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Posts posted by Randoman

  1. What are some of your biggest pet peeves?

    2 hours ago, Benice said:

    A strange inside joke. To make a long story short, there was a poster on the wall that used the chemical elements Beryllium, Nickle and Cerium to spell the word Be Nice. However, it was all on one line with no spaces, so it simply read Benice. (That poster is actually the banner in my profile.)

    That's a pretty neat story.

    2 hours ago, Benice said:

    What's your favorite map theme in FE?

    Definitely Under This Banner from FE11 (the map theme that plays from Chapters 1 through 12). I how how epic, grandiose, and heroic it sounds.

  2. Is there a youtube video type/genre that you enjoy, that most people likely wouldn't enjoy? (Eg: youtube poops, historical educational videos, poetry from famous writers) If yes, what would those video types/genres be?

    3 hours ago, twilitfalchion said:

    Favorite generation of consoles and games?

    That's a really tough one. I think I'd have to go with the Wii/PS3/XBox 360 era, though it's for a kind of strange/unconventional reason. The Wii was the console that my siblings and I had the most co-op gaming playthroughs/experiences with. Specifically, New Super Mario Bros. Wii, Super Smash Bros. Brawl's adventure mode, Kirby's Return to Dream Land, Kirby's Epic Yarn, and Samurai Warriors 3 were the games we had plenty of co-op time with. The gaming generations before that didn't have nearly as many co-op games available on Nintendo consoles. The gaming generations after that had my siblings be too busy to join me for co-op gaming (there were still some co-op gaming experiences, but it wasn't nearly as frequent as it was in the Wii era).

  3. What inspired you to make your username Benice?

    23 hours ago, Benice said:

    What is your favorite movie?

    Off the top of my head, Treasure Planet and Megamind come to mind. Treasure Planet for having a really unique setting and for having really cool hero and villain characters in Jim Hawkins and Silver (especially with Silver being one of the few deep, three dimensional villains in Disney history). Megamind for being a really funny movie that parodies character roles/stereotypes, and for having a really good message to the audience.

  4. What are some traits/quirks most of your family members and real life friends would know about you, that online friends wouldn't know?

    On 11/24/2020 at 10:00 AM, Benice said:

    What is your favorite book that you had to read in school?

    That's a tough one. Definitely not anything from Shakespeare.


    Dan the Flying Man or The Berenstain Bears, definitely.


    ...that probably doesn't count, so I'll go with Tuck Everlasting. It ended quite sadly, but I really enjoyed the "meaning/importance of mortality" theme it had going for it.

  5. What were some of the very first video games you played as a kid?

    9 hours ago, Shrow said:

    Now how would you describe yourself?

    I'd describe myself as being a pretty level-headed, respectful, creative, and fair guy who has a strong sense of morality and loyalty. My biggest flaws include letting past events/scars affect my mindset and actions far more than they should, being too hard on/underestimating myself, and how easily I develop grudges/bitter streaks.

  6. What would you say your 3 most favourite traits about yourself are?

    10 hours ago, Shrow said:

    Question for Randoman hopefully this isn't too sensitive or personal; you mentionned your close family does prayers/mass together? Are you Christian\Catholic?

    (there's a difference between the two but I don't quite remember)

    Yep, my family and I are fervent Catholics. Even though the "attend mass every Sunday" rule is getting harder to follow with increased COVID restrictions, we make sure to at least attend Sunday mass online.

    As for the difference between Christianity and Catholicism, Christianity refers to any religion that accepts Jesus as the true savior, with Catholicism being a specific branch of Christianity.

  7.   If you could choose 5 characters from the Archanean FEs to be in Fire Emblem Heroes who aren't already in the game, who would you pick? If you can, put them in order starting with your most wanted Archanean character. And you can pick Elice if you want, since she hasn't received a solo version of herself in Heroes.

    On 11/17/2020 at 11:07 AM, Benice said:

    What was your favorite course in school?

    Definitely Psychology, with how fun it was and how it helped you see the world in a more enlightened and in-depth way. Though since I only took it in Grade 12 while there were other courses I took for 6-12 years, I feel like I should give another answer. In that case, it'd be drama, since it was a lot of fun and it helped sharpen skills that are used everyday, such as voice projection, pronounciation, and sharpening up social interaction skills in general.

  8.   Which 2D Mario games have you played/defeated? (I know I'm repeating a question, but I was meaning to direct this question to twilitfalchion)

    7 hours ago, Shrow said:

    Kinda terrible actually, recently I've started to suspect that my best friend doesn't seem to care about me or my interest at all. Out of all the songs I've sent him and links, posts, etc.. that I've wanted him to look at he always refuses and makes up some excuse about why he can't do it.

    There's a link on my discord status message that complete random people have looked and even commented to me on them but even after I told him to look at it, he still won't give me the time of day.

    I listen to things he likes, I know he likes Gloryhammer and Pendulum. It feels like we spend a lot time talking about the things he likes but he never shows interest in my stuff at all.

    Its maddening because even if I confront him about it and maybe he changes his ways I know deep down he doesn't care.


    Do you live with other people, family, pets? Do you live alone? What's it like?

    I actually had a former best friend that was similar to that. Though it was less about interests/hobbies, and more about him frequently correcting me/making recommendations on how I can improve myself in general. However, he got angry every time I tried to do the same for him, even though I did it much less frequently than he did it to me. Eventually, I sent him an respectful yet stern E-Mail about it (he can't interrupt me mid E-Mail, after all), and he stopped being my friend because "it was a case where two people weren't meant to get along."

    I'd personally focus less on your best friend, and more on other friends who aren't as focused on their own interests/themselves. What I did, was I focused on spending more time with my former best friend's other friends, and they were much nicer/milder people who actually listened to me and didn't treat themselves like they were above me. Perhaps you can do the same with your best friend's other friends.

    I hope that helps.

    - - - -

    Anyways, to answer your question: I live with my parents and my siblings. It's pretty chill for the most part, since we're all just focusing on our own things (work at home, remote school, etc.) We eat lunch/dinner together and do prayers/mass together, but otherwise, my family and I don't really do many things together anymore.

  9. Which 2D Mario games have you played/defeated?

    6 hours ago, twilitfalchion said:

    1. Mario Kart: Double Dash

    2. Spider-Man: the Movie

    3. Super Mario 64 DS

    4. Mario Kart: Toadstool Tour

    5. Super Mario Bros. 3 (GBA, I think)


    Favorite TV shows/anime you've watched?

    There sure is a lot of Mario there. That's a great thing, in my eyes.

    I guess I'll list off TV series that I enjoy that I've recently watched in the past month or two: The Red Green Show, Gargoyles, and Rupert.

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