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Everything posted by Dart1337

  1. Nvm, the website you have the thing hosted on doesn't allow free downloads over 350. The file size is 350.25.............
  2. Is this a troll? I can't get it to work at all
  3. Still can't get the download link to work...clicking download doesn't do anything
  4. Does this still only work with zsnes?
  5. That's what I was planning on using. Thank you so much for the quick response
  6. Will this translation patch work on mobile phones?
  7. Thanks. I put a master crown in Mordecai's inventory and rushed sothe over there and then blew him and Lethe away with beastfoe + crossbow + beast killer. In 3-12 it was basically impossible to get to sigrun and tanith...I gave paragon scroll to tanith but I never even got close to her :(
  8. If you put items/skills into a dawn brigade/greil merc's inventory would it be worth to steal from them before the convoys pool together? You could potentially steal stat boosters/skills from the GMs to help the DBs out maybe? Just theory crafting right now and couldn't find a topic on it
  9. 08546-97172-03361-46007 Dart - Revelations Trying to increase my BP and VP, will visit you back. I have nice skill sets on some characters and will have them rotating in and out.
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