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Everything posted by Bowser_Guy

  1. I'm using windhex as an hex editor and I can't erase anything. What's the problem? Is there a better hex editor to use?
  2. Bowser_Guy


    Do someone know how to put the hp max to 80?
  3. Bowser_Guy


    Why the custom battle animation editor doesn't work with FE8?
  4. Is there a video that show how to do it? I took the number he wanted me to, but I don't know how to put it into the offspring.
  5. I've entered the CG editor into the hex editor, but it results into something much shorter and different than blazer's, why did it go wrong?
  6. Can anyone tell me how to edit CG and with which program?
  7. I wanted to change the name of Lyn and her description, but it miserably failed. How do I do?
  8. I know it's off the subject but, in the mk404 fe7's hack, who do the slayer and thief fighter classes look like? I'm a newb at this and I want to know before I get to play.
  9. I know it's off the subject but, in the mk404 fe7's hack, who do the slayer and thief fighter classes look like? I'm a newb at this and I want to know before I get to play.
  10. I want to do a GBA FE hack (don't know which yet) and I want to know what tools to use. I will do two hack for this game, one in french and one in english.
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