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Posts posted by SpacelessZarius

  1. Hello and welcome to the forums, I think I preferred Path of Radiance for those first two, but probably because I like Ike too much XD. Also nice to see a fellow New Vegas fan on here, and finally welcome to the club of sucking with interacting with people I understand that pain all too well.

  2. Ahhhhh while I have played Ocarina of Time more, Twlight Princess always remain my favourite due to atmosphere of it all really. Not to mention one of my favourite art styles

  3. Hello and Welcome to the forums, don't worry Im an awakening baby as well, but going through the older titles has been a great ride, (hides the salt of still having to wait for fates in the EU).

    AH a fellow Zelda fan (a little bit of pokemon too I guess) which is your favourite Zelda game? I personally favor Twilight Princess.

  4. Hello and welcome to the forums, support convos are a great part of the game I agree, seeing how each character interacts is very interesting. Also your english seems to be just fine, I understood you just fine.

  5. Hello and welcome to the forums, the past games are just as good if not better, two of the GBA titles and one of the DS titles can be found on the Wii U store btw, or failing that try and find an emulator, if you need I can offer some help there.

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