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Everything posted by OliKad

  1. Now that you mention, I might pair him with Briggid... Really, what's the best pairing with her anyway? :P
  2. Thanks guys! I feel much safer now that you all think that Noish x Fury isn't a bad pair for Sety, I made it up mostly for having a more offensive and durable Fee. But I still don't know if I should pair up Dew or Jamka. I'll probably do some research. ;) EDIT : What are the pairings that were used in the manga (never read it)?
  3. One tip: Don't. Use. Jeigan. That's why he is my choice for my profile picture, along with the subtitle: Master of None". You'll rapidly see why...
  4. In the name of JUSTICE! Yeah, Arthur freakin' rules! Favorite Female is Sakura, because she reminds me strongly of a certain 90s TV show... *sigh* please don't judge me...
  5. Here's my plan for my first playthrough of this masterpiece - at least so far (currently at Chapter 3) : Fury x Noish Lewin x Tiltyu Ayra x Holyn Aideen x Midir (already sealed) Lachesis x Beowulf Sylvia x Claude Briggid x Dew OR Jamka (not decided yet) What are your thoughts? Also, I'm kinda worried about pairing Fury with a physical unit, because while Fee will surely turn out great, I'm worried that Sety will be sh*t because of that. Is it alright? Thanks in advance!
  6. The only stories that I thought that did more than ''being a Fire Emblem story'' is in FE4 and FE7. Did I ever told you all how much I ​LOVE Fire Emblem: Geneaolgy of the Holy War?
  7. Same deal for me, actually! It sure does not deserve that much hate as well. But I do agree that the map design wasn't too hot...
  8. And yet, I love it so much! I'm at Chapter 14 (Birthright) right now, and its my 3rd favorite Fire Emblem, behing Genealogy of the Holy War and The Sacred Stones. But, by reading some comments (notably about the rumored 1 RNG) on this forum, I can already feel that it will get the same treatment as Awakening. I sincerely hope that this wonderful experience won't get bashed because it was different...
  9. Well, Takumi is right up there with Rebecca (FE7), Briggid and Jamka (FE4), so...
  10. I thought the same! Nice to see that it isn't a glitch then...
  11. About the whole system, it's kind of like the Pair Up system in FE13, but with the added satisfaction of still needing strategy to win. In short, I love it!
  12. Really? I mean, Riff was useless, so why do people miss him?
  13. I've never played Shadow Dragon, so I kinda went against your recommendation. :P By the by, is the DS remake as bad as people say it is?
  14. CASTLEVANIA III! F*** YEEEEESSSS! Hum. Anyway, I'm glad to see that FE1 isn't quite hated, like I thought earlier. Actually, I would class the differents FE1 versions as following: FE3 Book 1 › FE1 › Shadow Dragon Yes, I do think the DS remake is the worst of the bunch, because those graphics are just downright HORRIBLY UGLY!
  15. I mean, yes, I do find it very clunky and it did not aged exactly well, but here's the thing: just like with the original Legend of Zelda, it has its special feeling of being into a unique adventure. In this game, despite the very basic graphics and - while still good - music and an absolutely terrible interface, it feels especially good to conquer any chapter. You get the same boost of energy as when you conquer a dungeon in Zelda NES. And for this reason, I still like this game, even if I first played it this year, because it gives you a satisfying feeling of being on a special, epic quest, which only FE4 succeeded to entirely replicate so far in my opinion. Am I the only one who still enjoys Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon and the Blade of Light? Sorry for this wall of text filled with bad English...
  16. I hope this project will be finished someday. Just to see the definitive FE4 patch...
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