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Everything posted by Fenrir

  1. I basically counted that game as a loss and then ended up winning by 25. Insane lol. Always tough to score 3rd most in the league and lose. This Eli Manning thing is working out pretty well!
  2. Seems fair. This is probably the only time/day we can get this many people drafting.
  3. How about like 9:30 EST on Saturday? That sounds like it works for most people.
  4. I'm very flexible right now and someone may have to be auto picked. It's just hard for 10 people to all do something at the same time for an hour and a half. (Although we could do sometime on Sunday perhaps?) I can do anytime on just about any day after 3pm and before 3 on weekends. Looking forward to drafting with you guys
  5. new kid... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L7c-P5hAPfg
  6. Fenrir


    There actually are a ton of dudes who do chat about porn stars consistently. Sexual attraction doesn't make cars look any less cool or be any less fast. I love the 300's. Those are so underrated in my opinion because Chrysler was so shitty for a long time. The 300s just look like they were meant to race around highways and streets. Combines American power with the best of American style. That really is a good skill to have. My dad usually knows what's wrong with a car, and can also do the more basic work on them. He's saved a lot of money as a result. Got to love a Carrera
  7. So a couple weeks ago Nightmare made a reference to Mad Max about the half way Mohawk that I got. Thus, I decided the rest of you were interested in Mad Max. Mad Max is going to be remade. It's going to be directed by George Miller who also directed the originals. It's going to star Nicholas Hoult,(X-Men first class, Beast) Charlize Theron, and Tom Hardy is going to be Mad Max. Tom Hardy is an emerging A-List actor. He was in Inception, Warrior, Lawless, and Dark Knight Rises. He made Lawless and Warrior not just watchable but good, and he did really good in the other two Nolan movies. But in 2013, guess how many movies he's in? 0. Isn't that weird for a guy gunning to be known as A-List? Well, next year he's going to be in 5, maybe 6. All 6 he's going to be one of the lead roles. Get Ready for lots and lots of Tom Hardy if you're a moviegoer. That's an awesome thing to get ready for, btw. That concludes my post about how exited I am for 2014 movies and especially mad max, and about my love of certain actors.
  8. I'm really glad SeverIan has become SeverIan again, I would get so goddamn confused from time to time. If you didn't have such a distinct posting style it would've really thrown me off because every name was so independent from the last.
  9. "Well, this game doesn't seem special to me, but people on the tier list thread sure are passionate about it. THEY MUST BE WHAT'S RUINING IT FOR ME! IF NO ONE ELSE HAD LIKED IT AND IT WAS JUST MINE ALONE I WOULD'VE LIKE IT!!! FUCK YOU YOU PASSIONATE DEBATERS!" --- This is all I hear anytime someone complains about a tier list. Some of us just like to argue.
  10. And holy shit I've been here 3 years. I'm going to sit for a second and think of all the self discovery that's happened in the 3 years and 3 or so days. Because this thread IS about me, dammit! So here's the shit I learned about me and myself: (After some thinking) I figured out I am inquisitive and love learning things.(Just watched a great doc on Netflix called Ethos, check it out if you're form America or interested in America) Definitively established what my religion was. I love creating shit. I'm a movie buff. I became a huge Leonardo DiCaprio fan. I only fully function while I'm on caffiene. My mind just can't connect all of the dots when there is no pencil. I think most of you guys are pretty swell. My signature is still a work in progress but my god it's made so much progress already. Used to be a fucking embarassment. The way I think is different form almost everyone. I'm an INFJ personality type. Introspective, Intuitive, Feeling, and Judging. I always thought and was told that I was extroverted until a mentor of mine got me thinking about it and presented the whole thing in a new light. Anyway, most of you would probably assume I was somewhat extroverted from the way I post, but I think that I just come across as socially confident and sure of myself. I have discovered the main reason for that is because... I have anxiety to some degree. The fact that I say that gives me anxiety. IF you can relate you relate.
  11. Not at all how it works. The rest of us get to judge you all we want. My judgement is that you're making me a little less special by using the same badge so i hate you
  12. About what I would've said. He just hires/fucks a bunch of hookers. He gives no shits, he is a honey badger incapable of love.
  13. I was mainly bashing girls on facebook and instagram who I know in real life. Hahahaha
  14. What are the main complaints of it? Good luck on fixing it! I'm glad at least some one else likes it lol Wasn't azure supposed to come out a long time ago? I feel like I've heard about it too much for it being as far off as it probably is.
  15. Fenrir


    I don't know if you guys are into cars at all, but it's worth making a topic for. What is your favorite car maker? What's your favorite model? Do you think rims look badass or trashy? Should people buy expensive cars? I'll just say that I'm trying to learn more about everything car related right now. I think imports are a little cooler than American cars. If I could get any import and then get it fixed up I'd want a GTR, Skyline, or BRZ. Those cars are all so badass.
  16. Pretty dope. My dad fixed up my PC and wow it's so much better. Anybody else been on a computer adventure recently?
  17. *Girl posts a picture of herself* captions it "Omg ugly don't judge me" or something along those lines, "Slutty don't judge" etc. That shit pisses me off... Social media is based around quick judgments on snapshots of moments you have no context of, you're hoping you get a positive judgment from someone. That's what they don't realize, being labeled as hot is being judged too. Kind of the whole point of a judgment, a definitive label. Also: being a slut on the internet is going to be miserable. I've been on the internet long enough to know it. That's my two cents on a certain type of internet judgment, so don't judge me for my beliefs, Nightmare.
  18. Wow I was surprised that the Warriors pulled it out Sunday. Thunder look like a sinking ship, and so do the Bulls. I like the Pacers to pull it out vs Knicks and I think home teams win out in SA vs GSW. Who does everyone else have?
  19. Fucking predictable this would be about America. I was hoping to be surprised with some other random country. But this made me think, is it good or bad that America is a country that's citizens say, 'hey, we're pretty fucked up?' First I would lean towards bad, since we pushed out the native inhabitants in a brutal manner, then relocated and enslaved people. But... at least we now admit it! EDIT: There's no reason to even bring up the war of 1812. The only country that has any reason to remember it is Canada because they haven't been in many wars besides it. And they weren't even standing on their own at the time. Also: seems hard to say that Canada really won that war. It basically just served as closure on the revolutionary war.
  20. Hold on what the fuck. Separation of church and state would mean that gay marriage would be legal. Homosexuality is almost exclusively frowned upon by religious organizations. The Church does not have to change anything, they don't get any say on who gets a marriage license anyways. But I'd like to comment back on OP. I live in suburban Houston and go to a private school full of conservative, crazy fundamentalist people. There are some fucking insane people at my school, so I probably see the bigots you're talking about every damn day. I also want to add that I am a Christian who goes to Church every Sunday and thinks about God every day. (But, I'm also a fuckin teenager who resents the crazies of fundamentalism) Arguments for gay marriage are usually pretty simple but they stem from one or all of these ideas: 1) Gay marriage is bad for family values because it will cause children to be raised by two women or two men and this fucks up American families. 2) There's a Bible verse. 3) Homosexuality is a sin and homosexual marriage is embracing sinning. 4) It's unnatural 5) People just don't like gay people because they don't understand them and are just uncomfortable around them and don't want their children to end up like them. Seriously, people overlook the pretty blatant bigotry. Of course, these all have pretty simple counterpoints since they're complete bullshit. 1.1) Studies that have been conducted have shown this is total bullshit and not true.(Sorry, only link I got) Kids are supposedly fine. Which is very believable to me. I'm not under the impression that heterosexual parents are amazing anyways. Also: same sex parents will have premeditated having kids 100% of the time. 2.1) I think it's more important to tolerate/accept people than be religiously legalistic. Maybe I'm wrong, but my own conscience tells me that the other side is the inhumane one. 3.1) Separation of church and state and the above. 4.1) Going to space isn't natural, but America fuck yeah.(Isn't this whole point kind of stupid? what should the natural meter have to do with the way we apply logic?) 5.1) Assholes. I hope I didn't say too much or too little on anything, and I probably left something off. At least America is getting way better in the whole thing. The fact that these conversations are everywhere shows progress. I do understand why people are against gay marriage though. I just believe that no matter what personal beliefs you have everyone should be allowed to do what they want if it makes them happy and makes other people happy while it doesn't mess with anyone's life. Last thing, EVERYONE no matter what you believe should read THIS.
  21. this made me realize we cant see when people joined next to their post anymore... ):
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