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Posts posted by SpacelessZarius

  1. Hello and welcome to the forums, if you have a Wii U you can get three of the older games easy btw, but otherwise we hope to see your sprite creations.

  2. I first heard about Fire Emblem back when Smash Bro's Melee was out, I was told at the time it was Japanese game only. Pass by many years, and im talking to 2015, Im still recovering slowly from the (here comes some bad fire emblem reference) "Awakening" of a chronic illness and due to this I am in a real game slump (not really enjoying much) and Im looking for RPG recomendations and on a list appeared "FIre Emblem: Awakening" so I looked into more and found it to be a Turn-Based Stratergy as well. Also seeing some really nice character designs I decided to buy Awakening and give it a go. Awakening pretty much hooked me and I really enjoyed it, hell I would even say it brought back a joy in gaming I hadn't had for quite a while. Over the months of me enjoying Awakening and looking more into Fates, I decided to see if I could give the older titles a go, and what do you know some were on virtual console. My enjoyment of the series is still going strong and I have only 2 more world release titles to go (not including Fates as I need to wait another month for that in the EU).

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