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Everything posted by Randoman

  1. I'll admit, that was actually pretty scary. Though I'm sure some people would've wanted to see more convincing proof of her being a witch, in terms of the things she did in the video, I'm pretty glad she didn't do anything supernatural in that video.
  2. Would you be okay with FE17, 18, 19, or 20 being a remake of both Fire Emblem 1/11 and 3/12, with Kris being removed/optional and the game mechanics being more updated/modernized? If yes, what in particular would you hope would be changed or modernized? I'd personally hope for reclassing/promotions for classes that didn't have them like lords and thieves (or at least a level 40 cap), and some way to make the weapon triangle not shaft sword users, due to the abundance of enemy lance users in both games (I'd also be okay with the weapon triangle being removed completely, since both games were originally designed without the weapon triangle in mind). Oh yes, and change Chaper 13 for Fire Emblem 1/11 somehow so that it's not an long range nightmare/RNG fest (I really don't know how they can compromise between FE's modern 3-10 range ballistae while making that particular chapter fair and reasonable like it's FE1 counterpart). I haven't actually played FE Three Houses, so I can't properly answer that question. I do know a bit about it, specifically how the 3 Houses are kind of set up somewhat like Hoshido and Nohr. I do hope they take a break from the "choosing a team/side" mechanic eventually, since I'd imagine people (including myself) would get tired of that mechanic and all the drama/guilt/"Hoshido vs. Nohr" wars it causes.
  3. Because Roy x Lilina is arguably the canon pairing and the one that's generally agreed upon. Do you ever wish video games/TV series/movies/fiction in general would use much more unique/original/hybrid weapons like a razor sharp shield or bladed marionette puppets that are used like flails?
  4. Have you ever played/emulated any NES games before? If yes, what NES games are among your favourites? Platformers definitely take the #1 spot. After that, it'd probably be RPGs 2nd and racing games 3rd.
  5. It's hard to beat the classics, especially from the king himself. Though there are other Elvis songs I prefer more.
  6. Don't worry. It was well written and a good read. Though I'm surprised her looks/cuteness wasn't a part of the write-up at all. On that topic, who were some of your very first fictional female crushes as a kid? A new entry, I suppose. I'm actually not that into Fire Emblem these days. I guess it's kind of weird that I'm sticking around a Fire Emblem forum despite that. I guess it's the Forum Games that are drawing me into SF again, currently.
  7. I take it the question was directed at someone else, so I'll let them give a proper answer to it. If there was a well-meaning extremist villain whose dying words to the protagonist were "Take care of this world, and love it the way I forgot how to" what percent of people would find that line epic/tragic, and what percent would find it cheesy/memeworthy?
  8. @Benice Since you're familiar with What's Up? Balloon to the Rescue, what other "so bad it's good" movies do you enjoy and recommend for those that are into those kind of movies? @DragonFlames What makes Neptune of your most favourite characters? It'd have to be Marth. Aside from finding him really cool looking ever since I first saw him in Melee during his character unlock battle (blue is my favourite colour, and I really like how so many different shades of blue are implemented in his character design), I really like how hesitant and humble he is compared to other Fire Emblem lords, and how his insecurity and him getting easily flustered makes him more flawed, human, and relatable compared to other FE leads, who are generally either way too gung-ho and resolute, or virtuous to the point of it not seeming realistic.
  9. I find Brawl's theme song to be rather dark and negative compared to the other Smash Bros. themes, but I still like it overall.
  10. Mario and Kirby are the main ones that come to mind, right now (I've always been a fan of sidescrollers). Super Mario Maker 2 is 90%-95% of what I play these days, due to my obsession with maintaining/improving my rank on the "First Clear" and "World Record" (speedrunning) categories. Other game series include the Donkey Kong Country, Final Fantasy, Bomberman, Dragon Quest, and Shovel Knight (not sure if that one counts as a series, but with 4 different campaigns, I kind of consider it one). It's been a while since I've played any games from those aforementioned series, though. What about your favourite game series? I only know of Fire Emblem and Smash Bros. being among your favourites.
  11. What are some of your go-to youtube videos/youtube genres/youtubers when you just want to kick back and relax? It was Fire Emblem: Mystery of the Emblem. I got into Fire Emblem due to liking Marth in Super Smash Bros. Melee, so I decided to play the game that he's from. I actually thought the Fire Emblem series originated on the Super Nintendo rather than the NES, so I just looked up the SNES Fire Emblem games until I found the one with Marth in it. I fell for a lot of the beginner's traps that plague most FE newbies like overusing Jagen and not knowing about permanent death. I was actually stuck on Michalis' chapter for the longest time in my first file. As in, 5+ years. I even did a new FE3 Book 1 file where I built up a better team and defeated the game there before I defeated the game in that very first file I made. I eventually did defeat the very first Fire Emblem file I made, thanks to Star Orb & Gradivus abuse and grinding through boss abuse. It may not seem satisfying to a regular player, but to me, there's something really satisfying about looking at all the mistakes I made during my very first playthrough, and being able to fix up all those errors coming to that file as a Fire Emblem veteran.
  12. What makes Marth one of your favourite Fire Emblem characters?
  13. Ha ha, that's some legendary and meme-worthy stuff. I'm surprised it's not more prevalent and famous online.
  14. Who are some of your favourite ugly characters in fiction? I'm afraid not. Even if there was no coronavirus, my family hasn't celebrated Halloween in a long time. I'm not sure if this is related enough to your question, but I do have a friend who's birthday is on October 29 (pretty close to Halloween), and I would want to celebrate her birthday, even if it's just me treating her out to a restaurant. But with her parents being really paranoid about coronavirus and not letting her out of the house for non-work reasons, I sadly won't be able to do that.
  15. I could definitely see this being fittingly used in a haunted house, with the video screen being put in a picture frame and it scaring unsuspecting visitors. ...either that, or I'm misinterpreting the video entirely.
  16. What inspired you to make your SF username Wraith? I'm pretty content and attached to where I live, currently. Though in terms of a vacation, I would like to go to the Philippines once again, since that's where I was born and I've got plenty of cousins and extended family there.
  17. Since you mentioned watching the Aladdin TV series as a kid, who were your favourite villains from the show? Mine were Mechanicles and Mozenrath. The former for how crazy, funny, and amusing he is and the latter for being really cool and suave.

    1. DragonFlames


      Hello, hello!
      It's been a long, long time since I watched it, so my memory has a lot of holes in it, but I do remember enjoying Mechanicles a lot, too.

  18. That was... very random and weird, in an amusing and fun way. I'm still trying to understand the soap and stench away beam. For the below video, stick with 8:15-10:57.
  19. Do you have any video games that most people dislike heavily but you like a lot? That's a really tough one, even if I am allowed to pick multiple songs. I generally favour video game music, and I've got tons of favourites in that genre. I guess I'll go with songs that I currently "mentally" play in my head rather often, which would be "CROWNED" from Kirby's Return to Dream Land and "Void Termina Phase 4" from Kirby Star Allies.
  20. What are some of your favourite personality archetypes in fiction? (Eg: the idealist, the mentor, the good guy who sometimes cross the line, the redeemed villain, etc.) I suppose it'd be Computer Applications from my Building/CAD (Computer Aided Drafting) Design program from college. It taught me a lot of the basics of AutoCAD, that I used frequently in my drafting based jobs that I had in the past. My current job isn't AutoCAD based (so I'm technically not using that knowledge these days), but hopefully one day, when the AutoCAD department of my workplace needs more staff, I'll be able to have an AutoCAD based job once more.
  21. I'll admit, I found it way funnier than I expected. I think it's the way he says "...a boot to the head".
  22. It feels quite cheesy looking back on it, but it's still pretty epic and classi... (John Cena appears) ...okay, you got me really good. Very well played. In order to adhere to the 4 minute rule, start the video at the 0:26 mark:
  23. Have you ever made or thought up any OCs (original characters) before? (It can be from either an existing series or a series you made up yourself) If yes, what is your most favourite OC creation like, looks-wise, ability-wise, and personality-wise? I never had any pets personally, but my parents used to have 2 birds named Cheepy and Ivy (an orange bird and a yellow bird, respectively. I don't know their species) decades ago. One of my younger brothers used to have a pet beta (a dark red fish), though it died 3-5 months after he first got it.
  24. Not really my type of humour, sorry to say. For the below video, you can stop watching at the 3:53 mark. It's also flagged as inappropriate, so you'll need an account to log in despite the video being clean enough.
  25. What are your top 3 most favourite game companies? For this question's purposes, any subsidiaries like Intelligent Systems should be combined with their main company (so Nintendo in the case of Intelligent Systems) I don't really like candy. Though if I had to pick a favourite snack, I guess oatmeal would be the closest thing (unflavoured, for health reasons). It's the main food I resort to in order to keep myself full and satiated while keeping my sugar, fat, and cholesterol intake low.
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