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Everything posted by Spellsion

  1. Okay, but after a couple of tries Im just going to throw in the towel for today. Thank you for all the help and tips.
  2. Im going through an another attempt at this. So far I beat all the enemies behind Alm and go to the point where there is Jedah and a 8 Mogalls surrounding him. I have no more turnwheel as I was dumb and did not recharge it at the nearest Mila statue. I think all I need is a way to kill Jedah and I think I can beat it. Any tips? I would I also metion that this is a hard/classic playthrough.
  3. Okay I'm in act 5 and fighting Duma right now. The problem I'm facing is Duma constantly killing my units or using the earthquake move to damage them enough to be killed of by any units. My Titiana is only level 2 and so she doesnt have fortify to heal up the damage received. Right now I stabbed myself in the foot by saving in the prep screen with no ways to return unless I want to restart my entire playthrough. Any help will be appreciated.
  4. I would like to say that now, he made a pretty big mistake. He turned his avatar into a kinshi knight, That alone aint a bad thing but he's still trying to solo with the avatar only. He keeps struggeling with his only good proficences is the bow with horrible rank e proficencies for spear. I really want to help him out. So any other tips you guys can say.
  5. This is a repeat topic can an admin delete this one.
  6. So my friend decided to start playing fire emblem, with his choice of start is birthright. Im glad that he is playing the game and enjoying it, but he constantly skipping important mechanic(not ranking up support, only leveling up his avatar, etc.) I first told him to look at the instruction you can see but he keeps on leaving it aside and constantly ask me the same question on basic mechanic the game already explained. So is there anything I can do to have him actually get through his thick skull about the mechanic of this game, or should I just wait for the inevitable where he will get stuck on a level and gets fustarted and slowly losing intrest in the game.
  7. So my friend decided to start playing fire emblem, with his choice of start is birthright. Im glad that he is playing the game and enjoying it, but he constantly skipping important mechanic(not ranking up support, only leveling up his avatar, etc.) I first told him to look at the instruction you can see but he keeps on leaving it aside and constantly ask me the same question on basic mechanic the game already explained. So is there anything I can do to have him actually get through his thick skull about the mechanic of this game, or should I just wait for the inevitable where he will get stuck on a level and gets fustarted and slowly losing intrest in the game.
  8. Well the thing about re rolling is that I've already connected my nintendo account to it and I dont want to lose the opportunity for 10 free orbs
  9. Not that I'm saying its bad to have 5* but the fact that it feels like I'm the only one with 5* is kinda painful. Anybody else wants to join me?
  10. I chose Ninian, I'm just curious how they would import a dancer class.
  11. I manage to see the direct and I got to say the remake for Fire emblem echos seems really fun and intresting. It's great that I can try out the game and not having to use an emulator.
  12. Is this from the Direct, can anybody tell more detail, I cant watch the stream.
  13. I think I have a gist to tackle the older FE games. Thank you to those who answered my questions.
  14. This is a bit unrelated topic, but I don't want to spam the forum so I want to ask. When should I promote my unit. In the 3ds FE games, I usually wait till their lv 20 twenty before promoting, but in the older ones is it better to upgrade early, late, or around the middle.
  15. In my mind, I hate to leave a character behind and never use them again, but with the older fire emblem I can't grind all character to use them all. So I was wondering what is a good balance of classes in a team? (Sorry if it sounds confusing, I really don't know how to ask.)
  16. School or Games, what to pick?

  17. Hello Marcella, Thank you for answering our questions, my question is that which family would you fight for as Corrin, and how do you stay confident as a voice actress when voicing character. If you already answer these question then you don't need to answer it. Thank you in advance
  18. Thank you to all who gave me tips.
  19. Yep thats the chapter, but as I notice that I have a hard time defeating the chapter, do you think my unit's levels are going to be suffice enough for the next chapter?
  20. I've been stuck in this chapter for months now and I can't seem to pass it at all because one of my unit always dies. All of my units are level 9-10 and I'm playing on Hard classic. Can anyone tell me atleast tips to pass this Chapter
  21. Okay I think I got the gist of it. Thanks to who relpyed
  22. Friend code: 2122-7957-7297 My Castle Code: 13795-43762-12958-46570 Chosen affinity: Hoshido Avatar Name: Matthew Castle Name:Ft. Matthew Region:NA Food Resource:Daikon Mineral Resource:Coral Battle Level:Easy Additional Notes: Only at chapter 11 so I dont have anything special. I hope you enjoy my very limited Castle! PM me if you want me to add you with the friend code
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