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Everything posted by Bowser_Guy

  1. Bowser_Guy


    That's where I got them. I redownloaded them to be sure and still no chest editor.
  2. Bowser_Guy


    Where did you found your nightmare modules, I'm asking this because mine have no chest editor?
  3. Bowser_Guy


    How can I switch the contents of chests and how can I give stat bonuses to weapons?
  4. Told ya! Insulting my grammar, so predictably boring. Plus you missed commas, too. Not bad for someone who know French and English with an average level of Spanish and Chine. Nimen ne! I won't post back so don't bother responding to me. It's not a war and if you want it, here's the white flag.
  5. Camtech, I said that the " item name pointer" of the DUMMY and blank space weapons are the same. If I change one and use many, they'll all be called Forblaze. READ The rest of you, thanks for your help. Me waiting to see camtech fight back by saying that my english is poor or something because he's a little kid that don't like reprimands about him being smart mouthed or so.
  6. The empty slots all have the same item name and description and it's already occupied with Forblaze, how can I make them with different names?
  7. Can someone explain to me how to do NEW weapons because there's always a chance for an enemy to have the spear you have edited and I don't want that?
  8. I found out!! When I apply and save, I don't know why, the last thing I write goes to 0001 and if I erase it, it's A-OK!
  9. I wrote my things, applied, saved and it froze. I redid it with the checksum thing and the lance was called alacalibur.
  10. Since my image is irrevelant, I'll describe what I do in Feditor and you may correct. I put the rom in, write the item number in the index box, erase alacalibur and write rex hasta, apply, replace all and save. Sometimes it don't work and I redo it, but instead of save I insert it in the rom. Sometimes it don't work, etc...
  11. http://s1040.photobu...403/Bowser_Guy/ That should do it. To change the numbers of characters to play in a chapter without freezing, must I change it in chapter unit editor, event table editor or both?
  12. The easiest way is to tell me the 2 or 3 things to do in FEditor and I won't mess up, I'm sure it's my fault. Because the problem is surely (120%) in my manipulations and giving a screenshot won't help with anything.
  13. There was the lance symbol too and again, it probably my mistake so how do you proceed with Feditor?
  14. When the lance levelgoes up, there's a blue line with text and a sound effect, the text says Rex Hasta weapon level increased. I did the checksum thing, but no effects. Maybe it's a FEditor manipulation problem. I have dificulties to follow that part in blazer's tutorial, if you tell me the 2 or 3 things to do and I won't mess up, I'm sure it's my fault. Thanks in advance
  15. My last sentence meant; when my lance level goes up from A to S, it's writed Rex Hasta instead of lance and it's when the game decided not to froze. What does HxD mean? To change the numbers of characters to play in a chapter without freezing, must I change it in chapter unit editor, event table editor or both?
  16. I changed Alacalibur for Rex Hasta(stats and texts) and the game froze, what did I do wrong? If I keep the name alacalibur it works, but when I change the text, does not compute. The problem must be in a FEditor manipulation I did. Why when the lance level goes from A to S it does Rex Hasta Lance upgrade... I need these hints please.
  17. I changed Alacalibur for Rex Hasta(stats and texts) and the game froze, what did I do wrong? If I keep the name alacalibur it works, but when I change the text, does not compute. The problem must be in a FEditor manipulation. Why when the lance level goes from A to S it does Rex Hasta... I need these hints.
  18. I've created a new weapon in sacred stones in the item editor(0xBB), but I need to name it. I know how to rename by searching a name in FEditor, but what if there's no name at all to search? Plus, I want to make some weapons with a 1-2 range with the spell association editor(javelin animation) and it doesn't work, even with blazer's tutorial. What have I to do for it to work? Also, I have to know how I can have more than 60 hp max, I want 80, is it normal that when I put more than 60 hp base, it shows 60?
  19. How can I do new S weapons even if I keep the old ones in the game?
  20. Is there a way to alter the growth rates of Celice and Leaf? Is it possible to give more uses to the holy weapons?
  21. I need more explanations on player weapon editor because it changed nothing.
  22. Is there a legit way to obtain every holy weapons and use it, except the dark one? Is there some modules to hack growth rates and things on nightmare?
  23. Is there a way to erase things like CGs in a hex editor without bugging?
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