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Posts posted by kcirrot

  1. why does everyone keep guessing that Eliese and Sakura are in their late to mid teens

    they obviously don't look or act the age

    They both totally look and act like girls in their late teens.

    To give you a real life example, look at Maisie Williams who plays Ayra Stark on Game of Thrones. She's 19. She doesn't look any older than Sakura IMO.

  2. I would guess that the characters are bit older than most of you are placing them as. Starting with the 1st gen royals:

    Xander - 30

    Camilla - 28 (Camilla has an extremely womanly figure. Most women who are athletic don't develop that way until their 30s, but I don't think that Xander is any older than 30 so I'm putting her close)

    Ryoma - 28

    Hinoka - 26

    Azura - 26

    Corrin - 24

    Leo - 22

    Takumi - 22

    Sakura - 18

    Elise - 17

    I think they are older than most people are placing them because of their physical appearance and their parents. Sumeragi died at what looks to be his mid-40s (about 10-15 years before the game starts), Garon seems to be in his 60s now. Mikoto looks to be in her mid-40s right now.

  3. Well looking at your response, I hardly see how using a custom-made team then makes the DLC any better, it sounds like it just makes it worse by making it too easy.

    Because 'too easy' isn't worse. It's different. It provides options. If you want a hard ass challenge, great, solo the thing with a level 12 Orochi. Try to do it in one round. You can make your own challenges when you're playing your own units. Personally, I started doing stuff like that with both Awakening and Fates DLC where you play your own characters. But it's not like I want to do that all the time. It's tedious. Sometimes I just like curb-stomping the level.

    No option this way. Set difficulty, set unit, play our way or the highway (or buy a powersave and manufacture the skill items at will).

    Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. But in a single player game, what I do doesn't hurt you or vice versa. And the PvP is irrelevant when I see 1st gen units running around with Aptitude.

  4. Well, we all think differently, if players want to use their own made teams to beat the game, I won't argue further. There's nothing wrong by placing restrictions on players to make them think. The fact that the children in the DLC are separate from the game's save file data means that it's neither harder (for those who got RNG cursed on stat growths or haven't gotten far enough to get decent enough units) or easier (you can't just troll through the level with children units who have max stats and skills that snap the DLC's challenge in half more so if the DLC actually altered the children to be in the class that they are currently in).

    There is actually. When you set all the conditions in advance, you basically turn the level into a puzzle. One that if you handle it pretty much the same way every time, you'll always be successful (barring RNG, but that's hardly 'making you think'.). And with the internet, no puzzle survives more than a few hours before guides going up that will tell you how to deal with it to the turn.

  5. Tactician. D has a very good point you know.

    The children in the DLC aren't the ones that players would be able to get in-game, they're all from separate timelines where events played out very differently. Since our Fates' children are not the same as the alternate Fates' children, they are exempt from our efforts. Part of a challenge is having fun another part of a challenge is overcoming all obstacles that get thrown in your face. The main challenge in this new set of DLC is overcoming the barrier of using units that are once again separate from the player's own save files. I can understand that you want to play for fun but there's no real challenge if you're not being forced to think outside the box.

    Hidden Truths is an expy of Future Past minus the characters are once again separate from your save files but it does give some good insight on why the Awakening Trio showed up and why they seem to care for Corrin quite a lot in the end.

    Awakening's DLC was 'broken' to say at least in terms of player-power. The fact that everything used your own save data to apply to characters you can use further makes the FE: Awakening easier than any game Pre-Tellius (which was hard to say on the hardest mode possible on some of them). The only hard part is doing Apotheosis Secret Route without running the likes of Limit Break + Galeforce and not using any children characters (I screwed myself five times trying to play with just 1st Gen characters with this restriction).

    That assumes that everyone is playing for 'challenge.' Sometimes I am. That's what no-grind lunatic playthroughs are for.

    As for the story relating to alternate reality versions of our characters, that's a story contrivance. They don't need to write the story that way. I bought Map Pack 1 on the first day. Seriously, thinking of just getting only the Point Blank one this time. Or even just using the powersaves and reading the convos on the wiki.

  6. I like Rhajat much better than Tharja. I don't find her nearly as creepy. She just seems like a sad lonely little girl who like all the other children got abandoned by her parents. Most of her supports don't really show her as being a bad person or into dark creepy things like Tharja.

  7. If we were to use our own pre-made teams, the DLC wouldn't even be a challenge as players could role through the chapters with no opposition as even the base classes of the playable children would be far superior than the opposing enemies as your units would have skills that would make everything one-sided in your favor. Imagine Royal Royale where the alternate timeline versions of the units you use only have the skills that their main timeline selves have equipped? See how easy you made everything now? IS actually was pretty smart to prevent players from repeatedly getting free skills by using their own (the players) pre-made 'overpowered and broken' units in some of the DLC chapters.

    I understand why they did it, but the thing about a RPG is that playing your own characters, even if they are OP is part of the fun. I don't care about the items, if I just want the skills, I could powersave in as many of the items as I want. I would prefer they just let me play my own characters and they can keep the items.

    Take Hidden Truths, for example. I actually like watching the story of it, but the actual fights are tedious. Not hard exactly, just tedious.

    As it is now, I'm going to play them to watch the story then probably ignore most of them. By contrast, I still play most of the Awakening DLC. Some things weren't broke.

  8. Right now, I like Awakening a bit better. Fates does a lot of things right, but it makes some monumentally horrible mistakes IMO. To wit:

    1) Forging is just stupid OP. It's time consuming and expensive, but in Birthright and Revelation it's not difficult at all for every character to have double-digit attack weapons with crit and high accuracy.

    2) Better ranked weapons having drawbacks. While at first, I thought I would like this, I then realized that you can forge into better weapons anyway so who cares. Right now, I just sell most high level weapons (except the unique ones) to pay for forging Iron weapons (and equivalent) to +4 and above

    3) Kids. I like many of the kids, not as much as the Awakening kids (although my favorite kids are in Fates too so it's all good), but the Deep Realms is just monumentally stupid. That and the fact that assuming a 9 month gestation period, there is literally no way these kids have time to be born.

    4) The story in Fates is just plain awful. All three paths, although Birthrights at least is consistent if boring. Conquest while having amazing levels and gameplay is just unbelievably bad.

    5) I have to wonder why they bothered to nerf things like Galeforce and Lifetaker while allowing BS like Replicate & Warp to exist.

    All that said, Fates has better levels, music, art, most of its mechanics are better as well so it's a close call.

  9. Actually, there's a slight hiccup if I'm right. I married Lucina and my Morgan married Owain, they're listed as Husband and Wife.

    I still don't think that should be allowed but I'm assuming it's a very situational thing.

    A second cousin wouldn't be illegal in real life in most places nor would the threat of harm to offspring be particularly large either.
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