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Everything posted by Fenrir

  1. ROFL, i would've chosen the same course of action
  2. I heard, and im pretty sure its true, that Paul just picks the team with more red in there flag... I had a feeling dutch would lose, huge losing streak going into tournament, reminded me of Butler, i actually thought dutch would make championship and lose when i heard that, weird isn;t it??
  3. I just got an idea, what if we put resolve mordecai and regular mordy in different spots, unless it is unanimously agreed Mordy should always get resolve.
  4. Titan loves a Pocket support, Rhys could also work as a replacement, and since Titan can Struggle with Hit% fire is nice. With Rhys in play, i don't think Mist is necessary, but it is something that she is nice to have for. Wasn't it proven also that Boyd ORKO's P4 Armours, this is something he can do, combined with access to hammer, everyone gets cake but really, you have 2 and haar doesn't really need it, might as well go to Titan/Boyd.
  5. Macs for bottom indeed Boyd can drop to mid, i think he is better than Aran, his chip damage is actually meaningfull He is about as useful as Mist IMO.
  6. Sounds good to me, I know Ed can go in mid. I did a comparison to him to the other people in bottom of mid tier and he measures up fine.
  7. So you're saying Ed > Aran, i agree. Where does edward go? if he is indeed better than Aran? Also, where does aran go?
  8. I think Lyre should go to fail tier, and aran to mid. next time i get on i wanna see more posts :)
  10. PEMN, I have also had a screwed neph, 16 str at level 11, it happens, She has the same Str as Aran's speed, so if neph's str can get screwed that bad, so can aran's speed.
  11. Laura and micaiah are the only first tiers to start at level one, oddly enough, both female and they are the only P1 healers O_o
  12. Ike only needs the speedwing if he's screwed also, 26 speed at the end of his tier is pretty nice, but a speedwing wouldn't hurt. Just throwing this out there, my lastest Ike had 28 spd at 3-13 and i still killed him with ed/zihark. =]
  13. ...Did you really just say this? Haven't you argued for Astrid before? 14 chip damage and 9 move is > w/e Soren does, w/e and uncrowned Gatrie does, and possibly, just possibly better than Titan because Titan gets speed wing, Kyza could get this, no why in hell i'd ever give it to him, but he'd be nice on 3-4. Kyza also has access to later part of stage, which Titan does not. As for enemies above on the cliff, we have pass for this.
  14. It seems as if everyone aside from kirsche is for Gatrie being lowered, and kirsche's arugement has it's share of flaws...
  15. Tits gets the speedwing, it would be a total waste on Gatrie. Haar gains more speed, similar to what Gatrie gains. Haar can transport people better with celerity, and reach places even better, Gatrie can keep up with the pack. On 4-4, did you notice Titan can take out the enemies who are not up the platoform, she is one of the best units at it, added with the fact she is somewhat forced to.
  16. err...why do i need to focus more on tier issues than you? When i asked this question last night the main answer was no, Gatrie as the king of upper-mid? I'm perfectly fine with this. Titan doubles 2 extra enemies, and has access to a speedwing! big whoop indeed. 3-4 he is strealing crown from Titan/Haar as well as stealing a celerity from tits/haar/reyson. In 4-1 Gatrie may do well, what about 4-4? We've got one of the tougher maps in the game, which titan handles nicely, and your talking about 4-1? I am in P4 of a PT i used Gatrie, he can co-exist with Haar on a lightly used GM team, Gatrie/Haar/Mia/Ike, with a lil bit of shinnon, but he is taking away from haar's game, taking his celerity and/or crown.
  17. Ok, so according to at least one person(there are plenty more, but dondon is good strategist, and replied first)Gatrie doesn't make best use of celerity, I know there are people who don't think he makes best use of crown, couple these together and it's rare that someone would want to give Gatrie Crown+Celerity. Below Shinnon sounds good to me... EDIT: there are 5555 replies :o
  18. quite firmly indeed my good sir. Cain can make it to mid off of just endgame, and Shinnon is possibly the best beorc candidate for endgame, by far in my book. Should not Shinnon, one of the better GMs without this awesometastic endgame would be...top of upper mid? without endgame, however with it he should beat gatrie, for all reasons stated by GJ. The biggest question for Gatrie IMO is does he get celerity and the crown, if not he is awful, but with it he's good. What i'd like to know is, who do people usually give celerity to? Gj mentions Haar, tits and reyson on his item guide, I'm assuming we'd give it to one of them or Gatrie, who makes better use of it? EDIT: @ dondon, boyd can also pick up the hammer, just another person to put it to good use, Titan might need to go KO another unit and Boyd couldn't do it, so he can pick up a hammer and get smakin.
  19. I like the thought of Gatrie just above shinnon, i definitly think the Hawks are better, Nolan is better, neph(t) is better and i like zihark more I don't know if other people do though... Somebody said that Haar/Titan want crown more than Gatrie, but is this entirely true? Haar doesn't NEED to be promoted until 3-7, we can steal crown from zihark and just not use him to majorly here, it IS a survive so he's not helping turns... The reason he doesn't though, is because of 3-5 being almost all horses armours and mages and Haar wants crown mostly for speed boost. Titan i have a little amount of experiance in using her so i would need someone to explain to me when she wants crown.(but she does only start 4-5 lvls off promotion)
  20. this response was thought up when i last posted. In all seirusness it was though. The tier list debate is boring me(you and GJ posted walls and walls and walls, and i did not get the point, look what you've reduced me to D:), so i'm enjoying my self in this debate...NO TOOTHBRUSH!! ILYANA SUCKS SACK!!!
  21. I think Jannaff, because he starts with higher strength so it gives him ability to ORKO almost anything, Ulki puts it to nice use, but it makes him the same as jannaff in terms of MT, which is not consistant ORKO's. however, Tear on either one makes energy drop unnecessary.
  22. Same goes for you. What i was actually saying was that it was just ironic that you would say, "i dont remember anything like this" i was trying to humiliate no one, why don'y you post something helpful to the conversation please. @-Cynthia- While what you say is true, the same applies for Gatrie, is he really that helpful for endgame? no, the hawks proably beat him. The real question is, is 3-P though 3-5 for Gatrie make up the difference compared to the hawks' 3-7 through 3-E and their P4.
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