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Everything posted by ALSHx

  1. I was hoping for some sort of postgame content but if this is a mid playthrough type of deal i won't feel compelled to continue playing after doing 1-2 routes. It will be fun to try out but I'm kinda hoping for some eternal dungeon to grind.
  2. I'm doing NG Blue Lions and i've been carried super hard by Dimitri. The chapters are going OK but im having difficulty with the paralogues. Anyone know how to beat the Manuela/Hanneman one? I can't reach her in time before she dies. she takes 19dmg and nosferatu heals her for 3, and that's just from the first archer. On hard i could rush and rescue her with Flayn. The problem now is that im XP-starved. Most of my core crew are around 18-20 but i don't have any fliers yet.
  3. Got it from Amazon.de! Lets see how long the stocks last... EDIT: Looks like they've run out SE? so it took about 1,5h.
  4. I thought i was quick enough with the pre-order but i just got a mail from the place telling me that they are receiving less SE's than they were expecting so looks like i'm still on the hunt :( How would i go about to know when it goes up on amazon uk? Is there like a certain twitter account I should follow or something along those lines instead of spamming update on amazons webpage?
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