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Everything posted by Fenrir

  1. the 5% def growths and 40% luck make all the difference :D
  2. single weapons are awesome, i love sword masters and warriors, and i like neph a lot.
  3. I wouldn't "count" it, because he can use it on occasion, whereas ranulf/ulki can never use their satori signs. Also, someone's probably said this but, the Black Knight is the only useable character that is not available for endgame unless you hack.
  4. Vauge katti in 4-4 is nice for Mia or whatever swordsman you may bring, For generals and whatnot.
  5. Pelleas' miracle is actually good if someone has 5 skill left, since it's harder to die with it. You mentioned SS weapons, if you ever have time, id say it would be worth a post
  6. I would crown haar, but like int said, he's gonna suffer from poor strength, I would still consider it, it will help P3 but will hurt P4, whatever you think is better.
  7. bold is a major difference, aran unless speedwing'd and bexp'd cant do shit in P4, so i think neph has major advantage.
  8. It is possible to fix that using intercepter's method, but there's still a problem with that. but, the hawk will canto away, and it will move out of your range, canto behind tigers etc. therefore you must use the ballista,
  9. I swear to god, everyone that i used besides miciah and a sealed nolan, who hardly helped, was at base level, sothe volug and taureneo. I did not have Laura or Zihark, both dead, i still beat 3-13, Tauroneo guards one side in front of bastilla, and the other is guarded by sothe/Volug, you have nolan and sothe or volug( whoever isn't defending) standing behind your main defenders, and they rescue the 3-13 archerS, and when a hawk comes close, drop in the archer on ballista and bam they die. If this is what your asking for, i was just really proud of myself for doing it.
  10. well, currently i'm out of town so i can't do anything, but i'll tell you when i get home.

  11. There is no babying with aran at all, all the bexp it takes to get him, good none of that is sandbagging or babying. and yes, nephenee does have good stages, 2-1 it's hard to deny she's good because without her you have to solo stage with brom, by mid part 3 if your using her(which is easier than using aran) she's doing a real nice job, 3-5 is where she starts getting good. Aran on the other hand is he ever better than Nolan? and when you can have nolan/volug deal with most of part 3 why is aran so helpful? jill is more helpful as well.
  12. You were trying to solo the map with ike? otherwise he was down on damage, i won't believe ike died. If your using ilyana just keep it on her, ike won't need it unless you don't want him getting as much exp.
  13. So, even if all this is true, which it isn't imo, aran has two good stages? that is not better than neph.
  14. i guess eddy has 1-p and 1-1 where he can do something. but i dunno, rolf may deserve higher than ed It sure does, and its the only stage that does favor him.
  15. Bexp haar, if he gets speed crown him, if not crown Titan or gatrie, if you dont like gatrie's movement use titan, if your fine with gatrie's movement use gatre, simple as that.
  16. Rolf isn't good immediately, he becomes good mid part 3, most likely when you crown him, and the similarity is that there is better people on the teams but they can pay off well, even rolf with transfer is not as good as shinnon, but it apparently didn't make any sense to anyone, that's why i compared him to aran. ed is > rolf(n)? yeah, it's the best idea i can think of, the more i think about it the more i realise that it makes sense it seems odd, but i don't know of a better way. You just realised this? =p
  17. I know all of this, you failed to realise i said he be good in P4 not P1 since he is not hitting 3rd tier in P1(but hed be good if he did.)and i am also not saying he's easy to train or close to being a good unit rolf is better, I was using him as an analagy, but most likely a bad one since everyone took as, OMFG eddy is better than rolf, please thats not what i was saying. Imagine i'm saying this in a calm sothing voice, and i'm being overall calm and stuff. (if thats even posible for me)
  18. But(get this)eddy would also be great if he didn't get attacked on enemy phase, and he's still get once he hits 3rd tier(look at his growths) So, all in all i don't think it's the best way, but it's a pretty sticky topic, (and like narga was saying, you'd have to do a weird calculation, so IMO transfers can screw up tiers, thats why i like Non transfer tier more.) Because if your saying rolf(t) does something it is hard to justify it over a non-transfer character who is eligible. but i still think heather is better! and quite frankly, i think shinnon has everything to do with heather being > rolf(t) because if there was a super awesome theif availible in P3(like if volke had his bases and steal skill) Heather wuold be seeing the bench more often. But of course your probly wondering, that's for a thief so it's different, i think there are better characters on GM than rolf aside from sihnnon, Titan, haar, Gatrie can be if crowned, mia, nephenee, and depending on how RNG treats you the other 2 brothers. But all of those characters are chosen subjectivly, not to mention the hawks + ranulf that beat rolf. Thats alot of units higher than rolf, and heather is going on the field because of a unique ability that none of the others have. Making her possibly superior
  19. The hit is irrelevent to Ike, and i'd rather have an extra critical forge that has + might. Another question i have is, why does heather get credit for stealing but someone like Ilyana not get credit for transfering items, it's a somewhat similar scenario, involving character worth by items, i know that energy drop on 3-5 is not gonna ever reach your team, but selling an asherea icon with GMs is better than selling with DB because of forges(extra mt like an energy drop)for General motors
  20. yeah i wouldn't ever bother with iron greatlance/poleaxe even for neph past P2, for reasons stated by narga. And who exactly makes these decisions of Ilyana not getting more credit? just a questoin...
  21. bold, obviously i was wrong, in the fact you can use rolf past 3-1 but i was assuming he would slow you down past there, i don't think a Rolf(t) would but compared to other transfered units he does, and i had no idea about this rule of, "the only transfer unit on your team" rule, which i still don't get the point of. Yeah edward is extremely hard to train(i threw items at him but just got frustrated and gave up)that was probably a bad comparison but he's the first that comes to mind when i think of "bad now good later". I think Aran is better, there is someone in his class who is largely regarded as better(some say aran is better, and some say rolf is better but most side with neph and shinnon) he's hard to train, does good after reaching tier 2, but then neph is much better in the endgame. Does that make more since? I don't get the point of that, rolf is better for 3-4, ettard is worse than a steel blade or forge, so why bother with ettard? when rolf is proven to be better in combat?
  22. bold, thats total bullshit, that's like comparing a level 20 character to a level one character, or a guy using wishblade to a guy using short spear, it's not even close to practical. as for the rest, i don't think anyone is getting what i'm trying to say about shinnon, he rarely has to heal, so that puts him at a bit(just a tiny bit) better advantage than rolf) You, once again missed the point, Rolf is hard and ahnoying to use, i feel the same way about eddy or leo, so let's use them. the bexp isn't worth much but it's something, enough to top a character.(IMO better than wasting your time on rolfs ass)
  23. Bold was in an earlier post, if i were you i'd actually look at what people are saying before jumping into an arguement. I understand what your saying about shinnon, it was different from my point of view on it, Rolf requires more healing if he is attacked and is ahnoying to watch out for, shinnon just goes out there and doesn't get hit after a few levels. 4-4? i do not understand, you can have a ton of chest keys, and on 4-3 its at least an idea, that could help out at times. Bold made me lol, To get rolf to higher levels is dumb and a pain in the ass, i used rolf on NM which is about same as HM with transfer(correct me if im wrong) He was a pain in the ass, you have to feed kills to him and all this other shit, Rolf would be great on another team, but GMs make him look stupid.(apparently like i make myself O_O)Mainly however it cuts effeciancy, Mia neph and others are much better, and could you explain how if you took the time to get a rolf transfer it would be the only one out of any of the General Motors? rolf does alot more than chipping. i get the point, but if we used characters like this in effeciant hard mode runs i'd use eddy every time. So lets move eddy up a few tiers aswell. on 3-3 you can steal stuff from senators and get more bexp, IMO better than rolf.
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