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Posts posted by TheReaper

  1. Well that could be either a mis translation, much like Bartres ending in which it doesnt take into account FE6 (Bartres ending implies he kills himself after Karla dies), or Guy became known as the saint of swords for a couple of years, but he did eventually duel Karel. Karel then winning took the title saint of swords from Guy. But because he killed Guy for the title, in FE6 this might be why he doesnt like the name saint of swords when people call him it.

    Chapter 23:

    Old Man:

    "Thank you! We have nothing to fear with the Sword Saint on our side."


    "I am just an ordinary swordsman. Rumors expand out of proportion with time, so they must not easily be trusted. ...

    Zeiss and Karel C

    Zeiss: You're the Sword Saint...?

    Karel: ...They gave me that name against my will. Just call me Karel

    Noah and Karel A

    Karel: You have no reason to thank me. They call me the Sword Saint... It is but a false name.

    Noah: ...... But... I can't imagine that what you say is true when I look at you now. You, standing before me now, are the Sword Saint that I had always pictured in my mind. What... What happened...?

    Karel: ...Some things you will realize only after you have lost something else. However, by the time my foolishness had left me...it was already too late.

    I dont think the reference to loosing something is Karla since he has only just found out that she has died from Bartre or Fir in Chapter 23. Whether it being "too late" was eventually the killing became to much and he regretted killing Guy. Since he atleast kind of trains him in FE7. S

    *shrugs* i need to stop fangirling over karel

  2. I tried that colour but it just didnt feel right to me..esp with the look i was going for ...sexy swordsman

    Well heres the end result


    It didnt really turn out too much how i wanted it to..but oh well.

    Cookies to who can guess what im now gonna use him for...And he needs a name :3

  3. Thanks for that Seph. You were a big help ~


    Right im in a huge dilemna..i have no idea what to use for a palette...Im only on hair now. List of some ive decided on, though if anyone has suggestions please say haha. I quite like the blue or the dark pink...maybe..idk..

  4. Tinny is prettyyy, the guy next to her..maybe his eyes are abit too dark? or he doesnt have enough hair on the left hand side of him. For some reason imo his head looks slightly off

    Are you planning on making Shanan :awesome::wub:

  5. Her eyes seem abit droopy, like shes really tired or really sad but its not a bad mug for sure. And her right shoulder OPV seems too square, maybe move it back some pixels and see if you can make it look more rounded?

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