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Everything posted by Fenrir

  1. 70% is quite alot, and nolan and jill are better than aran at liek everything.
  2. vantage + B support + seraph robe makes him 3HKO'd by anything but the strongest of tigers, Vantage activates tons and B support makes enemies miss him enough, unless my Zihark is somehow incredibly blessed he's not that bad. he had beastfoe, and was open to two sides of attacks, my first try of that map Sothe died wit 9 enemies to go, next time i completed it flawlessly, miccy stood in corner, ed to her right, sothe above her and Zihark standing above ed and to sothe's right. simple stuff, no durablity problems IMO. eddy is hate-able but SMs are pretty nice, Mia owns everything at like all times, forge + adept and she ORKO's most things. Zihark is ok, requires much resources is his problem.
  3. that's perfectly fine. but i don't understand your reasoning, what GMs do you use? shinnon, mia, and neph are 3 of the best GMs, and iirc you don't use Gatrie, P3 provides a lot of exp so why not use a numerous amount of mercs? i have actually successfully trained 8 including Ike.
  4. That's an interesting point, but zihark is never not durable, partially because he's an earth. but zihark overall is awesome, i was never to high on him until my current PT where he is owning everything, if zihark had a bit more def, he might actually be > volug. Does anybody else think SMs are truly amazing? mia/ed/zihark are some of my favorite characters, on my current PT I'm actually gonna use...lucia XP
  5. bronze/iron weapons mean nothing. Nolan has a great advantage in tarvos and you just flushed it down the toilet, it takes away from his good-ness as a character
  6. 4-P is a shining moment with everyone, i had aran solo over half of it one PT then neph the next.(basically they just stood in range of horses) you don't like the legs?? XP Arans personality < danved or neph's he has like 2 convo's the entire game, and both with laura. Aran is by far the worst out of himself, eddy and nolan. That isn't even an arguement, Aran can't double(outside of armours/mages/loladins) Nolan and eddy can. Nolan is better in almost every way then aran. Eddy, it's just offense Vs defense in the biggest FE10 way.
  7. it was hacked...did you know the word gullable is not in the dictionary?
  8. you made me lol, ^.^ i dont't get how they see an ugly green color as attractive, but i'm not one to judge a man's looks. at least you know the character sucks without bexp
  9. The entire problem with your idea... every other affinity aside from earth gets bettter, while water now sucks. Earth is still good, just not totally dominating everything. two water people still give the same bonuses as they actually do interestingly enough. I don't think affinities are a problem, characters with earth(except ike) usually have a character of the same class that would have a big lead on them without the affinity, Fiona would suck scrotum all day AND all night, instead of just all day. Zihark has jill/eddy to compete with and this is his biggest edge on them. Volug isn't great lategame so this gives you a reason to keep him around. Tanith beats sigrun even worse, but is comparable to marcia with earth. Oscar, aside from tirangles, has a spot he's clearly better than titan. Nolan...why does he have earth? Lucia, same as Fiona. Ena...makes you realise units don't have to be good at combat or healing to be helpful. Renning, similar to fiona/lucia, but he doesn't have time to build support so the game was like, well let's add one more, how about renning? ok he is AWESOME, and he can always build support...-.-
  10. bold, what are you saying, use a forge for sanaki who has 100hit and more damage with cymbaline, Why are we buying a forge?
  11. it's "useful" but i'd take my +3 attack from water +fire/dark, 6 more attack overall or 4 with just water/fire/dark, and this tier has water at bottom, how ignorant can you be? attack and defense are always reliable, 3 attacks in a round gives you 6 more total hp, meaning you might survive the next turn(or even this turn) becuase 3 attacks all hitting 2 turns in a row is 12 hp, thats worth something, heaven? i'll spend extra money on my forge, i don't want a frikin heaven affinity, wind is just as bad, except when paired with another +7.5 it does something. here's how i rank them, God tier Earth High Fire Water Dark Mid thunder Low Light Friggin sucks Heaven Wind
  12. no you didn't =[ i've done the same, but i eventually decided i didn't care. its not just 4-E its all of P4, for rafiel at least.
  13. is this a joke? wind and heaven at high?
  14. bold, this is a HM tier list, your point being??? his durability is lacking sure, he's 2RKO'd throughout part 1, but he does alot of ORKOing himself. the main thing is what slowking said with ed. hehe, the first part made me laugh. Ed is however lucky you get, but you could fix this with favoritism you might not want too, but people like jill are only 6 levels away and come in later in part 1, edward can get favored early and they still be effective come P3. underlined, Aran is trained for 3-6, 3-12 and 3-13 correct? while Marcia is a surefire contributer on 2-3, she can pick up a steel great lance or horseslayer. Marcia also is nice on 3-9, chip damage and if she gets a little speed/strength blessed, she might come close to ORKOing a couple enemies(not to mention she can do well on P4 with utility, aran? falls off a cliff. She triangles for endgame). I've applied a similar point with Brom, he helps out on 2-1 and 2-2, 2-1 is an extremely hard stage to do in few stages, and guess what? Brom is your tank there, and it might be impossible to do stage w/o him unless you have neph(t-str, spd, skill, def, hp, and rng blessing) so basically he is NEEDED while aran is never absolutely needed, and many players like myself do not want to see his lance on 3-6/3-12/3-13, I'd rather see tarvos or caladbolg. Gj made good points to about ed not really losing anything when LEA and zihark/jill/Big T show up because ed can ORKO so they help him because now he has more protection while Aran has more...reason not to use him.
  15. I agree. also, why does every arguement somehow end up back with something to do with the bottom tier? I think eddy should be higher in the tier list.
  16. lol 4-3 stefan is useless, the most enemies he's ever killed is like 2, Lucia is better than him in P4. Volke is better, but as you said virtually useless. you do realise you just contridicted yourself. I think your saying astrid/meg/fiona are > oliver, but fiona/meg/astrid < renning/stefan/volke(you said, "At least they are decent back up and offer combat and durability which is much appreciated during endgame." implying that "they" are volke/renning/stefan, and that "they" are better than oliver) but, all 4 of these characters must be on the same tier for reasons stated by nflchamp. Or am i totally missing the point?
  17. in KOTR i call canderous candy, cause you meet him at a club and it makes me lol.
  18. Fenrir


    Since most of the games on this forum are nintendo, i thought i'd spice it up a bit! Spawn tubing for nukes is ftw?
  19. oh yes, i forgot the DB is basically always free deployment. So i guess i can agree with that. Also, how is it not off topic to talk about someone's inept grammer? i was told by speedwagon to Pm people about this kind of stuff, a complaint about someone, comment on their pic/sig, anything like that.
  20. your not to be taken seiriusly with all of this off topic BS. @queen elincia, if miccy is your pre-destined healer, i have pre-destined units to deal with P3, Nolan, in your current PT you saw how good he is. Jill, one of the only units who can kill Ike on 3-13. Aran, can take attacks well. Eddy and Zihark, well they're at least better than Fiona. Lastly, Tauroneo. with all of these people i dont want fiona hitting untransformed laguz, they hurt exp making it harder on your units late-game and possibly harder to KO ike. And Fiona will probably be ORKO'd, just like she is on her first stage.
  21. yeah haha, light is probly weirder b/c of that. Ulki has more feminane stats than jannaff, typically females in FE10 have more speed, skill and res while males have more str and def. Ulki also wears something that looks like a kilt O_o
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