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Everything posted by Fenrir

  1. I think I have, but my dream memories are fuzzy. They say we always dream, we just can't remember them most of the time. Does that make the ones we do remember important? Or is it just a coincidence? I've heard of this from my sister. Somehow I knew SeverIan, would throw in his thoughts on this topic. Sidenote and weird question, you don't have to answer if you don't want to. But do you have any idea what your personality type is? You're one of the deeper thinkers with a quirk to yourself. Do you have any links? I'm obviously quite curious. Maybe that's high self esteem hah.
  2. Cheeseburgers, Coca-Cola and Ice cream, mainly. But instead I'm a skinny 5'9" red headed kid. Who woulda thunk that's what coke makes you look like.
  3. I believe if Iron Man got that 400% boost he'd win. Cpt America had to come in and intervene, Stark had just turned the tide on Thor and Mr Merica saved him.
  4. That's pretty cool. WE'VE GOT TO GO DEEPER /Inception'd
  5. You are probably right, but I enjoy thinking in hypotheticals about such things. What do you mean when you say your related dream was "Semi-forced"? I wouldn't say I'm stressing over it, last year I may have, it just kinda hit me. But now I'm just thinking about it, I enjoy thinking over situations. Feel free to post any dream related stuff, I'm intrigued. That would be my guess too, just something you are thinking about the most. We'll never be able to say for sure though...
  6. Tier list looks good. You could make an argument for Iron Man over Thor, but I think that's just in a 1on1 fight. Thor was clearly the second best in the final battle of that movie. Although Iron Man was the guy who did a bunch of cool shit no one else could, so it's a real toss up to me.
  7. lol, you woulda thought he's a top 10 NBA player.
  8. Do reoccurring dreams mean anything? Is it our subconscious telling us something? I'm wondering because I had a dream about a situation in the summer of 2011, then it happened,(I'll go into it if you want me to) and I had basically the same dream. I recently had a similar dream, I can't quite remember how this one went, it's fuzzy I just know it involved the same character.(a girl I know) So I guess I want to address my personal situation and delve into the deeper topics of dreams. Do you guys believe these situations are coincidences? Over thinking something? Or are they even divine in your opinion?
  9. I think Helios nailed it. But I'm not the only Will Smith fan here am I? I was watching I, Robot last night. Will's awesome.
  10. Fenrir

    Life is lame

    I'm right there with you Soul. I have no motivation with anything. I normally really like basketball, but that's not fun right now since it's mostly just grinding. The date game could be fun, but I go to a private school with a small group of kids and I don't have the emotional energy right now to get involved in drama.(Which starts so quick at this small school) What are we supposed to do with our lives? Video games are fun but sometimes I just feel stupid wasting a whole day on them. School carries no joy or sorrow when I do good or bad. I'm stuck in a bad cycle right now. I think I hit it because I had my first job this summer. Sorry if it seems I attempted to hijack the thread, It's just comforting seeing someone with the same struggle. Yeah.
  11. Saw this earlier today. Got some lolz from me.
  12. It really is, unfortunate we couldn't get a few more people. I'm Greater Houston!
  13. EDIT: Whats the movie called they go to California for Disney world and the grandma dies? Do you like living up there in north texas? I've driven through and it's been hot as hell, and another time there was tennis ball sized hail. My family has had similar problems in Kansas. Terrible place.
  14. such a sad place is the mind of a man with thoughts that run like valleys
  15. It's like a crappy version of facebook but a better version of skype.
  16. Oh the 10-6 schedule. That's terrible, i feel bad for you. I love schedules like that. I wish I could've done that more this summer but lifeguarding and drivers ed got in my way. 5am - 1:30 or 2:30ish pm. Great sleeping time, you don't miss anything! That's kind of weird. Were you never awake when the sun was out? Because that would be hard to do. So did you just hole up in your house? And how pale were you?
  17. Nobody will know. It's kind of cool, really.
  18. Any way to take off Nihil? And BK only won because Z attacked first. Rigged!!
  19. Don't read this OP, don't fucking do it!!!
  20. Zelgius just takes that Iron sword and smacks those hoes up!
  21. A lean mean flamewar machine? A lean mean page hit machine? A lean mean post machine?
  22. Good for you. But there is no goddamn reason to post in this topic and bringing it back to the top. Don't take that the wrong way, I've just never liked a topic named "Fiona is terrible"
  23. Boom. Wish I was cool enough to know how to forget alondite on Zihark. I'm unfortunately bad at hax.
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