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  1. I was wondering if this could be applied to in-progress roms? I saw that there was a link to a JFP file which was stated to be able to used on in-progress roms, however, the link was dead. If anyone has this file could they repost it? Thank you.
  2. Hey, I've been messing around with the various editors. I've run into some problems but have managed to fix most of them by looking around, but I haven't seen anyone mention this one. When I insert a portrait, depending on who I insert it over, the size of it is different. As an example, inserting the same portrait over Kent and Florina causes the portrait to be a different height in the game. The eyes/Mouth match up, I figured out how to do that! But when I insert a pic over, say, Florina or Nils, if they aren't tiny themselves they look really big in the status screen (They are normal sized in conversation screens) Is there any way to change this? I've attached pictures with the same splice over both Kent and Florina so you can see the difference. The image file was the same. I've also got another question, it's a bit less important, but is there any way to make Hard Mode/Hector Mode available from the start? I suppose I could include a save file or a code or something to unlock it, but if it could be done by default it would be great. Also, is there a way to edit the enemies for hard mode specifically? Or is that all decided by the game itself? I did notice in Nightmare that there were a LOT of repeat enemies for the later levels, so I figured some were Hard Mode, but are they in any particular order? Anyway, the pics are below. Thanks for reading, hopefully you can help! Hopefully it's something simple that I just didn't see.
  3. Horace is also not on the Tier List. Not sure if anyone else is missing.
  4. Hello and welcome to Serenes Forest!

    Hope you enjoy your stay.


  6. In the Prologue, saying no to the first choice has you fighting George. Instead of getting Athena, you'll get Gordon after the battle. Saying no to the second choice has you fighting Oguma instead of Draug. You get Oguma after the battle. Saying no to the third choice makes you fight Est instead of Cain. You'll get Est after the battle. Saying Yes to the final choice that Katarina gives you gives your character a headband, if you say no you do not get it. Est and Oguma leave after the prologue, but they probably keep their experience and stuff.
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