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General Horace

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Everything posted by General Horace

  1. I didn't post the video to showcase that Lowen/Kent were better than Isadora (it's pretty clear that they are imo, but that's a different matter), I just posted it to show that the sages can be killed by pretty much anybody with greater than 10 speed and a decent weapon, so Isadora isn't alone here You even get Filla's might in the chapter before so some weaker dudes can snag some kills. Lowen was wayyyy ahead of his averages here (he was like +6/7 speed?) but at the same time, the average playthrough is probably taking around 20 turns longer by that point of the game, so he'll have more levels as a result. I'm not saying Isadora isn't capable of doing what you say she can (she definately can) but many many units can do the same. You have a brave axe, and a brave bow too, and while you could say its a waste of uses, when else are you ever going to use them? All i'm saying is Isadora isn't a fantastic unit. She's decent filler, nothing else past that. Have an extra unit slot? She can fill it and do alright.
  2. kishuna like, moves and makes it so almost all of the sages are out of the seal. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_tsqFVQv7s8&list=PLHhXqU1iGb01IHXQEsSD2CrHBLiqkQ-R-&index=31 I know not everyone plays LTC and gets rid of Kishuna early but his movements on the first few turns make it pretty clear that only one sage actually dies under the seal even if I played at a slower pace, and he'll always move where he did on turn 1 so the sage can use Bolting and the other one can use Sleep. He also leaves on turn 5 or something regardless. I know what I'm talking about. Having Kent/Lowen at 12/1 or whatever is pretty low (especially for Kent if we played Lyn mode) too. If we're playing ranked they're not promoting at level 12, if we're playing "efficiently" they're a much higher level due to eating more exp. Kent also has energy ring access and the like too (it's better on Florina yes, but the option exists) @banzai I can agree with what you're saying. If we're using Lowen somewhat seriously he might be able to use Marcus's Silver Lance anyway. He could in the above video, but he honestly probably had more WExp than could be considered normal since his stats were inflated, B Lance/C Sword is probably more reasonable, although I think he actually promoted around level 12 here, I forget.
  3. isadora can't use 1-2 range weapons well which really kills her usefulness she's not terrible but in ranked play you don't want to deploy her (at least until later on like I said in my previous post) because of her high base level, and one could even argue using the angelic robe (and body ring which she desperately wants to at least use Javelins) cost a bit of gold, but if you're smart the funds rank isn't a huge deal so I wouldn't really count that against her. I think she's a fine unit outside ranked play though. She's totally useless in LTC though, where growths and averages go out the window. She's overshadowed by the other mounts that join in her chapter too (she's probably about as useful as Rath, but vastly inferior to Heath). In comparison to Lowen though, he's definately better. Sure he's kinda shitty later on, but he's around and pretty useful for the harder chapters of the game, and both Lowen and Isadora are pretty bad when Cog rolls around too. She just kind wins during the stupid midgame defence chapters, and if you're using Lowen seriously he's probably better since their offence is gonna be roughly equal anyway. Sure she might double some things with javelins even with -5 AS, but she's not killing much with 13 strength at that point other than mages. Archers even probably escape being ORKO'd. EDIT: base heath can orko half of the sages because they all weigh themselves down so much, so I'm sure a trained sain has no issue.
  4. I haven't really been around a whole lot anyway, and continue to be pretty busy, so take your time!
  5. I actually find luck to be a very undervalued stat (in the games where it affects avoid anyway). A unit with low luck (like let's say Saul at 20/9 where he has 22 speed and 5 luck) vs a unit with comparable speed but higher luck (a 20/4 Clarine with 22 speed and 22 luck). If Saul's facing a 55% hitrate (~60% true hit), Clarine's facing 37% hit, or ~28% true hit, which is a HUGE difference. The evasive durability of high luck units is often overlooked quite a bit, especially when gba enemy hitrates tend to hover around 50-70 hit where there's a pretty big variation. Low% crits are pretty unlikely, but I think anyone who's played H5 has had Jeigan eat a few crits in the early chapters too. Skill isn't as good in my opinion. In the games where it seems to be good (FE4, FE6, etc) it's more the weapon that the high skill unit is using that's better, in both cases, its usually swords.
  6. TURN 15 VS Aversa @Forseti attacks Cordelia @Ephraim's Lance! 24 damage, 81% hit, 0% crit (57) Vengeance! (83, 7) Dandragon advances to the semifinals with a 1-0 win.
  7. in a hurry so its not very tidy TURN 14 CORDELIA FIGHT! VS CordeliaZ @Ephraim's Lance attacks CordeliaD @Balmung! 27 damage, 100% hit, 0% crit (40) Vengeance! Dan's Cordelia dies! Dan's turn. DANDRAGON ZEROSABERS MCQUEEN 00/80 DIANE DIMMADOME 00/80 PRIAM 00/80 YENFAY 00/80 CORDELIA 00/80 CHROM 00/80 WALHART 00/80 AVERSA 00/80 AVERSA 36/80 CORDELIA 24/80
  8. You only heal with it if you have it previously equipped. You don't heal with it if you switch weapons at the start of your turn.
  9. TURN 13 VS Dan's Cordelia @Balmung attacks zero's Cordelia @Brave Lance! 14 damage, 81% hit, 0% crit (36) Dan's Cordelia activates VENGEANCE! (98, 86) Cordelia misses! Cordelia counters! 19x2 damage, 90% hit, 0% crit (45) zero's Cordelia's VENGEANCE activates! (41, 82) dan's Cordelia takes 28 damage! (52/80) (88) (18, 74) dan's Cordelia takes 19 damage! (33/80) dan's Cordelia doubles! 14 damage, 81% hit, 0% crit (78) dan's Cordelia's VENGEANCE activates! (96, 0) zero's Cordelia takes 37 damage! (24/80) zero's turn. DANDRAGON ZEROSABERS MCQUEEN 00/80 DIANE DIMMADOME 00/80 PRIAM 00/80 YENFAY 00/80 CORDELIA 33/80 CHROM 00/80 WALHART 00/80 AVERSA 00/80 AVERSA 36/80 CORDELIA 24/80
  10. Lifetaker doesn't activate on the enemy phase, my bad. EDIT: Ninjas.
  11. Awesome, thanks. Espinosa hasn't submitted his team yet anyhow, but i'll pass you Jedi's.
  12. TURN 12 GALEFORCE VS zerosabers' Aversa @Superior Jolt attacks dandragon's Aversa @Forseti! 24 damage, 100% hit, 1% crit (6) zero's Aversa's VENGEANCE activates! (92) no crit dan's Aversa takes 44 damage! (36/80) dan's Aversa counters! 19 damage, 39% hit, 0% crit (10) dan's Aversa's VENGEANCE activates! (91, 0) Miss! she doubles! (56) dan's Aversa's VENGEANCE activates! (28, 49) zero's Aversa falls! Dan's turn. DANDRAGON ZEROSABERS MCQUEEN 00/80 DIANE DIMMADOME 00/80 PRIAM 00/80 YENFAY 00/80 CORDELIA 80/80 CHROM 00/80 WALHART 00/80 AVERSA 00/80 AVERSA 36/80 CORDELIA 61/80
  13. TURN 12 Cordelia's BOND heals Aversa by 10HP (16/80) Aversa's BOND heals Cordelia by 10HP (61/80) VS Aversa @Aversa's Night attacks Walhart @Balmung! 31 damage, 82% hit, 0% crit (76) Good thing she has a +skill mod Aversa's VENGEANCE activates! (44, 70) Walhart falls! Aversa heals 24 HP (40/80) Aversa's GALEFORCE activates! She must move again! DANDRAGON ZEROSABERS MCQUEEN 00/80 DIANE DIMMADOME 00/80 PRIAM 00/80 YENFAY 00/80 CORDELIA 80/80 CHROM 00/80 WALHART 00/80 AVERSA 40/80 AVERSA 80/80 CORDELIA 61/80
  14. I'm probably gonna need a hand hosting Espinosa vs Jedi, since i'm busy all day while Espinosa's awake tomorrow and Friday, then only avaliable for a little bit in the morning on Saturday, and I'm gone. Any takers?
  15. I think Espinosa announced that they both had it when Yen'fay was healed earlier. I've been just listing the top unit. Also sorry, got caught up in a very competitive game of CATAN. TURN 11 VS Cordelia @Brave Axe attacks Aversa @Aversa's Night! 15x2 damage, 100% hit, 0% crit (22) Cordelia's VENGEANCE activates! Aversa takes 15 damage (21/80) (3) Cordelia's VENGEANCE activates! Aversa takes 15 damage! (6/80) Aversa counters! 29 damage, 32% hit, 0% crit (47) Aversa's VENGEANCE activates! (63, 7) Aversa misses! zerosabers' turn. DANDRAGON ZEROSABERS MCQUEEN 00/80 DIANE DIMMADOME 00/80 PRIAM 00/80 YENFAY 00/80 CORDELIA 80/80 CHROM 00/80 WALHART 49/80 AVERSA 06/80 AVERSA 80/80 CORDELIA 51/80
  16. Yeah, they don't stack, it's allowed. I'll run the round after I make and eat dinner.
  17. TURN 10 Aversa's BOND heals Cordelia by 10HP (51/80) VS Aversa @Aversa's Night attacks Walhart @Balmung! 31 damage, 82% hit, 0% crit (47) Aversa's VENGEANCE activates! (52, 72) Walhart takes 31 damage! (49/80) Walhart counters! 24 damage, 86% hit, 0% crit (30) Walhart's LUNA activates! (43, 69) Aversa takes 44 damage! (36/80) Dan's turn. DANDRAGON ZEROSABERS MCQUEEN 00/80 DIANE DIMMADOME 00/80 PRIAM 00/80 YENFAY 00/80 CORDELIA 80/80 CHROM 00/80 WALHART 49/80 AVERSA 36/80 AVERSA 80/80 CORDELIA 51/80
  18. I think must have left my computer on with this tab open, someone might be using my computer at home so it keeps bumping me to active. I'm at a work function all day, so go for it
  19. I edited the bond healing in from last turn, I think Yen'fay should be dead
  20. No it's not. What if you just come out and attack Chrom and he has Balmung? Gangrel's just dead next turn.
  21. leaving a sorceror in vengeance range to blick an assassin with celica's or get a massive heal off a general or something doesn't seem particularly safe. He's not a bad unit, but I definately think he's maybe high b tier at best.
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