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Everything posted by SorenThePichu

  1. My brain is broken. In all honesty, thank you for answering my question.
  2. Did they? I never actually turned the animations on for those. I was going completely off of the GBA animations, since the GBA games have my favourite graphics.
  3. Are you absolutely sure about that? I doubt he'd let them live if they were that angry. I always thought the sacrifice not being revivable was a programming error.
  4. I was wondering why mages even need magic tomes. I can understand that they need to learn the chants from the magic tomes, however I was wondering why they're necessary after the chant has been learned. 1) The chants cannot be so long that they cannot be remembered fairly easily. I know this because the mages can cast a magic spell about as quickly as any physical unit can swing their axes and swords and stab with their lances, as shown by animations. 2) Nino, in her support conversation with Erk, clearly states that she could cast anima magic without the aid of a tome or staff just by imitating Sonia as they chanted. This disproves any theories about the tome itself containing the magical power and that the mage "activates" said power by chanting. (Nino's Erk support conversation) 3) In the battle animations, mages, shamans, monks and other spellcasters are not shown reading from a book. Unless for some strange reason the mage is concealing the book somehow, it means that again the tome does not contain any magical power. (In fact, Bishops point their staves at the opponent to attack them IIRC, so it makes me wonder why they don't use some form of "damaging stave" to attack. It's clear that staves aren't designed completely for the aid of others since the Berserk stave exists, which causes someone to essentially go insane.) (Also, I was wondering why mages cannot cast a load of differing spells from a single tome - my first point argues that the chants can't be ridiculously long, so why can only one spell be fit in a massive tome?) Yes, I'm aware that if mages didn't require tomes they'd be amazingly broken gameplay-wise, but IS never explain why the mages require tomes to my knowledge, which to me just seems rather lazy. Also, if this topic's quesion has been covered before, I offer my deepest appologies, but it's almost midnight where I live and I wanted to post this before I go to bed, causing me to only have enough time to have a quick look at the other topics in this forum.
  5. I'm homeschooled, though, so that excuse axtually really works - all it takes is to leave my work lying around while I go and grab my equipment and I come back to lots of miniscule pieces of paper on the floor and a very happy baby.

  6. I just wish saying "the baby ate my homework" made me not get punished at school. [/sarcasm]

  7. Oh, I see. Yes, my baby sister is very cute!

  8. I don't actually know what that means. XD

  9. My baby sister is trying to eat my school work.

  10. I just tested it - whether the ROM has been patched or not, it still comes up with an error screen. And yes, it was a .SMC file.
  11. Oh, I see. Thank you. Before adding the patch, my ROM is 131,072 bytes. After adding the patch, it's 12,856,320 bytes.
  12. I'm fine. How are you?

  13. Thank you to both of you. My username is a combination of all three of my previous usernames on forums.
  14. Thank you for the welcome. Also, I'm homeschooled, so I didn't have to explain to a teacher why I wasn't in school for those two weeks. 8D
  15. I have a question. I'm not sure if it goes here, but if you have the time, can you help me a small bit? I added the patch to my ROM of the game, and attempted to add a header to the ROM, but instead of starting the process, SNEStool just said "Wrong File Size!". I haven't a clue what to do.
  16. Hello. Don't worry, it's only until I think of something better.
  17. My neck's fine now, not that I'm too happy about that. My doctor's advice was sit on the couch playing videogames for two weeks.
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