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General Horace

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Everything posted by General Horace

  1. I don't like Gangrel because if the Sorcerer has Forseti, he potentially gets nailed (Cordelia has Axebreaker, Tharja has Hit+20, Henry has lucky seven himself) and they all have Anathema to increase hit too. If he gets hit (vengeance or not) he's pretty easy to finish off with another unit because his defences are pretty horrible (both skillwise and statwise). So it's pretty risky for him to just go full out early on when his lucky 7 is actually active, and other units may avoid doubling since the +5 speed weapons are all pretty prevelant in the game. Lissa and Maribelle are pretty underwhelming units anyway. I just think he's really predictable.
  2. gangrel's horribly overrated imo he's very one dimensional and easy to handle. Chrom's also very one dimensional and is much harder to handle. Having a 76% Vengeance is pretty weak for the skill too.
  3. Team submitted. I won't be able to host as many games for a couple of days, then starting on August 1st i'm on holidays, so I won't really be able to host at all except maybe a round or two in the evenings. Also if you get any teams done tonight send 'em over my way, I'm around for a good chunk of tonight and can probably get some games started.
  4. He means Joey Wheeler, not any of us. There was a dude who was like I HAVE ESP but someone was just looking at Joey's cards and telling his opponent. I think that's what he's referring to anyway.
  5. Sumia's winrate is really good in the tournament, she might even be better than above Frederick. Winrate isn't everything though, Cordelia's winrate is probably pretty lowish just because she's been everywhere.
  6. TURN 6 Yen'fay gains 10HP from Cordelia's BOND! (46/80) VS Yen'fay @Brave Sword attacks McQueen @Brave Sword! 30x2 damage, 86% hit, 0% crit (41) (29, 97) McQueen takes 30 damage! (50/80) (1) Yen'fay's ASTRA activates! (77, 49) McQueen takes 15 damage! (35/80) (73, 51) McQueen takes 15 damage! (20/80) (30, 18) McQueen takes 15 damage! (5/80) (87, 14) McQueen falls! Dan's turn DANDRAGON ZEROSABERS MCQUEEN 00/80 DIANE DIMMADOME 00/80 PRIAM 80/80 YEN'FAY 46/80 CORDELIA 80/80 CHROM 00/80 WALHART 80/80 AVERSA 80/80 AVERSA 80/80 CORDELIA 80/80
  7. Cordelia attacks Sumia to start Waifu War 7483. gg Refa, the Chrom misses hurt a lot :(
  8. Tharja should have 44 HP. My whole PLAN was so not worth it, Refa didn't use any assassins :( What weapon did Gangrel have equipped initally? I wanted to kill him with THWOMP but i was scared of Helswath/Hector's Axe
  9. Alright, with regard to Bond/Renewal, the game lumps all healing together, my 44HP Maribelle just heals 23 HP when next to Eirika with Bond instead of two instances of 10 and 13, so I dunno how we want to handle this.
  10. TURN 12 VS 14x2 damage, 94% hit, 0% crit (36) (22, 68) Miriel takes 14 damage! (42/80) (52) (71, 24) Miriel takes 14 damage! (28/80) Miriel counters! 41 damage, 63% hit, 0% crit (79) (7, 92) Yen'fay improbably survives with 1HP! Yen'fay doubles! (93) (89, 80) Miriel takes 14 damage! (14/80) (47) (2, 50) Miriel falls! Darrman wins 3-0.
  11. Brave Lance Angel. If she has vantage it's still in my favour I think.
  12. TURN 11 VS Miriel @Book of Naga attacks Doga @Helswath! 24 damage, 36% hit, 0% crit (66) Miriel's VENGEANCE activates! (12, 75) Miriel misses! Doga counters! 24 damage, 100% hit, 0% crit (72) Miriel takes 24 damage! (56/80) Darrman's turn. Lopey Darrman Miriel 56/80 Doga 80/80 Chrom 00/80 Priam 80/80 Cordelia 00/80 Tharja 00/80 RobinM 00/80 Yen'fay 42/80 Walhart 00/80 Miriel 00/80
  13. TURN 5 VS McQueen @Brave Sword attacks Yen'fay @Brave Bow! 22x2 damage, 100% hit, 0% crit McQueen activates VENGEANCE twice and Yen'fay takes a total of 44 damage! (36/80) zerosabers' turn. DANDRAGON ZEROSABERS MCQUEEN 80/80 DIANE DIMMADOME 00/80 PRIAM 80/80 YEN'FAY 36/80 CORDELIA 80/80 CHROM 00/80 WALHART 80/80 AVERSA 80/80 AVERSA 80/80 CORDELIA 80/80
  14. TURN 4 VS Yen'fay @Brave Bow attacks McQueen @Brave Sword! 30x2 damage, 21% hit, 0% crit (95) (35, 41) Yen'fay misses! (43) (24, 88) Yen'fay misses! Dan's turn. DANDRAGON ZEROSABERS MCQUEEN 80/80 DIANE DIMMADOME 00/80 PRIAM 80/80 YEN'FAY 80/80 CORDELIA 80/80 CHROM 00/80 WALHART 80/80 AVERSA 80/80 AVERSA 80/80 CORDELIA 80/80
  15. TURN 3 GALEFORCE VS Aversa @Forseti attacks Diane Dimmadome @Brave Sword! 33 damage, 68% hit, 0% crit (0) Aversa's VENGEANCE activates! (41, 19) Diane Dimmadome explodes! Aversa heals to full health with LIFETAKER. zerosabers turn. DANDRAGON ZEROSABERS MCQUEEN 80/80 DIANE DIMMADOME 00/80 PRIAM 80/80 YEN'FAY 80/80 CORDELIA 80/80 CHROM 00/80 WALHART 80/80 AVERSA 80/80 AVERSA 80/80 CORDELIA 80/80
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