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Everything posted by Fenrir

  1. Holy shit it's been over 2.5 years. I swear to god, it's so weird having some longevity/continuity in my life, I think it's whats really thrown me off the past 11 months or so.
  2. I did as well. I agree with the consensous that episode three gets a bad rep from people. That movie actually had some great moments. There was a certain darkness to it that I really liked for some reason, but there remained the SMALLEST glimmer of hope.(Just that fact that in the end, you're actually not gonna think this guy's a dick) holy shit redturtle806 said what I was trying to say in the underlined section so much better than I actually did. Shit, I'm tired. I saw episode two when I was pretty young, I immediately thought it was the shit and fell in love with Sam Jackson's character. So that one is probably unfair for me to judge. I do however, I think the first one is undoubtedly the worst. I'd rank them: 3, 5, 4, 2, 6, 1 I haven't. I just watched Citizen Gangster on netflix. pretty cool movie about a Toronto gangster. Anyone else seen it?
  3. Let's just post about movies, we need more of this in SF. I don't care what about, favorite movies, favorite actors, old movies, new movies, coming soon movies, or even shitty movies. First thing I wanna ask is, how many of you guys saw Lawless(Came out in August of this year) and what was your take? I haven't been able to discuss it much.
  4. I like the idea of Philly totally knocking everything down and starting over. But doesn't that kill Chip Kelly's chances of turning them into the Philadelphia Ducks? Vick, McCoy, Desean Jackson, and green uniforms with wings on them. It can't be worse than whatever Andy Reid is doing. I guess this makes two of us that can't wait until the Vikings draft Colin Klein!!!(Just kidding! ...well not really, it could possibly be the most hilarious thing ever) In all seriousness, this is a tragedy for Peterson. He came back from his ACL in like 3 weeks for this? For Ponder throwing 25 times for 119 and 2 picks while he's doing 210 on 21?
  5. If Bynum had only stuck around for the D'Antoni era he'd be the best player in the league with all those open looks from long range!! /leaves
  6. I thought it was really good. But like black ops pointed out a lot of the M scenes were a little forced and predictable. I also think they should have added a scene were Bond was on the top of his game and completely untouchable. But part of the appeal was the he was a little vulnerable.
  7. It's interesting how America is so much further right than any other country. People in my state(Texas) make socialized medicine out to have come straight from the gates of hell. America is extremely rare for being a country as large as it is without socialized medicine in this day and age. I find it to be somewhat ignorant of these people to say things. They feed into the stereotype that Americans don't observe anything and just do as they're brainwashed. With kids in my highschool, they just say shit like, "Socialism/communism is bad" with no supporting evidence, they were raised thinking it is fact. I agree with this. I also would like to throw in my opinion to this surprisingly sort of serious thread. I'm pro Obama. I can't get behind a guy who refers to people as "Binders", I don't care if he was being insensitive or just stupid. I don't want a president who is either. Definitely don't want a president who let's rich people off easier than poor people. Romney also looks pretty freaking horrible at foreign policy. Not to mention he wants to throw 2 million at the army when we don't need to spend that money. And he claims he can cover the US debt by fixing the loopholes in our tax system he has exploited his whole life. I also believe poor people should be able to get medical treatment. /rant
  8. Tonight was the last debate. Who do Americans like? Why do Americans hate the guy they're not voting for? Do any non-Americans have an opinion? I know if I wanted more srs opinions I should put it in Serious discussion or general. But I like the jokes too. And more traffic.
  9. The hell not? PM me if it gets legs. What are the SF basketball allegiances? I'm a Laker fan from Houston.
  10. If we woulda had Cushing it might of been different
  11. I enjoyed all of these answers. It is interesting to see the common threads between the SF community.
  12. the broken glass, greater chance of getting it back out.
  13. Was bored, enjoyed making it. Thought it could be fun for you guys as well. All of it is OC
  14. Decided to fill out my own, SeverIan prompted me to.
  15. Would you rather have the bottom half of your body cut off or be decapitated? 4 legs or 4 arms?(With 4 legs you get no arms and vice versa) Eat a lizard or Spider?(Both alive) Five people to have dinner with.(Alive, dead, fake or real) Get up early or stay up late? Freeze, drown or burn to death? Favorite sport? Favorite athlete of all time? Favorite sport team? Favorite superhero? supervillain? If you could trade places with any character in history who would it be? If you could trade places with any character from a movie? If you could trade places with any present day man/woman? Would you rather be able to time travel or teleport in the present? If you could chop off any part of your body what would it be?(If you chose finger/toes it has to be all of them.) Favorite instrument?(To play or hear. Or both) Favorite band? Favorite frontman? Favorite song? Favorite album? Favorite Genre? Least favorite genre/artist/band/song? If you could live anywhere where would it be? If you could rule any country which one would it be? Walk on coals or glass? You get to have sex with one person one time, who is it? One bullet to murder one person, who and why? If you had to be an animal, what animal would it be? Oscar, Boyd, or Rolf? Rhys or Shinnon? Kieran, Titan, Geoffrey or Oscar? Haar or Jill? Ike, Greil or Zelgius? Meg or Fiona? Would you rather eat only peanut butter forever or Mayonnaise for a year? What song would you want to play at epic moments in your life? Biggest regret of your life?(Don't even be ashamed) If you could change your name to anything what would it be? Would you rather get hit by a car or fall from a 5 story building? What would you tell your 5 year ago self? Your greatest strength? Your greatest weakness? 360, PS3, Wii, PC? Do you like tattoos? Hats or no hats? mac or PC? Moon or Sun? Your favorite class at school? Thing you've gotten in most trouble for? Thoughts on organized religion?(no need to answer if you're gonna go 3 paragraphs ranting or defending it) Do you carry pride from your family or shame? What type of people do you hang around? Your favorite movie? Top five actors? Cold or hot weather? Do you ever want to have a real job? What type of career are you in/want to pursue? Are you a creative person? Do you prefer a desktop, tablet, or laptop? Best choice you've made in your life? Dream car? Dream job? Would you rather fistfight a lion, tiger or bear? If you could choose a way and setting to die, what would it be? Fight or flight? Rule through fear or love? Favorite letter? Favorite number? What's the most badass facial hair a man can have? What pisses you off? What do you want to be remembered for? Holy shit, that took a while.
  16. I thought I am Legend was his best. Prince of Bel-Air is his funniest. MIB always has a vintage feel to it imo.
  17. Guess I'm a little late to the a party on this thread; but I'm a Giants fan from Houston who roots for the Texans in the AFC. I hate the Cowboys too.
  18. My dreams are typically sad and subdued. I've had crazy ones, but not in a while. Does that mean I'm all sad? That made me lol. Must be alotta crack in the fridge. Shit, can I meet dream you? EDIT: Also, Freohr's dreams are mindfuck crazy. lol
  19. Hello. You've probably never hit the sign up button before.
  20. This topic got more input than I thought it would. That's interesting. But that does match up with my view of you. Well, they might not all be valid, but it's a decent guess at them. I used to dream when I was younger(7 years old, give or take a couple years) that I'd be naked in public or everyone would turn on me and make fun of me. I was far more insecure back then, so i could agree with the reason provided. It's hard to differentiate between a possibly meaningful dream and just utter coincidence. But I've definitely been spooked a couple times by reoccurring dreams.
  21. The Hulk fight is a separate matter. The Hulk is obviously going to do more damage than Iron Man lol. Yeah haha
  22. That's cause Thor can't get scratched. In my opinion Thor's outward appearance is always the same whether at 5% "Power"(For lack of a better word) or 100% And the captain just kinda calmed everyone down.
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