucina 00/80 Lucina 00/80 Cynthia 80/80 Severa 80/80 Morgan 00/80 Morgan 00/80 Yarne 80/80 Noire 80/80 Noire 80/80 Yarne 00/80
  20. TURN 6 Boom headshot. Quint Carmine Lucina 00/80 Lucina 00/80 Cynthia 80/80 Severa 80/80 Morgan 03/80 Morgan 00/80 Yarne 80/80 Noire 80/80 Noire 80/80 Yarne 00/80 Carmine's turn.
  21. TURN 5 VS 25x2 damage, 24% hit, 0% crit (38) Aether (18) Lucina's LUNA activates! (79, 75) Miss! (53) (82) (82, 5) Miss! Morgan counters! 30 damage, 100% hit, 1% crit (55) Morgan's LUNA activates! (35) crit Lucina takes 44 damage! (36/80) Morgan doubles! (42) Morgan's LUNA activates! (94) crit (17) Lucina's MIRACLE activates! She takes 35 damage! (1/80) Quint's turn. Quint Carmine Lucina 00/80 Lucina 01/80 Cynthia 80/80 Severa 80/80 Morgan 03/80 Morgan 00/80 Yarne 80/80 Noire 80/80 Noire 80/80 Yarne 00/80
  22. TURN 4 VS Morgan @Yewfelle attacks Morgan @Brave Sword! 23x2 damage, 100% hit, 2% crit (54) (90) Crit Morgan's LUNA activates! Morgan falls. Carmine's turn. Quint Carmine Lucina 00/80 Lucina 80/80 Cynthia 80/80 Severa 80/80 Morgan 03/80 Morgan 00/80 Yarne 80/80 Noire 80/80 Noire 80/80 Yarne 00/80
  23. Submitted my team. It's going to either be somewhat functional or get steamrolled, one of the two!
  24. TURN 3 GALEFORCE VS Morgan @Brave Sword attacks Morgan @Ragnell! 20x2 damage, 87% hit, 0% crit Morgan's VENGEANCE always activates! (36, 56) (57) Pavise Morgan takes 20 damage! (13/80) Morgan's VENGEANCE always activates! (2, 96) (5) Morgan's PAVISE activates! He takes 10 damage! (3/80) Morgan counters! 21 damage, 72% hit, 0% crit (9) Morgan's LUNA activates! (24, 33) Morgan takes 39 damage! (41/80) Quint's turn. Quint Carmine Lucina 00/80 Lucina 80/80 Cynthia 80/80 Severa 80/80 Morgan 03/80 Morgan 41/80 Yarne 80/80 Noire 80/80 Noire 80/80 Yarne 00/80
  25. Nope, but she should have 43 hit, meaning all her attacks still miss. TURN 3 VS Morgan @Brave Sword attacks Lucina @Brave Sword! 18x2 damage, 100% hit, 0% crit Morgan's VENGEANCE always activates! (60) Pavise) Lucina takes 18 damage! (16/80) Morgan's VENGEANCE always activates! (95) Lucina falls! Morgan's GALEFORCE activates! She must most again! Quint Carmine Lucina 00/80 Lucina 80/80 Cynthia 80/80 Severa 80/80 Morgan 33/80 Morgan 80/80 Yarne 80/80 Noire 80/80 Noire 80/80 Yarne 00/80
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