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Everything posted by DorianS

  1. Hi Marcella! Thanks for doing an AMA. Also, as an aside, I have an aunt with the same name. :D Ahem, now more on track. Firstly, thank you for your performance as Lady Corrin and Lady Scarlet. I enjoyed both performances. Though you might like Scarlet more, I find that I prefer Lady Corrin. :D In fact I prefer Lady Corrin over Lord Corrin. Though I think my avatar hints that I like her a lot. :D I noticed earlier in the thread that you said you preferred Scarlet's, so I'm curious. Is it specifically Scarlet herself or the type of character that Scarlet is that you prefer? So this specific character or the rather the general role she fills into the story at large is what I'm more meaning. If there was an animated feature/story/series for Fire Emblem: Fates, would you love to return to your roles? Finally, I noticed you said that you liked Scarlet's confession to Corrin, but do you wish Scarlet had more? I know for myself, I was wishing Scarlet and Ryoma had a confession scene.
  2. Going to add two more classes and four more promotions. Why? Because I like doing these things. Nohr - Vassal, Hoshido - Gokenin (might need a better title here) A loyal servant of any Lord until the very end. Weapon: Sword - C Strengths: STR, SKL Weakness: MAG, LCK Movement: 5 Skills: For Country - When in Attacking stance with a Royal, Skill activation increased by 10% (Level 1), Vassal's Pact - When in Defending stance with a Royal, increase shield generation by 1. Promotes: Nohr - Lord, Hoshido - Daimyo A servant to their country, until the end of days. Weapon: Sword - B, Lance - C, Tome - C Strengths: STR, SKL, SPD Weakness: MAG, LCK, HP Movement: 7 due to becoming Mounted. Skills: Glory - Boosts Incoming Heals by 10%, Lord's Pact - For Country and Vassal's Pact work as if this unit were Royal (Level 15).
  3. Hey, I did one whole line, now this time a singular advanced class that's strictly for Corrin and also is for Revelations. Fated Noble: A noble who fights for their own fate in life, not one that life hands them. Weapons: Swords - C, Magic - C, Staves - C, Dragon Stone - C Skills: Level 5 - Dragonic Lore, Level 15 - Revelation Growths: 10% 10% 10% 10% 10% 5% 15% 15% Max Stats: HP 57 STR 31 MAG 27 SKL 32 SPD 28 LCK 33 DEF 34 RES 29 Notes: Basically a combination of the Hoshido and Nohr Noble, but be the Revelation path's version. Coloring would be blue like the ocean. Dragonic Lore would grant the Dragonstone the abilty to double attack, but with only a bonus of +2 def/res. Revelation would give +2 to all stats. Hence why it is a level 15 advanced class skill.
  4. I really love the voice acting for Conquest. Some of the characters do an excellent job with just what little they have to say. Rena Strober did an awesome, fantastically good job with the song. Kudos to her, because I was not expecting that at all. Also, thank you for doing Azura. Much appreciated. Also, LisaandLie(AmaLee) did a great cover that I wanna mention, go for it. That's how awesome this song is! The combat system is fantastic and wonderful. I literally restarted Conquest just to replay fights. Tons of fun there and considering this could have totally backfired with the no weapon degrading, it is wasn't. Archers are amazing and actually worth having around. Especially if you give them a Shining Bow or Yumi. Magical weapons are priceless for people who have terrible strength, but are in a strength class. While Nohr and Hoshido both seem to represent Western and Eastern cultures, they actually feel like they aren't something just based off of, but seem to come alive with their own flavouring. Whoever decided that unpromoted classes do not need to be leveled up in after getting out of them, deserves a raise. So many classes, so many ways to flesh out my army. Nom, nom. The different seals, while at first seem daunting, is a great way for people to plan their characters out. I like that. Forrest is just a guy who likes fashion. Soliel is a girl who likes being with anyone. Camilla just loves to love. Frankly, these could've been awful characters, but they were just characters and not a big deal was made about it. Well, except Leo of Forrest and I think that was him worrying that everyone else wouldn't accept Forrest. As he turned around awfully quickly! Arthur's VA is perfect and I'd so join his League of Justice. FOR GREAT JUSTICE~! For making me like the female Avatar more than the male Avatar. Yeah, Corrin's shown as male for a lot of the promotional material, but Corrin feels much better as a female than male. Also helps that she's so pretty... I am not drooling! Also, FOR NOHR~! The clothes for each country feel like they'd be lived in. Rather than just something that they'd wear. For giving me reasons to keep weaker weapons around. I hoard all the weapons. Then smith them. For changing up smithing to something I constantly will and do use. Jakob is the best butler I could ask for. Flora is the worst maid I could ask for, and I'm okay with that. Takumi is a loveable jerk in Conquest. What I mean is that I love to hate him. That Conquest isn't unforgiving, just unreasonable. I like my brutality in my Fire Emblems. Hans is an awesome character and I'm sad I'm not able to recruit him. He's that awesome. Iago is a good foil for us, planning out his own plans for things. That I can skip the tutorial and just head straight into the Fates. That Trio haven't changed much. Selena's more confident, Laslow's able to really smile and Odin's well, more Odin. Each Fate is more or less feels like a different game. I was sort of miffed when I originally heard about it, but quite thankful after playing Conquest and watching my friend play Birthright to see that it isn't like I'm paying for the same again. Kudos. Also, can we please have more of that in future games? I am in love with the idea of "what ifs" like this seems to do. That the stat roles seem different than someone being pigeoned holed into a particular class. I've got way more than this, but I think I'll stop here. Thanks guys.
  5. Name: Mark Class: Monk -> Onmyoji/Great Master Talent: Dark Mage -> Sorcerer/Strategist Background: The son of Selena and Subaki (the true pairing, come on), Mark is pretty much average at everything he does. Except, his skills at tactical thinking. While in his deep realms, he consumed himself with tomes on how to become an even better tactician. Deciding that he would be a better strategist than Corrin, he lures in the group with falsified information to his trap. Yes, this Mark is that Mark from Blazing Sword. I figured I'd create him and the only child that would make any remote sense as a child from the one's that have been done is Selena's and he'd also would look so much like his father, that I might as well make him as obvious as can be on who his parents are like his sister, Caeldori. Mark's deep realm would be a two stage deep realm (still counts as one map). First you need to survive so many waves (10 turns) of Mark's men, before the real bad guys show up and Mark shows up to aid. However, the less men you kill of Mark's men, the more "allies" you'll have to defeat the real threat. After winning, Mark decides that even against his mother's orders, that he must follow Corrin and learn from him, since he managed to survive two armies and turn the tides. His conversation with Corrin would poke and prod at him so much that Corrin can not believe that Mark lost. It would eventually end with Corrin pointing out that Mark wanted to lose so as to have an excuse to leave his deep realm. As nearly every suggestion that Mark has given is better than anything anyone else could've offered up. With his mother, Selena, she'd worry about him fighting because he's not really good at it. He comes back with a prophetic answer of "don't worry, mom. It isn't like I'll be transported to another time and place, where it'll be my choices that decide if someone lives or dies". This causes her to flip out, which in turn leads to him finding out the truth about Selena and her own history. With his father, Subaki, he'll comment on how it is amazing that they look so alike that they could be mistaken for an elder and younger brothers. In fact, they'll talk about the time how they were mistaken and they even actually gave the answers that the other would've given if they had been in their place. Subaki will also admit that he's jealous of Mark's tactical prowess, as it is a gift that not even anything Subaki could do would rival it. His conversation with Caeldori would be about how Mark is unprepared for the coming events and that they need to practice things. She manages to tick Mark off, to the point that he loses it. The last thing you'd hear is Caeldori's death cry. The next conversation is that you find out that Mark is actually a berserker when he fights and loses himself in the lust of battle. He found this out quickly in his deep realm and strove to keep himself out of combat for fear that he would do exactly what just happened. Caeldori apologizes for her actions and tells Mark that it wasn't his fault, but hers. The two's final conversation is that they would work on mastering Mark's bloodlust and hopefully contain it. Also he'd have a special conversation with Leo, on how Leo can never beat him and it drives Leo nuts. Mark will eventually let Leo know that he has been studying nearly everything about Leo, as he knew his mother had a rough time beating him. Leo wonders if Mark knows him better than him himself. I selected Monk as his starting class because he doesn't get into confrontations himself. Also, I wanted to create something unique for him, so he's got his classes split. While being a Monk he gets access to Onmyoji and Great Master. While being a Dark Mage he gets access to Sorcerer and Strategist. Class wise: Monk is weak, his Basara is okay, Onmyoji is average, Dark Mage is also average, Sorcerer is above average, while the Strategist, of course, would be his bread and butler class you would want him in. The Strategist class would be him using his strategic thinking into his magics and healing, thereby getting around his average worth. His personal starting ability would be +15% Skill Activation Boost to any ally within in a 2 tile radius. As for what class he is in during Blazing Sword? Monk. Which explains why he never is in combat. Though, with a remake, he'll probably become your healer for the first while. Also, I realize this goes against my head canon that I mentioned in the head canon thread, but I thought that this was too fun, not to do.
  6. Since I finally finished Conquest yesterday, my thoughts on a few things. I haven't played Birthright or Revelations, yet, and I'm still a bit lacking on a few in the series as a whole... But I'm confident I'm onto something with this. Work in progress, I know, but I really do think I'm onto something here.
  7. I'm creating an entire class line. Not just the original class. Wizard / Kisai - Able to conjure spells seemingly with only thought, but utilizes the very Dragon Veins to cast his magic. Yes, I'm creating a class that is basically a non-Royal who can tap into the Dragon Veins. But only to cast magics. For the Hoshidians, this is a being who is able to use Kotodama easily and would reflect that in their flavour text. Class Weapons - Daggers, Tomes / Shurkiens, Tomes This is probably the only combination I haven't seen yet, which is Daggers and Tomes. [skills] Innate Magic (Lv. 1): Able to use Vein Arrow without a Tome. This is an E spell. Learned Magic (Lv. 10): Store Tome lore for use. Req. Innate Magic. HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res Mov Base Stats: 10 1 6 6 1 6 1 3 5 Max Stats: 21 10 29 27 17 26 11 19 Growth Rates: 5 5 30 20 10 20 5 10 Pair-Up Stats: - - 3 1 - 1 - - - Upgraded Classes - 1st Sage / Sennin Yuppers folks. We're adding the sage class back in! This class adds back in staffs to the mix. [skills] Innate Healing (Lv. 5): Able to use heal Rejuvenate, an E healing spell. Healing Lore (Lv. 15): Able to store Staff lore for use. Req. Innate Healing. HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res Mov Base Stats: 13 6 6 6 6 4 4 4 6 Max Stats: 41 26 28 31 33 29 21 26 Growth Rates: 5 10 10 15 15 5 5 5 Pair-Up Stats: - 1 4 2 2 - - - 1 Upgraded Classes - 1st Wilder / Maou No new skill added here, but the first skill is a bloody good one. [skills] Gifted Ability (Lv. 5): Increase the maximum weapon scores by 1. (I needed better flavour text for this) Gifted Innate (Lv. 15): Increases the Innate abilities to C. HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res Mov Base Stats: 15 2 14 11 12 3 4 4 6 Max Stats: 41 22 38 37 36 19 21 21 Growth Rates: 0 0 20 15 15 0 5 5 Pair-Up Stats: - - 4 3 3 - - - 1 These classes would open up a new type of class possibility, in which they grant innate abilities. It would be the first in a line of a few. Also, yes, the "storing" does require lore. Gifted Innate doesn't have a requirement because as I said, it would be the first in a few, and this could boost those abilities to C. Making them semi good. Not sure if the stats and growths are right, but I think these work.
  8. DorianS


    I shall do so. Thank you. Also, you guys rock for not being so mean to the newbie.
  9. No, Sebastion's a demon, so he's excluded. Also he just looks young. I think it is just more rarer to have a younger butler in charge of a household, as it is usually the more experienced ones that tend to royalty, since they have that experience. At least if I remember my history right.
  10. Thank you for voicing Azura, Rena. Great work. Also you did a fantastic job on the lyrical portions. I really love the Nohr version of the song. Glad to hear that each version will have its own song, so that when I can buy it, I'll get to enjoy new songs. :D Oh, tell your castmates the same, as I haven't found one that I haven't liked, voice wise. Everyone seems to fit. If you can, not sure if you can or not.
  11. DorianS


    Hi everyone! I'm sorry I didn't reply to these sooner. Thanks I appreciate it. Sorry for the delayed response, but am a bit injured, so yeah. Dealing with that. Though the 13th was a nice day for me. More or less. Yeah, when I was a wee lad I did exactly that.
  12. My absolute favorite design is the lady in my avatar. Female Corrin. This design just drew me in and I quite like female Corrin compared to male Corrin. Also, design wise, her animations have a lot more flare to them. Try Lancer M!Corrin vs. F!Corrin. She's just that much more impressive. In all honesty, I think they did a swell job with design. Each character is fun and unique and they all have something that makes them who they are. My top designs other than my Corrin: Ryoma - I swear he's supposed to be like Takeda Shingen of Sengoku Basara. Or just how they imagine Takeda Shingen. And frankly this is how I always romanticize a Shogun. Takumi - Has a lot more puffiness than I would've expected from someone like him, but it seems to work. Especially as a villain. Jakob - He's got all the poise and style that a butler deserves and frankly reminds me a lot of Sebastian from Black Butler. Rinkah - I have no idea why I like this design. I could not tell you at all why I like her design. It is just one of those you look at as a person and you are like "I like it". And that's all you can say.
  13. Sorry, I didn't realize I was making it sound like I required her to do that. Just double checked and it did. My bad. Ugh. Yeah, I'm just doing Normal right now. I like finding out canon first before trying to play at the hardest levels. That and also character development and stuff. I pretty much was just using Trab for 2 levels to still acquire the two skills (so basically 18, 19 and 20), then move her over to Maid. From Maid, I'll do something haven't thought that far ahead. Still debating where to end up. Though then again, I could just give her a Friendship pairing that gets her over to like Cavalier or Wyvern Rider going to Great Knight or one of the Wyvern promotions. Those might be a better fit. Hm...
  14. Actually I made her a Kinshi Knight and she's just murdering everything in sight. Teamed her up with Xander and everything dies.
  15. Aw man. That Kaze-Beruka just made me realize that's probably that pairing. After all, Midori is able to create potions and tonics and the like. And both parents are excellent at it. I'll need to try that my next run. Thanks.
  16. 1 & 3) I was thinking of a class that would allow for some extra stat gains. I was meaning I build her up in fighter, swap her over to troubadour level her up 2 times to snag the talents, swap her to Maid at level 1, and gain more time to build her up in stats. It isn't the class she's staying it, I'll be swapping her out after enough levels. But it is a way to increase her stats a little bit. Yes, I realize this will cost me 6000g. However, I think it'll be worth it. 2) I realize this. I just liked the pairing of her and Jakob. The two make for a good pairing as they both hide who they really are. I don't really care about "who's the best". I'm not one of these guys who's out for playing hardcore. At least not yet. I want to find my canon first before attempting the hardcore stuff. 4) Unfortunately, I'm a little broke right now and so Conquest was all I could afford and even then that was because I traded in games to get it. As I didn't want to miss out. However, if she makes a good Dread Fighter (which I believe is DLC), that's a nice tidbit to know. Thanks!
  17. @ Ngtunganh Corrin's real father is not Robin. Corrin's father is an ancient dragon. We're doing headcanon here Ngt. Don't worry. This all is only what we think is probably canon. None of it is real, though we are saying things that technically would make a lot of sense. Nothing really official here.
  18. For my next run, I'm going to move her over to Great Lord or Maid. I think she'll benefit greatly from those classes as they start from 1. If you are wondering how I get Maid, I paired Charlotte up with Jakob. Didn't remember about the Partner thing until later and just wanted to bang my head on a desk.
  19. DorianS


    Oh, my question was if I played one of the remakes, does that still count as playing the old ones. As I played the updated version of the original Fire Emblem. It isn't really off-topic as this is a thread about myself and she is my main character for Fates. I was looking actually for a picture as close to her as possible, but this link right here was the best thing ever: http://serenesforest.net/fire-emblem-fates/avatar-creation/ Got her to look almost right. I think her hair color is the only thing wrong. I went with a the darker shaded blue, but the purple works close enough to her.
  20. @ Katryn - I can't do it myself, since I'm poor and can't get the additional content yet (I want Birthright and Conquest), but I honestly am thinking it goes that way. It just seems a more natural fit for how the game ends. Also your Leo x Sakura makes a ton of sense. Especially with what you've said. I realize that Corrin x Azura works as the game presents itself. However, I find female Corrin to be a better character than male Corrin. I know there really isn't much difference, but what is there seems to make it for me. At least.
  21. Huh, I haven't played Revelations yet, but I was thinking that this may be what he was referring to in Conquest. Maybe you are onto something.
  22. Your welcome person. @ Ebony I think that Peri would be a lot better if they had a different voice actor or perhaps a different way she speaks. I can't see her being as quite as she is. She shouldn't be like Henry, but she should be louder. Oh, I also need to give props to Avel. That horse is doing his best to win me over.
  23. Personally, I like Vengeance. ...though I just like that it procs all the time. Also, Rend Heaven is a very good skill. I wouldn't say it is the best, but probably up there.
  24. 3DS Friend Code: 3840-9157-5249 Castle Address: 02559-90848-44362-35303 Current Affinity: Nohrian (though I'll eventually be Revelations or is it Valla, when I have money!) Avatar Name: Corrin (Female) Castle Name: Ft. Corrin (I'm not original in the slightest) Region: Canada Food: Milk Minerals: Crystals Current Chapter: Conquest 17th
  25. Female Corrin - I've never felt more drawn to a character than I have Corrin. Just like everyone else in the game, she instantly draws you in. I've tried a few times playing as the male version and it just has never seemed right. Also female Corrin seems to have the better animations. The Three Amigos (Odin, Laslow, Selena) - I thought I'd lose what I loved about these three, but nope. They are great and even feel like better versions of than the Awakening version. Selena's not living in the shadows, Odin's still the way he is, and Laslow's got even more confidence now. Also, the talents of each confirm who their parents are, which was a nice thing to find out. The Nohr Royals - I didn't think I'd like this group as much when I played, as I didn't originally want to side with Nohr (wanted to play Birthright first). However, they've all grown on me. Leo's a nice rival who's a good brother. Xander really looks out for Corrin, not being overbearing yet also being tough when needed to. Camilla's the smothering older sibling I've never known (I'm the oldest), while Elise is the one who demands to be loved all the time (like my cat Gambit). Kaze - The man is a person who knows peace and wise to have it all the time. Loyal without a fault and a great father to his daughter, Midori. He also surprisingly gets along great with Peri and sees Peri for what she is (a great woman), not what she's great at (killing). And yes, I realize that Midori's mom is Mozu. Peri - It was her interactions with Kaze what made me realize how good of a person that Peri is. Yes, Peri is a little broken, but she's a really good person who probably is an outstanding mother. While I've hooked her up with Kaze for her first run, I think I'll go looking for her proper pairing next time. Charlotte - I didn't think I'd like her because the moment I saw her, it was like "oh Gods, one of these characters", but I hooked her up with Jakob and I suddenly understood everything about her. I still need to figure out how to make her a better character for fighting, but she grew on me the more she interacted with Jakob. Arthur - I thought his schtick would grow old, but surprisingly I like him. Though after finding out him and Azura are childhood friends(?), I want to try hooking them up and seeing what happens. Also him being a hero because of what happened to Azura suddenly make so much sense.
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