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Everything posted by Fenrir

  1. ...Of all the Soul hate? As someone who has made tons and tons of completely fucking stupid FFTF topics I don't see why a happy birthday topic would be locked. For one, it's his birthday and this is fftf. If it's your birthday you should be able to post whatever you want in fftf, that would match up with the fftf I've seen over the past 2 and three fourths years. Secondly, it was a birthday topic to Darros/Alfred. How would you guys feel if someone locked up the topic to your birthday? I'd be pissed. I always have shitty birthdays and have been shot down many times, I can relate. Thirdly, 3 people were turning 17, 18, and 19 and we can't even have a topic about it? Yet it's cool to have this? Doesn't this count as a topic that's bringing a comment or video to attention? That's got to be a shout out of sorts. (Link to topic with youtube link) /endofbirthdaycivilrightspost
  2. And while doing this, they cut cash long term. Also got Francisco Garcia who is shooting 37% from 3's at 6'7". Could be underrated part of the deal since the Rockets love to throw up those 3's. Robinson could do really good in this up tempo pick n roll system. He's a physical freak. I hope they can turn into a contender. If Robinson pans out they'll make likely make major strides in the west in the next couple of years. All their key players are under contract for 2-3 more seasons as well. I'll agree with Charles Barkley on this one. Monta Ellis isn't gonna let him shoot there anyway, dumb trade.
  3. Fuck yeah welcome to SF!! more lagg from the new people? But stay don't mind me. Also what music do you like?
  4. The whole thing makes me so sad. The Lakers don't have a prayer to make the playoffs unless this brings out a rage resulting in 2006 Kobe. ...BEN GORDON! But really I heard of rumors for him going there, he'd put the Nets over the top in my opinion. In terms of winning the title for having the most past their prime and suuuuper overpaid guys
  5. Ok, this thread got abandoned. What's gonna happen in the 2nd half of the year? ...And when will the Nets make their panic trade? This is the worst day in Laker history. It's the season on 2013 and the GOAT of owners died. :,( RIP Dr.
  6. EDIT: @ Narga, I'll try and check it out. I've always felt like Cage is a bad actor who used to be good but now just sucks and gets a paycheck for it. The only thing is I've never found him any good in movies.(Partially because I've seen him so bad and it then ruins him in other movies) Also, what do you guys think of Adam Scott? I just saw The Vicious Kind last night and loved it and his character. I'm nowhere near qualified enough to rank bond characters. If I were to put anything with Bond on here I'd just leave it to ya'll. Judi Dench has had some nice roles indeed. I see, I see. The Ghost Riders were some of his worst work, having seen 3/4 of the first one and all of the 2nd. Ok, good input. Does that put Cage below Keanu in your mind? This is a good idea. I love all the recommendations.
  7. Oh my god. Oh my god. How could I have left Keanu Reaves off my list? Here's Keanu's first line on IMDb... "Keanu Reeves, whose first name means "cool breeze over the mountains" in Hawaiian" Did that make anyone else laugh? But anyhow, I will say this about Keanu vs. Cage. I looked through Cage's filmography and there's never really been a movie I've liked with him. He tanks the WHOLE thing. But Kenau, yeah he's awful. But at least I can enjoy the movie with him in it. The EXACT same argument can apply to Paul Walker. Except Paul Walker makes me laugh more when he's sucking at acting and his movies are badass. TL;DR: Keanu > Cage because he doesn't dominate the movie. Did you mean you had seen them but didn't think they were funny because you lacked Nic Cage knowledge? Or that you had seen them and found them funny?
  8. Yeah lol. Has anyone else seen the Andy Samberg impersonations of Nic Cage? They're soooo funny.
  9. A goal is different from perfectionism. Achieving something versus making something perfect or being perfect at something are very different. However it's a similar concept and the same argument could be applied just toned down a little. One thing about that though is that people like myself aren't goal oriented at all. I hate goals and shit like that. But my dad and my sister are two of the most goal oriented people I've ever met. (It's funny though because I could be goal oriented, my dad always told me I was when I was little, but I have an authority problem so if he set up some goal for me I didn't really give a fuck and usually didn't achieve it. So it's possibly in my strange psyche that I was originally goal oriented but my authority problem has overridden that part of me. Also possible, my dad just thought his son was just like him and couldn't believe anything else at the time.)That was fucking confusing and it doesn't even really matter.
  10. My favorite lyricists are probably Eminem, Kurt Cobain, John Darnielle,(Mountain goats) and Lupe Fiasco. Individual instances from people besides them, that's a little tougher. I also like revolutionary shit by Rise Against. To me it's more about a lyrically masterful song than just a killer line.
  11. Oh yeah I know Snape's actor has been in a lot of shit I've seen. Jeremy Irons clip was funny but still don't remember him at all. Other video wasn't available to me.
  12. EDIT: How did you guys not let me know I left Gary Oldman off? I just realized today. Did put him and Arnold in though. Also, what do you guys think of the whole top tier. I know somebody mentioned they didn't like where Matt Damon was earlier. I see hahah this is so true lol I should put Christopher Lee on. Fucking mind blowing fact about him I just found out was that he was born in 1922. I knew he was old. Just not THAT old. I don't really know the other guys you listed. Will Smtih has some good movies past 2000. Now he's mostly shit though. Men in black 3 was OK, but probably just because I liked the first 2. Also his movie coming out this summer looks so terrible. I don't really know him besides his role in burn notice. good actor, though. If any of them are on netflix instant I'm sure I'll get around to it. Otherwise I'll just have to try and make some time for it.
  13. I see. Thanks for the enlightenment. I understand your point of view. We'll have to make an "ASLDFKSJDFLKJG LOVE U, ACTOR X" tier list. I'm glad you can see what I'm getting at. It's hard enough communicating these types of loose concepts in real life. This, however, did confuse me.
  14. I don't think that's necessarily great either though. Firstly because we have to define what right now is and how long it lasts. Because if right now is too short a time then you will be overcome with failure filled emotions. And if right now is too long you'll just become complacent. And if right now is the perfect amount of time? Well chances are you won't be the best. I agree you need to accept yourself, but not a temporary version of yourself in hopes of a better self. Did that level me up in idiocy?
  15. Well maybe I was wrong. Maybe Jim Carey is like Tom Cruise but people care more. Wait so what section does integ mod? I always thought it would of been general. That was a point I sort of alluded to earlier. The best actors are the ones in the best movies and they can share the screen. It's like a ballhog on a sports team. I recently saw a 2002(I think) Bruce Willis move, Tears of the sun. Left me so disappointed. NO ONE was acting well in that movie. Ok, I agree with that, he became famous due to his acting roles.(Which, you could argue he got for his bodybuilding and not acting skills, but that's neither here nor there) But to me he's almost bigger than the screen. So there's that, and then the fact I haven't seen many of his movies. Put those two together and it makes sense that I decided not to rate him. That being said, I posted this on a forum and not on my refridgerator for a reason. I wanted to discuss actors, so now that I have input from people who've seen more Arnold than me. So I'll rank him sooner than later and probably put him lower than that tier. But that doesn't really make him a better actor does it? It just makes him a more polarizing figure. So being an awesome person =/= being an awesome actor. But I do agree about your point in a different context. I watched Four Brothers this past weekend this whole weekend and liked Andre 3000's character more just because he was played by Andre 3000. You could be right. But, I never like stereotyping people based on any condition. Especially mental.
  16. I planned on putting Anne Hathaway in, but couldn't differentiate her acting and sexual appeal well enough. So she's yet another person I'm super conflicted/confused on.(There were a couple more actresses like this) Actually, fuck what I just said. You're a mod now. Go edit her in where you want. Idk if you guys are joking. But, left off people better known for other things than acting. I have seen Bruce Almighty. I'll put him in the so good at my role tier. He seems to fit. (EDIT: then I decided to break that tier up a little since it was crowded. Added the AARP tier!) Or maybe the "I'll put him in the so good at my role tier. He seems to fit." reply goes here? Anyway, I think he's a little like Tom Cruise in that you love him or hate him. Only both sides have way less passion. Precisely. Arnold's a huge star in part because of his off stage achievements. Govenator etc. Well that's not always a good quality for actors to have, but, Liam Neeson, Will Smith, Will Ferrell, Johnny Depp, Angelina Jolie?
  17. I know some people love Tom Cruise, and I know some of his movies are fun, but I just can't convince myself he's actually a good actor. I can't stand Owen Wilson lol Cheadle's money. I'll put him into the next tier. I just Owen Wilson... Can't. Ok, Tom Cruise DOES do his own stunts. Now you're convincing me. Will add Sandler, forgot him. Need help on where to even put Ben Stiller. Meet the Fockers was great, but I've only ever seen night at the museum besides that.
  18. I haven't seen many movies with either of them, though I've heard they're both good actors.
  19. I left a few people off on purpose.(Al Pacino, to name one because I haven't seen the godfather) But most of them were just cause I forgot and didn't stumble across their name making this. It's also got WAAAY to many more males than females. I don't know if that's an indictment on me or the movie industry. We're watching your movie just for you tier: Matt Damon Denzel Washington Morgan Freeman Christian Bale Leonardo DiCaprio Don Cheadle Not wasting money no matter what money tier: Samuel L. Jackson Tom Hardy(I want to put him higher but at the same time don't. Not a huge record of movies) Tommy Lee Jones You're an amazing actor but those bad movies you made are just too glaring tier: Ben Affleck Will Ferrell Solid: Hugh Jackmon Russell Crowe Johnny Depp Robert Downey Jr. Jennifer Aniston(Yes one spot above Brad Pitt) Brad Pitt Mark Whalberg(I haven't seen him bad in a movie in forever) Arnold Schwarzenegger Natalie Portman You're an awesome actor but those bad movies you made are just so bad tier: (Continued) Will Smith Liam Neeson Angelina Jolie Adam Sandler The kick ass and chew bubble gum tier: Bruce Willis Vin Diesel The usually overlooked: Edward Norton Joseph Gordon-Levitt Christopher Walken Amy Adams Jamie Foxx Robin Williams Gary Oldman Jeff Bridges I'm so conflicted on these actors. I want to put the other one above the other so badly and then move this tier above the two above it and then put them in the Rock's tier because I remember I want to hate them tier: I'm an idiot Viggo Mortenson Bradley Cooper I'm kind of old and very awesome and you're gonna like me tier: Nick Nolte Robert De Niro George Clooney But I'm so good at my role! Tier: Daniel Craig Gerard Butler Jessica Chastain Jim Carey Josh Brolin Daniel Day-Lewis Marion Cotillard Jeremy Renner I'm recognizable but nothing TOO special tier/A few actors I threw together to totally separate the OK from the shitty tier: Terrance Howard Ellen Page Guy Pearce Ewan McGreogor Emma Stone Ryan Gosling(Drive singlehandedly saves him) Jason Statham(?) I'm the greatest bad actor of all time!!! tier: Tom Cruise I'M THE GREATEST BAD ACTOR OF ALL TIME!!!!1 Tier: Nic Cage WE SUCK HOW DID WE LAND THESE GIGANTIC ROLES??? tier: Paul Walker Keanu Reaves Sometimes I care about money and lifting weights, other times I only care about money tier: Dwayne Johnson "So I went to LA and told a desperate director I could act" Tier: Owen Wilson Megan Fox Shia Lebouf I am here to kill you and your stupid movie tier: Kristen Stewart
  20. "Perfection is the enemy of good" I hate cliche phrases as much as the next guy, but I love that shit there.
  21. I also forgot why Naruto was so good. Don't think I'll ever remember...
  22. Chris Rock and Dave Chapelle are the first two that come to mind. I don't get how people think Gabriel Iglesias is funny. My friend made me watch 20 minutes of him. Add that to my list of 20 minutes I totally, completely wasted in life. No gain at all, only boredom. Then show me that list on my death bed and make a joke about it.(As long as Gabriel Iglesias isn't in the room, then it probably wouldn't be funny to make a joke to a dying guy about how he was unfunny)
  23. Just saw a small compilation video of Flight White. Dude went threw the legs from the free throw line. Just crazy. I'm just scared that him or Green are gonna get overlooked and DeAndre Jordan will be picked. I know that guy has nasty slams, but CP3 could make plenty of athletic 7 footers look like slam dunk champs. In my mind Green and White should be rewarded for being journeyman and sticking with basketball. Only seems fair right? Yeah, it's just crazy. Remember the video of Kobe jumping over a moving car? Would that be worth 3 Blake Griffin dunk contests? There's a lot of things that are harder than jumping over a car. Plus, how many guys have endorsement deals with a car company? That's not fair. EDIT: Shannon Brown. Because
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