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  • Birthday August 5

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  • Favorite Fire Emblem Game

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  1. Is your sig your dream smash roster or something?

    1. Randoman


      To an extent, because if it was truly my "dream roster" I'd kick out everything Zelda related, Pikachu, and do a bunch of other ridiculous stuff in terms of additions/cuts. It's a SSB4 I made and think is quite ideal in terms of fairness and properly representing Nintendo history, though it's an alternate timeline roster of sorts. It was done under the constraints that Sakurai had for all 4 Smash games (with relatively the same amount of effort, regarding effort put into o...

    2. Randoman


      original and clone characters), though using an altered SSB64 as a basepoint (eg: Marth and Eevee were stuck into the "alternate" SSB64 roster instead of Ness and Jigglypuff). Also, 6 clones were also still used in the "alternate" Melee (Daisy from Peach, Falco from Fox, Dr. Stewart from C. Falcon, Leif from Marth, Impa from Ganondorf with Ganondorf having an original moveset in the alternate Melee, Lip from Zelda), with most of them replacing the clones Sakurai used. I can go...

    3. Randoman


      into further detail through PM if you want. Though overall, what do you think of it, in terms of being a roster that fairly represents Nintendo history?

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