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Posts posted by SpacelessZarius

  1. Hello and welcome to the forums, I also started with awakening last year, and played the GBA titles, im currently working on the Radiant saga now. Also scary to see someone whos just across a small body of water from me XD

  2. Oooooo first memory, hmmmm tricky to say, but earliest I would say were playing Spyro 1 and Croc 1 on the PS1. Theme hospital, starcraft, diablo, warcraft 2 on the PC. Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, Mario 64, Banjoo and Kazooie on the N64, and pokemon Red and Yellow on the gameboy. ( I honestly cant remember which memory came first)

    EDIT: OH and Tomb Raider 1 and 2, I used to watch my mom, stepdad and stepnan play them better than me as well :P

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