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Everything posted by The_Steel_Lance

  1. I'll take Draug and Castor. I'm loving all my earlygame units. Anyway, I finished the prologue. I'll post stats after chapter 1.
  2. I can't believe that they are still avaliable, but I'll take Barts and Cord. And why would you switch Barts for Catria? Why?
  3. Standard Nuzlocke, except I have made a restriction on three items per shop per town. I'll try to update every once and a while. I don't plan on doing to much level grinding, I find that takes the difficlutly out of it. Littleroot Town Got the potion, out of the PC, went and met May. Went north to... Route 101 KO'ed the Zigzagoon with my Torchic. Went back to Littleroot, named Torchic KFC, and went north towards Oldale town, getting some exp along the way. Oldale Town Got free potion, continued north after healing. Also picked up 3 antidotes. Route 103 Can't catch one for this route either, ran into a Poochyena. Oh well. Battled May, whose Mudkip almost prematurly ended my run with a critical, leaving KFC with 2 HP. Headed back to littleroot. Littleroot Got Pokeballs, Running shoes, and left. Headed to route 102 Route 102 First Pokemon I ran into was... Seedot. Wonderful. Named it Igor. I don't think he's gonna last too long. I really love his movepool of not attacks until level 13. Well, he'll be a good sacrifice. He managed to take down a Wurmple with bide and gained a level from it. Then... Sorry for small pic, i'll make the next one bigger. KFC defeated the rest of the route, and I picked up the berries. Petalburg City Healed, watched Wally catch his pokemon, and headed to Route 104.
  4. I completely forgot about this draft, my life got busy all of a sudden. I'll do my best to complete it.
  5. Thanks for updating my picks. I would just like some clarification on the no warp-skipping, but warp allowed in general rule. Is it to recruit characters such as Maria?
  6. I might not be here when the next person arrives. If that is the case, my picks are Shiida, Frey, and Cain, in that order if one is taken.
  7. I hate to bring drafting to a halt, but i'm choosing position 5.
  8. Win: Wrys capping Magic as a bishop Fail: Wrys having 11 speed.
  9. Chapter 1 6/9 Turns Eirika sat on the fort on turn 2, then moved to the forest on turn three, attracting all the enemies as she went. Sat in front of the boss on turn 5, then seized on turn 6. Chapter 2 7/16 Turns Missed all the villages. Eirika went south, while Ross and Garcia killed the archer and the brigand on thier side of the map. Eirika lured the bandits from the mountain, then moved to the fort, and killed them all. Finished Bone after he destroyed the village. Unit Lvl Class HP Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res Wep Eirika 7.54 Lord 19 7 11 13 9 5 3 C Swords Chapter 3 9/25 Turns More units! This chapter takes longer if you draft Colm, because of Niemi's shitty MOV. Oh well. Eirika ran right for the throne, and crit killed the boss, while Colm and Niemi cleaned up the scraps. Colm and Niemi got a C Support.
  10. Since it seems like the cool thing to do... Gerik - Probably should not have taken him first round, but w/e. See how he pans out. Artur - Better start than Lute, and gets C in staves on promotion Forde - Worst cav, but high movement units are good. Still a good character Tana - Flying utility is always huge in these drafts. See if she does a good job. Colm - Thief helps, I guess, but I just picked him for an earlygame unit, which I was sorely lacking in Niemi - ^ See second half of Colm. Support with Colm will help I guess. L'Arachel- Filler Prologue 3/3 Turns Seth gave Eirika his steel sword and vulernery. Rest is explanatory. Chapter 1: RAGEQUIT ONLY EIRIKA IS HARD
  11. It doesn't matter who the last three geitz, because they will cost turns. As will higher drafted units such as Minerva, Maria, and Jeorge.
  12. **Looks at remaining choices.** L'Arachel, so Artur can go kill stuff instead of warp. Sorry Amelia and Ewan.
  13. Sirius is still below Est. And Luke is still below Ryan. I don't see any changes except the removal of no reclassing.
  14. I went ahead with everyone's requests, and picked Forde.
  15. Turns out i'll be around all weekend, so I can make my own picks now.
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