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Everything posted by Senyosu

  1. Question about English VAs (if addressed before, link will do). Since both Cam Clarke and Yuri Lowenthal voice M!MU I was wondering which of the three choices were voiced by who. I think it's the middle voice that's the Yuri Lowenthal voice, but I just want actual confirmation on this. Also, who the hell voices Niles? Or Takumi for that matter? I'm getting Yuri Lowenthal vibes from both (and even made jokes about M!MU x Niles) but at the same time I doubt that they're voiced by Yuri Lowenthal. I have pretty bad hearing, so I would not be surprised that Niles was in fact not voiced by Yuri Lowenthal. If anyone can confirm, or if it has been confirmed prior, I thank you lots.
  2. I'd say Hans. Iago, while threatening, is a bit more of an inconvenient troll/annoyance. but they all really... really suck
  3. thank you to you all for welcoming me //bows
  4. I'm just wondering what the names of the boss themes of the playable characters and royal siblings on both routes are. Thanks if you can answer that. Although I think one of them was called 'condemnation' but I'm honestly unsure.
  5. I've used this site for playing Awakening and Fates (as well as RD/POR), and I'm glad for that. Also lurked for the hell of it. So yeah, decided on making an account because, you know, why not? So far I've been enjoying Fates quite nicely, and the feels are bloody fantastic. So yeah, hey there~
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