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  • Birthday August 5

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  1. So I guess we can't have our Rosalina and Luma vs Ice Climbers battle anymore. ;_; Do you have any idea who you'd like to main?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Randoman


      No veterans? That's kind of a shame. I always try to keep a perfect attendance main or two in games and stay loyal to my mains, since it feels really awesome being that dedicated to a character and sticking with them through the whole series, no matter how bad they get or no matter how much time passes. Maybe I'm being too sentimental about it...

    3. Ema Skye

      Ema Skye

      Well I guess if Dr. Mario counts as a veteran then I'll main him. But he's like number 10 on my list of characters to try.

    4. Randoman


      Yeah, Dr. Mario's a veteran since he was in Melee after all. I never really got why people consider all the Melee cuts as newcomers if they were to make it in SSB4. (Eg: if Mewtwo and Roy were playable in SSB4, quite a few people would consider them newcomers)

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