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Status Replies posted by IGdood

  1. speaking of s2tw, what are your thoughts on rise of the samurai? i don't own it

    1. IGdood


      It places greater priority on agent usage and the religion/influence mechanic. O find the unit diversity to be even more bland than regular Shogun 2's.

      It's great if you dislike gunpowder and like a good old fashioned, disorderly moshpit.

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  2. w-wait a minute, skitarii are you the same igdood whose bayonets are in the shogun2 darth mod?

  3. w-wait a minute, skitarii are you the same igdood whose bayonets are in the shogun2 darth mod?

  4. ... I think my photo is iconic by now. At least, to me it is. I can't imagine ever changing it... thoughts?

    1. IGdood


      Change to Fall of the Samurai photo. rofl.

  5. Anyone care to join my Fallout Tactics LP?

  6. Fire Emblem: Raging Erection of Fire is set to release in 2012. I'm not holding my breath for it, but I can only hope the writing is on the par, or at least the scale of FE12.

  7. Anyone who has not read the heartwrenching tale of tarii's St. John run is without a soul. Or doesn't visit Other Games often.

    1. IGdood


      Damn, I didn't see this until now. XD Thanks =)

  8. To everyone who sent in their birthday wishes: Thank you. It means a lot to me.

    1. IGdood


      The fck? It was your bday? Crap.

      Happy extremely late bday then.

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)


  10. is totally 19 now. Apparently you all thought I was younger.

    1. IGdood


      Damn, I was late. And damn, you're younger than me.

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

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