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Everything posted by Zynac

  1. um, ya i kinda meant part 1...and chances are you get at least one unit to help him do that but i guess your right my initial statments were hyperbole on sothe's skill...all the more reason to keep Ike in his high position! because unlike Sothe, Ike easily becomes your best unit in 3rd promote( ok except for Laguz nobles...but you get the idea)
  2. I dont think ike needs to move down further, he's certainly as useful as sothe in my opinion, even with the late premote he never gets weak, and never has trouble keeping up, so if your the unlucky man who got shafted and got no GM's or like 1 or 2 crappy ones, you can cruch off of him but unlike sothe hes actually worth somthing in the end game...sothe's caps are awful. Sothe shoud still stay quite high because he is the best the DB has to crib off of and in NM you dnt need any strong DB to make it through( allowing you to potentially draft extra bad ass characters). I just think since you have to train ike so he can kill ashera and BK you may as well just leave him high.
  3. I think shinon should go up a few, he is currently under heather....heather!? whats up with that! shinon is a very powerful unit with good availibilty and who is gonna compete with him for the double bow? astrid? leonardo? i dnt think so. I've actually seen multiple chapters soloed with an ike shinon support team so i know that he is good in NM and don't see how heather can possibly more worthwhile
  4. the levels when you have zihark and not stefan, zihark is still catching up and will( unless you go crazy on him) will not be a higher level than stefan. I will admit zihark has an advantage in luck. its just stefan is definetly easier to train, when zihark is only a tad less rewarding( stefan still easily has 25 crit with normal weapons and 50 or more with killer( or the vague katti). to me thats enough crit any way. overall they are both good units and i prefer stefan, but understand some one who prefers to train up a character instead of getting one who is already high level
  5. Stefan is in fact a prepremote, but he's cooler than zihark and caps speed skill and str naturally so really...what does zihark have over him? more work to train and maybe a few def or res? thats just my two cents
  6. Alright i started my playthrough and on the second chapter that i can use Nolan hes level 13...i get the feeling hes gonna be ok...thanks for all the advice guys!
  7. i guess jill is better, and Nolan would have priority over any one else( im giving him a little favoritism this time around), but i have decieded i want to train volug, is unshifting him and letting an enemy i know wont put him in danger attack him so he gets a ton of extra exp for being untransformed a good method for a few levels? This is HM so i wont have enough BEXP to just baby multiple units so id at least like a fall back method to give volug some levels( but getting him S in strike sounds like my first goal so ill make sure to do that).
  8. wehehelll i guess he'll be fine, once again thanks guys....people keep mentioning Volug as a good partner and good DB unit...a tad off topic but any one got some tips for training him? i really stink at training him with the whole half shift problem and such( im tellin ya i am TERRIBLE with the Dawn brigade but want to correct that)
  9. I couldnt agree more. To me RD's "plot" is better( more complex and certainly unpredictable) but PoR had more( as you put it so perfectly) soul. PoR was some what predictable but with so much more heart to it. Also they made the main character easy to relate to and pretty much awsome( i honestly wanted ike to kill miciahah). Also the sad moments of remembering Greil( and basically the whole sequence leading up to and imediatly after Griel's death) have so much feeling, every time i play i just feel the emotion. RD has the makings of a better game( twisted plot, more difficulty and options, better graphics, although many of the animations are so unrealistic its stupid but hey what can you expect?(ie swinging a spear and a horse jumping from a stagnant position) but you cant replace spirit. Also i prefer PoR skill animations cuz they happen so fast which i like better than the slow mo of RD. really just personal opinion but ShadowKnight hit on the exact reason i like PoR so i thought id comment
  10. I always forge for the people i train( unless i run out of money, doesnt happen much) but i agree that it should be stated So im still concerned about him suviving in 3-6, i mean with beast foe he'll obviously obliterate offensively, but im just concerned he'll get attacked by like 3 tigers in one turn( or 2 tigers and 2 cats or any other stupid combo of WAY to many laguz) and obviously the first thing you guys will say is...dont let him get hit by that many...but there are so many in the level it seems impossible to not be ganged up on. Is he more durable than i believe or is it easy to control the numbers of attacking laguz in that level
  11. thanks guys! that all makes sense, i think the main reason I failed in the past is because I never tried hard enough and always used the exact party i had used in the corresponding playthrough of PoR leaving no space for Nolan. Now that i realize muarim and tormod dont cap enough stats in PoR to make them worth useing in RD i have a couple slots to fill lol. I also think im still shell shocked from my first attempts on HM at the 3-6( Didnt train any DB members cuz i was holding a grudge on Miciah for failing me in my previous playthrough) and it was borderline impossible( of course that being my own fault).
  12. So I've always wanted to train Nolan, but I've never put in enough effort. Overall I'm terrible at training DB members especially if they don't get transfers. I'm wondering if any one has any advice for helping me train Nolan cuz ill be able to in my next palythrough. only other person who im training in part 1 is llyana( with transfers) and I'll be in HM. Should i just BEXP him and if so to what level? and what stat raisers does he need( im assuming speed and defense?)
  13. Marcia starts at a lower level but is easy to train cuz she...isnt laguz, also she flys giving more movment options. I think she is less availible though isnt she? cant remember exactly, but either way after getting her out of her initial crappiness she has alot of potential
  14. not really, especially in HM, laguz are hard to use and these guys arnt strong enough to improve very fast( because kills seem to not level them at all) i mean my ulki never did anything good until towards the end after he had been strengthened with levels and given the proper transformation items. that being said janaff's strength was somthing i didnt know about cuz i probably gave ulki the strength drops.
  15. muhahahahaha! ive heard this so many times and i love to see people who truely believe in their point of view and i like to discuss with them. Heres the thing, if it was so obviously figurative, why would Jesus just let all the crowds leave? they all left saying he was crazy and that its cannabelism( at least the text leads us to believe this, i think they say somthing like, this teach is hard, who can accept this? which sounds like a poor japanese translation lol) if he really only meant " you have to follow me" why would every one of his disciples( only the 12 apostles stayed) leave him for it. youll also notice this is ( im pretty dang sure) the only time people leave Jesus simply over his teaching alone( like i say could be a few times im forgeting but its one of few). also the greek words used in that text are for gnaw and devour not consume, so he used a specific verb for bite not just aquire. ( now im getting lazy so ill just let you refute those points before i move onto the tons of others i have cuz im lazy enough to not put a full arguement in one post, like i said i think my laziness shows and some of th logic probably doesnt hold through like its supposed to so just refute and ill continue with all the other arguments i have found, by the way i love apologetical arguments)
  16. i would argue for Ulki over Janaff, it may just be personal prefrence but i find Ulki's extra avoid to be amazing, making him capable of dodgeing even cross bows by the Endgame. I guess i understand the preference of first turn transformation but really in RD you have to use items( olivi grass laguz stones and finally the laguz gem) to make them a viable unit( half shift can be useful as well at times). i just feel like ulki makes a much better end product because of his insane dodging abilities. Also...why are they both so high up on the list, i mean they are availible and strong but they are very hard to train( most laguz in RD have similair problems) so they need alot of favoritism/BEXP( which you mentioned that you get lots of in draft playthroughs but even so they take alot of it)
  17. Well it seems kinda obvious that he meant the convo's but i dnt like how RD lets you make a support between any one cuz storyline wise that just doesnt make sense for alot of ppl. The PoR supports have a real story behind them all but the RD ones can be completely random ppl that have absolutly nothing to do with each other. now it is alot easier to use for combat purposes but i think it takes some of the life out of the game. I also find RD's "difficulty" to be annoying, the only hard parts are much more annoying than hard, mainly DB( too weak so their levels are hard) and the fact that you cant do the range checky thingy( which just makes me waste my time counting squares...oooo soo hard really just obnoxious) that being said RD is harder than PoR so if thats what you want then there it is( i wasnt talking Maniac for any of that i dnt have a japanese game...)
  18. I'll just prefrece this by saying i love them both and i love how even the minor untied ends of PoR are tied up in RD. I have to say i prefer PoR, and i think it will be some of the same reasons ppl dont like it more...i blame this on perspective. I love the support convos: they give more excitement when it comes to playing through multiple times and also adds great development to every character, somthing RD fails to do with every new character it introduces( DB is the main example, compared to the Griel mercenaries i never felt i knew much about any of them). I also love how well PoR sets the mood and makes you love the story, EX: the very first levels with the mercenaries, every time i play it i just love how happy i feel and really feel the change of pace and mood when Daien attacks( i didnt feel obligated to make this a spoiler tag...) Although i enjoy the extreme mindbending plot twists of RD i find the switching parties system to be very tedious on a storyline stand point. it can be dealt with game play wise( but i really dnt like it ) but just when im enjoying the plot of the Griel mercenaries it throws me into the crappy Dawn Brigade or the Cimean Royal Knight, which i find annoying to say the least. I also dnt like Ike's haircut in RD i mean come on he used to look like a hero now he looks like a muscle head! just the first that come to mind, im sure if i get argued over it or as time goes by ill remember more.
  19. although the similarities are cool, it wouldnt make any sense seeing as how Elincia wasnt supposed to exsist, no one thought the Crimean family had any children and hiding one was enough. also why would the nice old king ramon abandon a child. so now that we have ruled out a direct realtion i guess techinacally being cousins is "possible" but her being of "noble birth" means next to nothing seeing as how any one in a high position is of noble birth because you have to be to get a position in Begnion. Being a Crimean noble wouldnt make her much of a candidate for the most important position in all of Begnion( argueably but she gguards the apostle, why would they allow an outsider to do that.)
  20. So its like the same wieght and yet he sprints around like its nothing, which is the whole point he's really powerful. not quite superhuman( i said basically superhuman which means im NOT arguing that hes superhuman just that he is rather abnormal in his physical abilities). by the way nice fact check on those stats
  21. so sprinting around is not that common seeing as how they slink around like any one in armor should and also, the armors not heavy!? it COVERS him head to toe and its not one layer its like a ton of sheets of metal, you seem to forget the average helmet is 40 pounds, the rest of the armor is probably ridiculous and Zelgius looks 7 ft tall( almost hes taller than ike who always looks like the tallest ever) and branded have increased abilities and both games seem to always imply BK has ridiculous strength. hes not a super hero but hes also not human( hes branded thus diffrent and better in many ways). He also happens to have the skill to complement that strength( just like ike) but they are both much stronger than the average warrior. also once the armor lost its blessing( the black knight says it has in FE10) it still happens to be very resistant to attacks so its gotta be pretty good armor in on of itself and it looks REALLY HEAVY....just saying
  22. ranulf says in PoR " he moves so fast in all that armor, its just not normal" ( or somthing like that) if you notice the cutscene in FE10 he does indeed SPRINT while wearing the biggest suit of armor ever. and that cant be shrugged off as normal FE stuff cuz all other armored knights move slow and have trouble moving ( in one of the early chapters of PoR, gatire says he "can't run that fast" complaining about running with shinon) and as far as ike goes...have you seen his muscles in RD i mean good Lord! enough said
  23. wow! your right just checked the photo and your right, when i made the thread i had this picture in mind cuz i thought i remebered her with both being swung, great observation ....i guess the thread is over now
  24. So Altina is the great heroin who helped Dhegensia and Soan defeat Yune and all that good stuff. The thing that makes me scratch my head is that she used Ragnell AND Alondite. Now useing two swords isnt all that out of the ordinary but both of those swords look extremly heavy! Ike( who is super muscular) and the Black Knight( who almost has super human strength from being branded) use one of those swords like a 2 handed sword( because thats what they are). Now they both at times seem to use it one handed but it just seems hard to imagine a woman( women CAN be just as strong as men but the female body isnt built as muscular) can swing them around like nobodies business. Im not trying to be sexist here it just kinda made me wonder( especially because Smash Bros Brawl makes Ragnell seem like its 100 pounds) Any one have any plot inspired thoughts or just personal opinions? i just thought it seemed strange to me
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