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Everything posted by D16ebling

  1. Nevermind figured it out I was trying to unzip it with the wrong software.
  2. tried Dropbox and have the same issue. How did you go about doing it? Maybe I did something wrong
  3. This is looking like it's going to be the best game ever I saw this post and got really excited but then when I download it the file is empty. It's not zipped it's just empty I can't patch it into anything. It's just plain empty. Anyone else having this problem or am I just going about this the wrong way?
  4. I can help with writing and play testing.
  5. that was really funny to me for some reason.
  6. I need more 0.0 why has this never been done before lol. If you need anyone to test anything or want any critique as to decisions with plot, dialogue, etc. I'm more than happy to help.
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