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About Zynac

  • Birthday 06/25/1993

Previous Fields

  • Favorite Fire Emblem Game
    Path of Radiance

Zynac's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)

  1. Happy Birthday, sorry for being a little late!!!

  2. Happy Birthday!!! (again)

  3. Happy Birthday!!!

  4. Happy Birthday!!!

  5. Happy Birthday!!

  6. Happy Birthday!!

  7. Chapter 12 base, sorry about the wait, ive been really busy Ike Lv 19 Str 14 Skilll 16 Sp 17 Def 12 Marcia lv 16 Str 12 Skil 13 Sp 17 def 10 Rolf lv 14: str 10 skill 13 sp 15 def 9 Rhys 15: mag 16 skil12 sp 9 res 20 Titiania lv 7 str 15 skil 16 sp 16 def 13 Kieran 16: Str 13 skill 12 Sp 13 Def 12 all these levels are lower than my liking but with all the new people i keep getting its hard to train people. I'm confident i can make them all 20/20, this is a pretty fun playthrough so far
  8. i would respond there but nothin happening yet, i've had a busy day or two. I'll definetly update it tomorrow sorry about the wait

  9. So,how it's goign with your side of our playthrough?Please respond on the playlog topic.

  10. Ya shinon's stats are too low because he is such a pre-premote. Rolf needs some babying but its relatively do able. Also Rolf has the possibilty of triangle attack going for him...
  11. if you move oscar to the left square right at the end of the wall( the hole between the two walls, the opening into the center area) the two knights willl position themselfs 2 squares away from oscar( based on their move range) and then the archer will go right next to oscar and the whole left side will become clogged and you wont have to fight with oscar( meaning ike and titania get all the exp). this means you cant recruit llyana but it makes the level easier and makes it so you dnt have to use oscar any more! just a suggestion, if you want llyana then your strategy will have to do. good luck!
  12. ya i already have many of those supports ( Ryhs Kieran, Astrid Gatire) so ill probably change it up a bit. thats a pretty good list for it though
  13. i use NOONE except the people im going to use, i use copious amounts of BEXP and my ike is always power leveled early on. I think im just more used to hard mode im sure you'll catch up eventually
  14. I'm on Chapter 10 and Ike lv 19 Titania Lv 5 Ryhs Lv 12 Rolf Lv 10 Marcia Lv11 I just got rolf and marcia so i used all the built up BEXP i had and powered them real high. i normally stealth the next level so ill have enough to give kieran a good grounding, but im considering just fighting my way through because i have so much need of combat exp
  15. im gonna throw ppl into battle and not give them any exp just to unlock suports i dont have so ill have a support for llyana and for kieran and why are you gonna use llyana?? shes not on the first playthrough list? and niether is sothe, are they just for the support convos? cuz if they are just there for the convo's im doing that too lol
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