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Everything posted by SpacelessZarius

  1. Hello and welcome to the forums, HA you can take my Dominoes Pizza, ill just get Papa Johns instead. Oh you meant those dominoes, just take em.
  2. Hello and welcome to the forums, I too suck at talking until you get me talking about something I enjoy, then I never shut up :P
  3. Hello and welcome to the forums, just disable combat animations on FE9 :P Otherwise I too like animu
  4. Hello and welcome to the forums.
  5. Hello and Welcome to the forums, I agree finish the GBA series, they are well worth the time.
  6. Hello and welcome to the forums, Roy's game is the Binding Blade and is pretty damn good. And more people to rub Fates in my EU face :P
  7. Hello and welcome to the forums, stop rubbing fates in my EU face, ive still got a month of waiting XD, anyway enjoy awakening when you get it, that game got me to play the past games.
  8. Hello and welcome to the forums, little fox.
  9. Hello and welcome to the forums.
  10. Hello and welcome to the forums.
  11. Hello and welcome to the forums.
  12. Hello and welcome to the forums, which 40k army is your favourite? I am a fan of the Imperial Guard or Astra Militarum as they are now known as.
  13. Hello and welcome, This will be the day we open up the door, I too know the song :P
  14. Hello and welcome to the forums, I shocked myself too has to how quickly Fire Emblem became one of my favourite series.
  15. Hello and welcome to the forums, rare to find a fellow diablo fan I find anyway, Nino is good.
  16. Hello and welcome to the forums, well your fire emblem history beats mine :P
  17. Hello and welcome to the forums, you say your energetic and your intro shows that, also I too suffer from Aspergers soooo I shall not call ya autistic :)
  18. Hello and welcome to the forums, leafeon? why not umbreon.
  19. Hello and welcome to the forums, yes smash is an e-sport and does count :P
  20. Hello and welcome to the forums, I feel like im the only person who hasn't lurked :P
  21. Hello and Welcome to the forums.
  22. Hello and welcome to the forums, First off, your english is very good don't worry you'll be fine on that part, secondly Fates hyper for the EU next month WOOOO, you've also played way more awakening than me, but thats probably because I went to play the other FE games :P
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