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Everything posted by Fenrir

  1. First off, you took my post completely out of context, i should feel humiliated? i was saying that rolf does 5-6 damage on armours in 3-P why dont YOU go look at enemy stats, and that is based on a SPEED and STRENGTH transfer.(hint: Rolf sucks against armors, the units that are the hardest for other people to take down and he is for sure chipping at this point. cavs can be ORKO by many units.) Also, you don't think rolf should be attacked on enemy phase? your going out of your way to protect this guy? that hurts efficiency, and if you think shinnon could be put in MID?? your kidding right? Shinnon rapes any enemy in the face, and has good availability, and off the argument rolf isn't held back by no player phase, I'll put shinnon On TOP TIER. 4-4? I won't criticize you for dyslexia. As for the underline, let me ask a question to everyone who is better for an efficient playthrough? the 2nd best bowman with lacking def because he got quick crowned(and it sucks anyways) or the Best paladin who has alright defense, and can actually counter people? Titan(N) >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Rolf(T) one speed less for titan is bad, and even without speedwing if you gave her transfer, which makes the comparison fair, she'll be one down on speed but two up in strength, for part 3 and 4 i'm taking enough speed to double and two more strength + axes.(and of course counter attacks) So i totally congratulate you on humiliating me by taking my posts out of contexts and saying rolf is better than titan and shinnon, but it's not like he needs a shitload of work and doesn't pay off as much.
  2. Has anyone taken into account that heather steals an energy drop and draco shield, either a lot of money or adds to people's weak spots, and who has a weakness of def and str? well heather could fall under that category and these items make her or her team better, rolf helps with the mighty 5-6 damage an energy drops adds 4 damage to heather or mia's total attack(2 attacks with 2 higher might) so shouldn't heather get some credit for this?(not to mention it can help janaff, ulki, and ranulf ORKO more enemies. I fail to see where rolf is helpful anywhere past 3-1 and i see heather stealing all kinds of stuff Also, Queen Elincia said she steals vulneries, if an enemy has been hit down to like 10hp and you have rolf OR heather out there rolf hit his 9 or w/e heather can hit like double 3s yes but if he has a vulnery she can steal it and make it easier kill for someone else on the next turn. another thing it does, while one is only worth 400 gold if you steal a couple and a jav or something she starts actually making you money for your forges. heather is an interesting character with nice utility, rolf gets his mossy head ripped off and can't do anything about it on enemy phase. EDIT: what about 4-3? you have sothe but with heather you can get all of the treasure much faster, which leads to better efficiency.
  3. Yes, there is other competition, nephenee, Mia and the hawks probably are your best arguements. 6 damage isn't much, rhys does more to armours, he hits like 15, so even the one rolf doubles(23 mage + w/e ellight is, on 12 res) rhys does more to. Armor guys are the ones who need most chip damage too, so rhys is better offensively unless you count the ballista, but for 3-1 rhys wins. So let's move up rhys on this arguement of chip damage.
  4. 29 attack is a single 6, which is not very much it's 5-6 damage on 23-24 def generals, and on the HM enemy stats, two of the three generals have 18 AS so rolf isn't doubling, i would classify 6 damage as bad. because there is no energy drop heather gets for ulki on 3-5 is there. that's a dumb statement, without heather you have ulki getting energy drop but with her she can get one and have improved combat. So if the arguement is uki I'd give it to heather and ulki still gets one.
  5. it's not really impressive at all to beat RD on HM but it is fun to see what other people do and show others what you do, and to see how many turns you beat it in. yeah that miciah does have nice speed. gets one more every battle.
  6. 8 turned all of them XP and sounds like you should have 6-7 turned some, like you said you were at 1hp left on enemies. sounds like your doing fine though. ;) And, just for the fun of it... 1st!!!!!!!11111oneoneoneelevenonhunderedelven
  7. im not one of the random guys with soren in there name
  8. you'd be crazy if you didn't lol. i liked the one where ike was like mia whats the probelm? HERPES. lmao
  9. i thought it was a set number like -3 so the more levels you got the less important it becomes, wild heart is awful on anyone except P1 volug. While demi band was pretty awesome on everyone especially muarim
  10. Burger king is better than Big T im quite clever for coming up with a fastfood like compaison =p
  11. he is usable if seal'd but i'd throw some bexp at him and/or jill, probably jill b/c of nolan getting tarvos + beastfoe vantage, and you asked about paragon? jill for sure wants it.
  12. except demi band was much better, because it didn't effect all stats and took away less.
  13. Yes, i hate to be to critical but this is probably the result of training ilyana, and jill isn't to high, she'll need bexp before 3-6, and if you don't bexp jill, you'll get nothing out of a chapter that gives you so much exp.
  14. i would do that for sure, it wouldn't even need to replace the current guide, just a thing to the side called "character guide". i can get working on it tonight =]
  15. that was a funny topic, Mjw/ehisnameis really made a good solid guide though(sarcasm)Is there any way i can re-write the character guide section? im on vacation and have a lot of free time atm. unless anybody thinks that guy has a nice guide...
  16. Ahh i forgot about that in japanese, but again, can this guide be edited?
  17. The walk through of FE10 on serenes forest, on same page you find growths and stuff isn't that great and i've found some awesome advice from various people who seem to reall know what they're talking about. but the character guide is just sad, because there is no backup on why this character is good and S/he will say Soren has good speed, while he does for a mage, its quite pitiful among his team and in general among good characters. Also it only compares characters to people of their class, if a character is by far best in their class the author goes on to call them awesome, which is hardly the case, again soren(i like soren, see my name. but statistically he's nothing special)who was recommended on you endgame team. Is there a way to re-write this, i know my first couple PTs i had no idea who to use, and looked for guides, if i had come across this one i would have used edward which probably would have led to quitting FE10 forever. After my first PT i wanted to know what non jeign/royal characters i could use but was unable to find a guide. so it would be nice if there was a generic guide out there that was written objectively to help players new to the game or people just wondering what good characters they haven't figured out about. But, thinking about this guide made me wonder who people's favorite character in a class was because it was written in this manner, so as a general question whos your favorite in each class? Paladin: Titania Sword master: Mia Halberdier: Nephenee General: Gatrie Reaver: Boyd Peagasus knight: elincia(marcia if you dont count elincia) Dracoknight: haar and jill tie Theives: Volke(Heather if he doesn't count) Mage: Soren Preist/anyonewhocanheal: Elincia/miciah Sniper: Shinnon Laguz: Jannaf/Ulki Royal: Tibarn
  18. your nolan is fell behind abit, id give him some bexp if you have some to spare. i wanna do this on my next PT
  19. oh, i saw what you said just thought you meant something else as in didnt post this topic, people often just leave out is, but sorry i made the mistake anyways
  20. hmmm i get them all except for third one it looks like a fish or someone in the process of chopping there scrotum in half. but not a complete ballsack. *is surprised you didnt look at first page*
  21. cool swords list, and people u better listen up to the admin
  22. my friend pointed it out to me. ..=/ your quite welcome w00t =P
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