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Everything posted by Fenrir

  1. I guess it is my turn now? I'm going with Janaff
  2. oh come on narga, you don't like anyone?? not even like Naesala? Or at least Oliver?? ...ahem...It's supposed to be like tier list of characters, but in terms of plot Who thought anything could be more opinionated than FE10 tier list??
  3. ohhh, shit. not really what i meatn to come out of that, more like...When Ike found out BK was still alive i'm pretty sure, at least from what he tells zelgius and from what Elincia tells him at end of P2 that it was like someone told you, your uncle(who had some dark secret about how to do something awesomely that no one else could do) who killed your father, whom you thought to be dead, was actually still alive. Obviously under these circumstances you would feel mixed emotions, mad because you wanted that man dead, but sort of happy because you could learn his secret. Another reason Ike is not as mad about BK in tower is the fact he knows that BK is Zelgius, who is sort of friends with Ike. Imagine if your friend killed your dad, you were still friends with him but it happened 3 years ago. what would you do?
  4. This is true to an extent, i think Ike was somewhat shocked, he admits to the BK in 4-E-2 that he felt odd emotions when he found out from Elincia that BK still lived
  5. It's mainly that Ike feels like his Revenge was achieved in PoR, in RD he wants to fight someone he doesn't KO immidiantly. So Ike wants to fight BK again because he furthermore wants to train his sword, Zelgius is the only person who can offer this up as a challenge.
  6. Lehran is pretty cool soul id say. Major points for balls. Ike wanted revenge in PoR, he somewhat acheived his goals, after realising no one could dare oppose him he wanted to fight a swordsman like BK, thus he was happy he survived. Levail is probably bryce's son.
  7. pretty long vacation. What happens if soul gets back and no one posts on this topic, making it out of the first page, that would mean he'd be necroing, but it would be ahnoying if he had to make a new topic or just not finish the playthrough. So is there any exceptions to rules?
  8. Stefan and soren eh? i'd probably go with Ranulf and Boyd as 4 and 5
  9. Zelgius is definitly up there for me, my top three, in no order cause they are all awesome is, Ike, Tibarn And Zelgius. 3 most badass characters in game.
  10. Nolan? He does pretty well in P3, Jill is also pretty good.
  11. Well, your mostly right, at least i'd say cause miccy sucks. Her speed is garbage, nuff said. Sothe, yeah his caps suck, and Sanaki, isn't around long enough so your opinions are not really opinions...
  12. eeh, but this is what you sign up for, right?
  13. lol, i was going to pick haar/volug/Nolan...=[
  14. welcome to SF, hope you have a fun time on here :D

  15. aah, we always have like 3 people pick and then hit a bump =/
  16. Jill for me. slayer you really like defense...
  17. Fenrir


    Welcome to SF, be sure to post lots and lots of topics. =]
  18. Ima take Mia. Pick, make my night interesting XD ...that was somewhat of a hard choice for me...
  19. I'll give you my fourth pick for Haar!! *wink* *wink*
  20. Wow, I'm in the middle =P HAAR FOR FIRST OH MY GOD lol...the originality is stunning, jk jk you'd be dumb not to
  21. We have Miccy and possibly Elincia. Nm Em, same thing pretty much.
  22. 1-P isn't to bad with only miccy and ed as meatshield. I would prefer 7 people for ability to field full endgame team. When will we start drafting?
  23. This is b/c it was EM, doesn't seem as weird if you think about it...
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