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Posts posted by Jonahtron

  1. So voting for the 2nd choose your legends just stared. If we go by the resaults of the previous one, Hector and Tharja are almost assured to get in, and Chrom and Camilla are Highly likely to win as well. Of course they could be overtaken if there’s a big enough push, so I want to know who you predict to win, and what they’ll be like on the banner. I’m thinking:

    -Sword infantry or armor knight  Hector

    -Lance infantry Chrom

    -Mounted mage Tharja

    -Flying mage Camilla, though we already got one of those, so maybe an infantry mage? Since she can reclass to sorcerer.

  2. On 12/20/2017 at 8:30 AM, GreatHylian said:

    This right here is exactly what I have been thinking! From a gameplay perspective it just makes sense to get all the weapons, and letting Ulster use axes means he can use Helswath like he deserves.


    I like the direction of this but I wonder how it would affect the gameplay if you have such a different roster from the original. SoV added just two new characters with variable impact on the gameplay, so if they are to add new characters in a Genealogy remake, they should add 1-2 and have it make perfect sense plot-wise. There are lots of options so I'm open to possibility. 


    Seliph and Julia should be able to pair up, it's Fire Emblem

    2 points. 1. The fact that half the crusader weapons are in the enemy hands while half are in your hands is just a cool sort of set story bit. Making the player able to use all of them would kinda ruin that.

    2. Ok. I’ve posted this several times now but people don’t seem to get this. Incest in fe4 is portrayed as bad. Not cousin incest, as that’s considered normal in Japan, but Sibling incest is a huge no. Eldigan is a married man, let me remind you, so his weird relationship with his sister is cheating, plus look where it gets him. Lachesis pleads with him to stop fighting, and he gets his head chopped off. Plus, do I even need to explain Arvis and Deirdre? The product of their incest literally brings about the Antichrist. Saying “Seliph and Julia should be able to fuck because haha fe4 lol” is just missing the point so hard it hurts. 

  3. In the character pages for both conquest and Birthright, Gunter is listed as a shared character when he is in fact Conquest exclusive. This is true for the introductions, base stats, growth rates, recruitment, and personal skill pages for both games. While I understand he’s playable before the rout split, so are Rinka and Sakura, so there’s really no reason to count him as a shared character.

  4. 9 minutes ago, Othin said:

    Scenario A: Christmas banner with 4 seasonal units, TT with some new unit

    Scenario B: Christmas banner with 4 seasonal units, TT with a fifth seasonal unit

    I'm really not seeing why you think the second scenario would be any worse for them. It wouldn't hurt the sales of the seasonal banner because it still has 4 exclusive units. Perhaps if people only wanted one, they'd stop being interested in the banner ones because of already getting a free one... but you could just as easily say that about every TT that gives a unit related to the current banner, such as CYL 2 giving Joshua for free.

    You know what did hurt the sales of a high-profile banner? Giving a CYL unit away for free. Giving Fjorm away for free, too. Because apparently they think the goodwill they can build up by being generous with cool free units is worthwhile in the long term, even if it means in the short term, an exciting banner won't sell quite as much as it would otherwise. And again, those are cases where they were giving away units actually on the banner in question as free bonuses that didn't have precedent, as opposed to my suggestion where they just take a time when there's a free unit expected and give them a design similar to the units on the banner.

    It’s not that it would make them less money, it’s just that there’s no point. Why would they do a tempest trial for a seasonal banner when they’ve never done anything like that before? Doesn’t make sense. Doesn’t fit with the general layout of these things.

  5. 5 minutes ago, Othin said:

    Having 4 seasonal characters exclusively on the Christmas banner does not keep them from having the TT unit also be seasonal-themed. For a given TT, knowing that they'll make a new free unit for it, there's nothing stopping them from making that free unit be a seasonal variation rather than a new unit.

    What’s stopping them from doing a free seasonal unit is that the seasonal units exist to make tons of money. They’re popular characters, usually in fanservicey outfits that can only be summoned for a limited period of time. Having one come for free defeats the purpose of them being seasonal.

  6. 27 minutes ago, Othin said:

    Things have been changing lately, such as the ways Ayra, Rhajat, and Fjorm were added. In addition, the past three TTs have all been associated with the mid-month banner, and this is the first mid-month seasonal banner.

    I'm not saying they'll definitely have the TT bonus unit be a special seasonal variation, but I don't think it makes sense to assume it necessarily won't be the case, either.

    IS started all this 3 person banner shenanigans with the path of radiance banner. Since then, we got the performing arts banner and the trick or defeat banner, both of which were still 4 person banners. So yes, I do think it’s unreasonable to assume we will ever get a seasonal unit off of a banner, especially since the seasonal units exist to make lots of money.

  7. 8 minutes ago, Othin said:

    Of the 6 previous seasonal banners, 3 have had an even Awakening/Fates split, 2 have been all one of the two, and 1 has been four separate games.

    In any case, we don't actually know for certain that we'll be getting both Robin and Tharja: their plans may have changed in the past year. Even if we do get both of them, it's not certain that they'll both be on the banner as opposed to being released other ways. A TT is expected later this month, and possibly a GHB as well.

    They’re seasonal units. We always get them through a banner. I guess they could have changed their plans as to who’s on the banner, but since they already had the art I doubt it.

  8. People keep saying it’s Lissa on the left, but I have my doubts. For one, we already know we’re getting Robin and Tharja, and they almost always do 2 awakening characters and 2 fates characters. So I hate to admit it, but that’s probably Peri, which means another banner I won’t summon from. The one on the right’s Probably Leo.

  9. So I never understood this. Is your front unit of your arena defense team the unit people get on the voting gauntlet? If so, I’m currently providing a standard vantage  Hector build with a distant defense sacred seal to team Sigurd. He’s minus attack, but he’s Hector, so he’s still great.

  10. 6 minutes ago, thecrimsonflash said:

    I meant like how fates did it, nothing is ripped, or broken, everything is just removed in one clean hit, it feels like they are toning themselves down in a series that hasn't been toned down in years, and even then, it's not like you can't be tasteful when dealing with ripped clothing, heroes certainly has a few noteworthy examples but for the most part damaged artwork doesn't look like it trying too to be sexy or anything, I dare say camilla's damaged art was even handled tastefully. these people don't look like they were hit with an attack so strong it destroyed their armor, they look like they just striped it all off after a long day's work and are preparing to unwind, I would have prefered them as alternate costumes rather than 'broken' armor. 

    Echoes was pretty toned down. Just saying.


    Also, You seem to be implying that this somehow makes less sence than fates, even though fate’s equivalent managed to strip them down to their underwear. How does this make less sense? 

  11. 1 hour ago, Zeo said:

    Not invested in this VG in the least. Just not really interested.

    Supporting Faye cause reasons. I like Dorcas and Sigurd, but I don't have either. Still I'll probably support one of them before it's over because lol@fayemakingittothelastround

    Yeah, it is a super vauge theme. You have married men Sigurd and Dorcas, potential lover of Cris Katarina (Cris in heroes when?), possibly wants to marry her brother Pricilla, stalkers Tharja and Rajhat, and unrequited lovers Catria and Fae(who’s also a stalker but Alm doesn’t marry her so it’s different). It should have been more consistent, like Maried men Sigurd, Dorcas, Clive and Marth vs pining women Tharja, Rahjat, Fae and Catria, but oh well. At least I got a free Sigurd out of it!

  12. 17 hours ago, DarkDestr0yer61 said:

    No, Finn didn't BUY the silver blade. He can get it from killing Chagall and passes it down that way. But Finn can't buy the Silver Blade

    Yeah, you’re probably right. I swear I remember buying it with him, but this was forever ago, so I guess I just misremembered.

  13. 21 minutes ago, Tolvir said:

    According to a few people, the article states that he uses Lethality in his moveset. The moveset they have in game are nothing but placeholders, the same movesets every generic enemy commander and unit uses. It makes sense for them to have new movesets, in theory, considering its nothing more than a generic enemy moveset. Look at Owain for example, where he uses Ryoma's moveset and has lightning attacks. It doesnt make any sense given the situation.

    Lethality will likely just be one of his specials, or his skill. The generic archer movset is the same as the playable archers, so Niles will likely have the same moveset.


    Also, it makes perfect since for Owain to have Lightning powers. Remember how good his magic is?

  14. 46 minutes ago, Dragonage2ftw said:

    M-MAID CAMILLA?!?!?!?!?






    BUTLER TAKUMI?!?!?!?!?!


    Thank you, Koei Techmo.


    This truly is a perfect game.

    Where are you getting this Niles could have a unique mechanic? May I remind you that Niles is already in the game as a clone, so he will almost assuredly be a clone.

  15. On 8/15/2017 at 6:36 PM, DarkDestr0yer61 said:

    I thought of something. When it comes to inheritance, I want the parents to be able to buy weapons they can't use. Like if I want Lex!Arthur, I want Lex to be able to buy Elthunder and pass it down to him.

    They already can. I had Fin pass down a silver blade to Delmud, it works.

  16. 1 hour ago, Fire Emblem Fan said:

    Marth and Caeda
    Alm and Celica
    Sigurd and Deirdre
    Eliwood and Ninian

    It's totally gonna be them.

    You’re most likely right. I think people are only going with the unrequited love theme is so it can include awakening/fates characters. I’m almost positive that it will be a canonical couples banner though.

  17. 59 minutes ago, Dragonage2ftw said:

    Warriors didn't.


    Warriors used the Fates triangle, minus the daggers.

    No not really. You see, on the map, if an enemy has a double up or down arrow, that means you have a weapon triangle disadvantage/advantage. When you activate your awakening, you always have the advantage. However, if you have a tactical advantage over an enemy, or they have one on you, then it shows a single arrow. For example, if your using a very strong character, than enemies with the same weapon have the one down arrow. Or, if your a magic user attacking a low res enemy, then they have the one down arrow. Also, all melee attackers have a minor advantage over archers, while archers are usually neutral to magic users, hence, no fates triangle. So no, you’re wrong. The map just shows if you’ll have an advantage over the enemy at all, which is helpful for ordering the computers around, as they’ll usually win if they have an advantage. It’s not always the weapon triangle though.

  18. If they go with cannon couples (which I feel is the most likely option) they’ve plenty to choose from. For example:

    -Marth and Ceada

    -Alm and Celica

    - Sigurd and Deirdre 

    -Able and Est

    -Clive and Matilda

    -Gray and Clair

    -Boey and Mae

    If they don’t want 2 pairs from the same game, they could also go with the basically cannon Eliwood and Ninian, or Roy and Lilina. What excites me the most about this voting gauntlet is that if this is the theme, there’s gonna be no Awakening or fates characters, as none of those couples are cannon, though that’s probably the only reason they’d go with the unrequited love theme.

  19. 5 hours ago, Captain Karnage said:

    Well I leave warriors as a special case, as it was made by TK and not by IS, daggers don't exists in the game, and there's really only 1 lance user and 1 bow user as they're just clones of one another.

    And FE Heroes is more about color advantage green magic is still effective against a Lance user and a lance is still effective against a red tome

    For them to alter the 20 year old weapon triangle was a pretty risky move on their behalf, and I don't think they're just going to abandon it. I think it's good game design ensuing that every weapon has a weakness and a strength.

    I think that people in general don't like change, I think that people are resistant to the idea that something that they'e known for years now could change drastically. 

    They didn’t really change the weapon triangle. They just added on to it. If you want to get technical, the weapon triangle is altered with almost every game, as in the exact bonuses/penalties are always changing. Just because they changed a “series convention” doesn’t mean it’s here to stay.


    The leaks are still fake though.

  20. 8 hours ago, mewyeon said:

    When I saw the FEH channel announcement with the new heroes, I was like 'literally IDGAF about anyone except Joshua, must have Joshua'.  Thought I was going to have to spend a bunch of orbs to get him, but luckily, he's fo free from TT.  I'll just do a free pull on this banner and save up for the next one.  And btw, for the life of me, I still can't figure out why Lute is a popular character at all.  Her personality is grating.

    Because she’s really funny.

  21. 8 hours ago, Zeo said:

    The issue with this is that you get 5 stones per summon session and you don't get to choose the color. This means that Yellow stones have potential to take up a spot from R/G/B stones and Colorless stones are still likely to plague you with Virions, Gaius, Niles and the like. All that happens now is there are two different types of stones with units you don't want instead of them all being piled into one.

    Imagine pulling for a red unit only to see two yellow stones, two colorless and one blue, and it's going to be like this for the rest of the game.

    The only real solution would be able to choose what color stones you want to appear in your summon sessions. Which would allow players to game the system and undermine it's gacha nature. Which means less revenue, which means not happening.

    I understand that, but I’m specifically talking about when I’m aiming for an Archer. Giving healers their own color won’t make it any easier to get colored units, but getting archers or dagger units will be much easier, since I could just snipe the colorless stones and ignore the yellow ones. Plus, at least Virion and Niles have some actual skills to inherit, while healers have c skills sometimes, but that’s it.

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