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Everything posted by Fenrir

  1. What's everyone's picks for tomorrow/Sunday?? I got the Pack, Seahawks over (Land?)Hawks, Broncos and... I wish I could say Texans but how is Matt Schaub supposed to win a road playoff game?
  2. January 5th 2013, the worst day of NFL playoff quarterbacking with multiple games. Of all time. SOME pressure. But Dwayne Bowe, Jamal Charles, Hali and the rest of the gang only won two games. I don't think Reid and Geno will be turning it around that fast. I take back every good thing I ever said about Cincinnati. They suck! I went so deep. I'm so proud of me. And I might be just a little dissapointed nobody tried to throw up a few counter-points
  3. Joe Webb, Matt Schaub, and Andy Dalton. If it weren't for Rodgers that would've been the worst day of playoff football quarterbacking.
  4. Fuck yer Texas! well stab yer fuckn Iz out!1!
  5. They still have one of the best defenses in the league. But they're not the best D in the league like their #1 yards per game allowed would indicate. The Steelers defense had the LEAST amount of plays from scrimmage as any other defensive team in the league. Which means that they got off the field and forced 3 and outs, yes. But also their games were played at a much slower pace than the rest of the league. Their offense also ran and held on to the ball, (they had the second best time of possesion to Houston) influencing scores to be lower than other teams who throw the ball around more. TL;DR The Steelers hold/run the ball, and it pumps up their defensive stats. But some of that can be attributed to a high amount of 3 and outs. Low time on field for defense = fresh legs, less chance of being injured and of course less yards and scores for the other team. -Price the Steelers paid for this strategy was their offense doing shitty- High time on field for defense = Tired legs, high chance of injury, and the other team having many more opportunities. -Like how Oregon's defense gives up so many points because they just have so many total plays in their games, all stats are deceiving taken out of context, and the Steelers need alot of context- Now, all of these stats are very cut and dry until you hit the one where the Steelers averaged just 96.1 rushing yards per game as a team.(26th in the league!!) So to me, they were basically just running the ball for the sake of holding the ball and hoping their defense would bail them out. So basically, the Steelers ran the ball a ton and chewed up the clock, and it served as the crutch for an aging defense.(That's what the numbers I found said, anyway) That being said, the Steelers probably ran the ball too much because they didn't have Rothlisberger. But then again, even when they get Ben back healthy they're a team that's regressing due to age and heavily dependent on the QB. Way too long of a post and randombobman said alot of the same things without as many confusing stats and sugar coatings.
  6. You're probably right. Why else would Reid pick KC than to pick Geno #1? I'm picking the Bengals to win that division next year. I'll put money on it. The other thing they have going for them is youth. They're the only team with it, Pittsburgh and Baltimore have a lot of older linebackers and the Browns are old AND inexperienced, AND bad! Weeden! The Steelers just need to be healthy on offense(They'd have a couple more wins if Ben were healthy for all 16 games) + fix up the line a little.(Although Pouncey was also injured this year) Their real problem is that they can't rely on their D anymore. They need to fight back father time with some young guys.(All this in my stupid opinion)
  7. Arizona or Kansas City/Andy Reid if they don't take Geno. I'm almost expecting that now. AJ Green/Geno Atkins look a lot scarier than anything the Steelers and Ravens have right now. That's what I'd be worried about.
  8. Don't worry Baltimore, you've still got Joe Flacco!! wait a mintue...
  9. As someone who watches way too many movies, this is a hard question for me. I'll go with my guy Ben Affleck though and say Argo was the best. I loved it, but not too many people I know saw it. I thought the time travel theories were really original and cool. Did you think the same? This movie was so fucking crazy. Really good article on the racial controversies in the movie... (SPOILERS IN THIS! DONT READ IT IF YOU HAVENT SEEN THE MOVIE!) http://www.grantland.com/blog/hollywood-prospectus/post/_/id/64541/django-the-n-word-and-how-we-talk-about-race-in-2013
  10. Well, according to Tangerine Spinach is like natural muscle milk, so fuck yeah! Yeah i did the same thing lol. Then I was like, wait, that's my thread!
  11. I'm wondering as a substitute for a protein shake and stuff like that. Or did Popeye just trip balls?
  12. Well shit, Texans. I felt like we missed Cushing a lot in this game. Kubiak came out with a terrible game plan running on 2& 14 every chance he got. Schaub looked terrible and Ben Tate didn't get a carry until the game was way over. Nope, Jim Caldwell.
  13. David Wilson!!!!!! What we learned today: Mike Shanahan is going to make RG3 into a pocket passer by literally running him into the ground. The Seahawks Marquez'd the Cards. Like 58 times. The NFC East may end up being decided by Kirk Cousins. Baltimore is not a great defensive team anymore. I think they'll lose in their first game. It's possible for me to not even be the slightest bit sad about a Cowboys win. Two weeks in a row an NFL player dies. Wow. Adrian Peterson will drag Christian Ponder's terrible ass into the playoffs if it's the last thing his surgically repaired knee does.(Assuming his surgically repaired knee hits 2000 first) Chan Gailey's team scores 12 pts and CJ Spiller touches it 8 times... He will go quietly and be fired. The Falcons are-- never mind, we already figured this out a couple years ago. And last but not least, NORV TURNER WILL NOT GO QUIETLY INTO THE NIGHT!
  14. I feel like we could say this about 8 different movies.
  15. I think i liked the hobbit more than any of the other books.
  16. I like return of the king. It's a rare combination where the last episode has a good enough plot to keep it afloat and the character development you get from the first couple takes it a notch up, as does the fact that the most is at stake. I remember watching those and being so mad whenever Frodo and Sam scenes were happening. Anybody else do that? That's one downside of having a couple plots going on at a time and alternating, one set of characters might be way cooler.
  17. @SeverIan I'd like to see Lincoln sometime to talk to you about. Last night(Hey I have nothing today) I watched Warrior(With Tom Hardy, about MMA shit) and Memento.(Yeah, I know I'm late) I'd go further into detail if anyone wants to talk about those movies. I've heard nothing but good things about GoT
  18. That's tough but it's a good comparison. Probably LOTR. The villain was crazy but calculated. It's definitely a weird combination and I'd agree that at times it just made me more mad than anything. I still think all those dumb scenes with M were the worst part of it, just my take. Lawless stuff I'm looking forward to gangster squad, coming out in January. I really like those type of movies. Lawless, Public Enemies, Citizen Gangster, etc.
  19. Well that's true, but what Reid says wont mean anything in about a month when he's fired
  20. Well Vick is cleared to play and Foles is the starter, which really means nothing. It just means Vick won't be injured the rest of the year, then Andy Reid will be fired and the whole thing will get sorted out in the off season.
  21. Well NFL, jokes gonna be on you in a couple weeks when we walk into Atlanta... I don't think anyone is ever gonna look at ACLs the same way after Adrian Peterson. I hate how the Giants threw a screen on 3 & 20 and then never got the ball back. I hated that call so much at the time and even more now, at least give yourself a chance. This isn't Ray Rice! That snap that got messed up hurt, along with Gilbride running the ball a little too much against one of the worst pass defenses in the league. In the second half, it wasn't working. EDIT: Welp! "Dan Snyder on Giants after Skins win: 'I hate those motherf------' "
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