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Mordecai's Teeth

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About Mordecai's Teeth

  • Birthday 06/12/1992

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  • Favorite Fire Emblem Game
    Blazing Sword

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Newbie (1/14)

  1. 09519-24697-36574-36585 Avatar-death blow, rend heaven, vantage, aptitude, sol Jakob- aptitude,armored blow,live to serve, tomebreaker,rend heaven Sakura- aptitude,Amaterasu, rend heaven, lethality, renewal Oboro -counter magic, aptitude, seal defene, luna, seal speed Mozu- aptitude, death blow, certain blow, luna Camilla -sol, rend heaven, aptitude, bow breaker, sword breaker. Selena -lifetaker, armored blow, aptitude, rend heaven, shuriken breaker. Hinoka- Amaterasu, rend heaven, aptitude, trample, bowbreaker Takumi- I hate him so i threw him in without a weapon!
  2. Happy Birthday!!! (sorry for a couple days late, my Internet connection had a problem)

  3. Happy Birthday!!! (again)

  4. A whole thread just for Cynthia? "Nu-uh!"

  5. Did cynthia grow on anyone else as much as myself, i just love her personality and her mannerisms; it makes up for me having to put up with sumia.
  6. What an excellent user pic. Happy birthday.

  7. ...then found another time machine and met caineghis....
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