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Everything posted by Fenrir

  1. Fuck man I'm so pissed that the Rockets couldn't make a god damn pass to save their lives. And then Durant's 3 popped around and did a dance on the rim before rolling in. WHY? Why does he need any extra luck, basketball gods? Other than that, great game for the Rockets. They played terrible defense in the 1st quarter allowing 39 points but ended up holding OKC to just 38 points in the 2nd half with 4 of those coming from garbage free throws. Houston needs consistent defense,(They also should've never played Lin) more ball movement, a couple more players to the mix, and experience in general. Frustrating to watch the last couple games but at least they've been entertaining. I think they'll be really good in a couple years. I'm almost expecting them to add one of Dwight Howard or Josh Smith. Where do you guys think those 2 end up? I didn't get to see ANY of the Memphis game, but heard that they just outplayed a Clippers team with no effort. I think Memphis is starting to click and their defense should probably scare OKC right? (Not that their series with the Clips is done though, good chance this one goes 7) Nate Robinson kilt it! Chicago's gonna take that series for sure I'd say. Al Horford has got to be a lock on 1st team all underrated with Jose Calderon, Jared Dudley, Shawn Marion, and LaMarcus Aldridge.(Averages over 3 points more per game than anyone at his position this year and is never mentioned as the top PF in the league.[i know KLove was out but still]) on that team with him. Awesome job by Horford and the Hawks. No one saw that coming.
  2. Not looking at signatures would be like Argo without Alan Arkin. Not looking at signatures would be like a pencil without an eraser. Not looking at signatures would be like a Nokia with a case.
  3. Bryce was great. He could've been cool. He had ties to Greil, Tauroneo, and Fiona. It would've been cool to have him as another great armor like Gatrie. Oh wait, armors were shit. Maybe they should've just put in Bryce for armor awareness. Could Bryce's role be the one Tauroneo is in? Loyal to Pelleas no matter the cost? Am I spelling Tauroneo right? Fuck. I think it's wrong. I'd of been fine with less DB.
  4. Fuck the government. while we're on it, the moon was fake. But really, it probably isn't true that the sandy hook principle was there. The guys with the detonators though, what's all that?
  5. @Snowy, you're really, really wrong. I've had tier debates centered around stat growths and caps, LTC is just kind of used as a gauge really when it comes to these tier lists.(In my interpretation at least) If you can consistently beat chapters of the game using certain characters in a lower amount of time that probably means they are better right? And it's hard to find a list that ranks bad characters high because they save turns, as I said earlier, good(Sometimes strictly useful, but usually good) characters cut off turns. I was just trying to say that really. Every list is going to have major problems in everyone's eyes. The efficiency list will probably give a better glimpse into real value of characters but I would like to at least see what a MAXBEXP list would look like. :(
  6. Because you are putting the word 'man' with a word you would normally associate with women. And that grosses you the fuck out because it's unnatural and man boobs are made of fat which is disgusting.
  7. Boyd. Like his dialog, like his combat skills. Also like Kieran, Ike, Zelgius, and Volke.(toss up between any of those 5, really)
  8. I hate people without avatars but not more than I hate anonymous users.
  9. I don't really think the new skins are bad. I just miss the herons and stuff in the background. The new software is MUCH better. #FreeTangsCreativity Cool. I'll take full responsibility since I did nothing at all.
  10. You're the worst!! Joking... Kind of. Yeah I agree. I remember hating BK's character and loving Zelgius and being like, 'the fuck? nooooo' But really, Zelgius is awesome.
  11. Alright I'm not really complaining because this really only saves one click, but for the sake of betterment of the site... Ok, so you know how at the top of the page it will say like, Serenes Forest Forums → Important Forums → Announcements It never works to hit "General forums", or "Fire Emblem Forums" when I'm on any of the forums. I don't even know if that's important at all, and I'm guessing somebody has pointed it out but I'm a lazy motherfucker who feels important pointing things out that don't work.
  12. I agree. There was no way they should've kicked ranulf out of the game. I just wish his combat had been worth a shit in FE10...
  13. Your post was literally the perfect tl;dr lol. Got bored without before the first line even ended.
  14. I really don't care what people do with their food as long as they aren't slurping up spaghetti and spinning it in circles with their mouth while spewing meatballs out of their noise into my food. But really, it's gotta be gross to make me not want to eat around you. I hate eating spaghetti because I get self conscious because I'm bad at swirling it on my fork. At least one or two times per meal I look around like, 'did anyone see that, that could've been gross. Shit I can't even tell because I can't look at myself.' It can be a bad situation. While we're talking about food, Muscle Milk and Carrots don't mix well. I thought it would be a great combo of healthiness after some pushups. Gave my bowels some running of their own.
  15. Thought the same thing, thought about saying, decided not to. But now that someone's already said it... Really do not know why you are saying I don´t know how to use a word when the first definition applies quite accurately. Going to post pros and cons for both lists so nobody gets offended or anything. What I like about the current tier list: Has a little flexibility for how characters are rated, not strictly LTC but is based on getting low(Not super low) turn counts while maintaining dependability. What I dislike about current tier list: That flexibility causes some confusion. There's no hardcore fact basis for the ranking, that I've ever seen at least. In my opinion this is more a bad effect of a good thing about the list, it just fucks up a couple rankings in my opinion. Footnote to those comments, I THINK this is being proposed for FE9 and 10. As people who are familiar with my activity would know, the only game I really talk/debate about is Radiant Dawn. I've played Path of Radiance all the way through... One time? So I really only can't have an argument about FE9. I'd apply the same arguments for the tier lists if it only applied to FE9,(Because I can comprehend the concepts behind the tier lists) but I couldn't get to much into specifics because I don't know the game that well. I (THINK) I completely understand FE10. What I like about proposed list: Gives an easy guideline for everyone to follow: get as much BEXP as possible. I think most of us have played the game like this, right? I enjoyed playing the game like that. Its probably a little bit easier in my opinion, but I think that´s good because this tier wasn´t intended for expert players anyway. What I don´t like about proposed list: I think tons of characters will be way out of proportion to where they should really be on a ranking system. Im just imagining some weird shit. Part two really has some weird BEXP priorities. 2-P only offers BEXP for clearing the map. Haar, Leanne, and Elincia would gain major points for that map on a different list.(One of Elincias only map right? haha) And does not it make sense to reward characters for saving us a pain in the ass map? I guess you can gain a lot of exp for people too in that map, but Ive always hated waiting out the turns. Sorry for weird grammatical errors, my keyboard is giving me problems.
  16. That fuckin creepy. Keeping it real with you.
  17. I can't understand why there's such animosity towards a new tier list. So what if it's wrong? It's just a tier list. I don't think this idea was meant to say 'every way the FE community currently tiers characters is wrong.' I just don't get why people have taken this seriously. I think it's a cool idea, and doesn't it make sense that characters have different values depending on how you play? I wouldn't care if we had an efficiency tier list(That's the right word for the current one, correct?) a super LTC list, a MAXBEXP list, and a tier list that reflected efficiency based on real time played.(that's how I used to play FE, maximize time available and focus on characters' level development over turncount)
  18. It should be the basis for our tier lists!! Bonus EXP is cool in RD because it sucks to have your characters skip the low levels using it, which more or less makes BEXP a little overkill. In PoR it was fine as well in my opinion. Don't see it as stupid. It makes the game a little easier, but whatever to me.
  19. Happy birthday and thanks for the new layout, AdminMan.

  20. Times when crossbows are good: When you have beastfoe and are fighting laguz. Times when crossbows are bad: All the other times. The only characters who were super effected by the awfulness of crossbows were Boyd and Shinnon. Nolan ended up just fine, and Rolf and Leo would've sucked anyway. Boyd could've been a really good unit if crossbows actually were good for something, and Shinnon would be total overkill. Haar should've been able to use crossbows. Don't crossbows just seem Haar-ey?
  21. I think the whole concept of the branded people was just a bit off. At times it seemed like one of the main points in the entire plot, 'help the branded become less discriminated.' But there's really no resolution whatsoever in either of the games. Why was this? We had so many central characters who were branded or of Laguz and beorc decent who went out of their way to hide it. I'm glad you brought up Ranulf. This guy is the main characters BFF, seems to be the glue that holds the Gallian army together, and he maintains good relationships with all beorcs and laguz. Most likeable character in the entire game, why don't we get more development?? Whenever he was talking with Ike there was this, 'yeah we're bros and we love each other but you don't know why because IS is too lazy to make our dialogue.' I'd also lump Geoffrey into this category because he has nearly no scenes in RD but is treated like one of the guys.(He really isn't around that long in PoR either, should've been more of him) General characters and plot lines I think they needed more of were, Nasir, Bird tribes,(Seemed like a cool dynamic) Skrimir, Boyd, Stefan, Gatrie's speed cap in RD.
  22. But there's no herons so it's not as good!
  23. That thread "Gatrie is ridiculous" was the first thread I ever saw on SF... The nostalga's Fuck real words
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