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Posts posted by Corbin

  1. * Remove the option of choosing sides and rewrite the entire Revelation path. 

    * Make Corrin their own character rather than another Avatar. If anything is left open to change, leave it at gender.

    * Make Valla a known, albeit ruined, kingdom rather than something hidden in another dimension with some ridiculous curse. This would make the skepticism about the involvement of a third party far more valid.

    * If the route split is kept, then upgrade Azura to Lord status. Birthright would follow Azura, Corrin would follow Nohr, and Revelation would follow them both.

    * Keep Azura and Corrin’s Vallite heritage, but only on their mothers’ side. Otherwise, their heritage is strictly Hoshidan and Nohrian respectively (since they’re already associated with those kingdoms anyway). And while I’m at it, remove the switcheroo. 

    * Play up Hoshido’s xenophobia more and make Nohr’s figures more sympathetic.

    * Keep the Royal families’ relationship to the dragons but take away Corrin’s ability to transform (since that was such a big-lipped alligator moment anyway). I realize this would require a major design overhaul but since Corrin’s more “unique” characteristics aren’t addressed anyway, it wouldn’t cause that much outrage.

    * Have the revelation of Azura and Corrin being cousins double as the revelation of the two being Valla's last heirs. 

    * Rewrite Anankos' motivation. Maybe he destroyed his kingdom out of spite for the fact that people were losing faith in him? What if the war between Hoshido and Nohr started because he found out that Arete and Mikoto had lived and had assassinated them (while making it look like the other kingdom was responsible)? And what if he was so paranoid of his sovereignty being challenged that he proceeded to target Azura and Corrin, who know nothing of his existence at that point, because they are the only ones left who can take that power away from him?



  2. 2 hours ago, DragonFlames said:

    If you want my opinion, I'd say go Kaze. He's probably one of the nicest guys in the entire game (excluding Silas and possibly M!Corrin) without being overbearingly so. He's a balanced, nuanced character: stoic without being edgy (like Saizo) or a jerk (like Jakob), nice without being a White Knight (like Silas) and that's exactly what I like about him. He also has a personal history with Corrin (though Jakob and Silas do as well) and one of the best progressions into marriage a four conversations based love story can hope to achieve in my opinion. Bonus points in Birthright if you romance him right after he saves your behind in Chapter 15.

    Silas is almost too nice in my opinion, to the point of being a White Knight and I'm personally not really fond of the whole White Knight shtick. I do still like him, but he has certainly fallen from his debatable throne after I read a few of his supports.

    The subtext in his supports with Elise especially don't help matters... like, at all. And it stops being subtext once the S-support rolls around.
    F!Corrin counts, too, if you pick the smaller build and give her female Kana's voice (which I do, just to make every male in the game look like a pedophile... yes, I am sadistic like that. Schadenfreude is a beautiful thing).
    With the above in mind, this line gets... awkward: "[...],but... You're a lot...prettier." - Silas to F!Corrin in their S-support
    Silas = lolicon CONFURMD!!!111!!!1 LOLZXDROFLMAO
    *clears throat* Granted, the lolicon subtext stuff can be attributed to anyone who marries Elise or the above version of female Corrin, so take that point however you will.

    As an aside, I think his haircut looks stupid as hell, too.
    This is coming from someone who loves childhood friend romances in stories, too, so imagine my pain when I pick female Corrin.

    As for Jakob... well, let's just say that he severely mistreats his son out of some petty jealousy and is a general jackass to anyone not named Corrin or a certain blue haired... mutant... thing and that is any chance that guy ever had of getting close to my female Corrin going down the drain.
    Also, I'm personally not a big fan of their supports, either. They get a good chuckle out of me, but I really don't feel the chemistry between those two. As master and servant, sure, as friends, maybe, as lovers, no.

    I think Odin / Owain said it best: "Look at Jakob. He has split-personality disorder. The minute Lord/Lady Avatar shows up, he's a celestial being with a heart of gold. With everyone else [except Azura], he's a jerk. Silas? He's OK, but he's into some strange stuff [presumably little girls]" - Odin in his B-support with Felicia


    Also, if my above points come off as bashing Jakob or Silas, I apologize. I have nothing against them (nothing that helps, at any rate...) and I wanted to take all three characters into consideration and tell you why I think these two aren't my favourite picks for female Corrin, since that's what this topic's about. In the end, it all comes down to personal preference and taste, anyway.
    I don't really know why most flame wars are born from a discussion of personal feelings... It's quite stupid, honestly.

    Hey, your opinion is your opinion. 

  3. So the more I've gone around the internet, the more I've noticed these three are the most popular non-royal romantic options for F!Corrin. And, honestly, it's easy to see why: they have great availability, meaning you can build up supports faster than some other characters, and the best romantic chemistry with our heroine (in a way that benefits both characters involved). So I'd like to know, at least on this website, which one of these men is the most popular with F!Corrin and why. 

  4. 33 minutes ago, SoulWeaver said:

    I have to choose just one? Gosh, that's annoying.

    Well, we'll start with least favorite, I guess, because it's easier. If I had to choose just one…I think I'd go Celica+Marth because there's no way they could both be THAT stupid - Marth's continent just so HAPPENS to have the same name as a continent in Celica's world, and it just so HAPPENS to have just finished a war in Celica's world and HAPPENS to be going through a war in Marth's. I'm pretty sure two college students could put two and two together, yet both Celica and Marth are just like eh, weird. Really, all of Celica's Supports bug me immensely because she's a clearly diehard pacifist…in a Warriors game. The exception is Celica+Anna, which was genius and didn't feature Celica's stupid ideology about fighting. Seriously, why? Why do 5 of her 7 Supports(Tiki's and Anna's being the exceptions) have to be about pacifism and how war is not the right answer? Yes, war is terrible, but for one, sometimes it's necessary, and for two, everyone who played Echoes already knew she hates war, and they only need one Support to show that mindset, not 5. Really, this game would have been better in multiple ways if they'd picked Alm instead. Or Tobin. Or Gray. Or Kliff. Or Boey. Or Mae. Or Jedah. Or Narcian. Let's have Narcian instead of anyone from Echoes. At least then I could get a couple laughs out of it.

    Most Favorite…I like Lyn's in general because she kind of feels more real than most of the other characters. Picking just one, I think I'd go with Lyn+Robin because it never occurred to me that Lyn has to protect Mark through most of Blazing Sword or that this might carry over to another tactician. Plus the mentioning of the mysterious invisible arrow, which was great.

    Oh no, you can choose multiple. I just ended up picking one (two technically speaking) because it was hard for me to decide on multiple favorites (I ended up liking a lot of them). 

  5. So now that all the support conversations have been cleaned up and put together into one thread, courtesy of @ProtoManDan, I'd like to know what everyone's favorite and least favorite supports are. If you haven't gotten a chance to read any of them yet, the link below will take you to the full compilation. Now with all that said, I'll start with mine:

    Favorite: Corrin x Celica. I've gone on record saying I wanted Corrin to support Marth because, at the time, I thought he was the only other lord she would find common ground with. Well, as of writing this, I officially take that back. These two mesh wonderfully in their philosophies while simultaneously contrasting how they carry out said ideals, and by the time it finishes it feels like they've become close friends. I can't help but enjoy that type of dynamic, and I'm glad to see Celica in game for this reason.

    Honorable Mention: Lianna x Chrom. It was really fun to see the two work off each other since their practically opposites on the battlefield, particularly their banter toward the end. 

    Least Favorite: Rowan x Xander. I'll admit, I already didn't like Rowan for his immaturity and haughty attitude, but this was where I lost all respect for him as a character. Words cannot describe how saddening it is to see Rowan spit on his family like that and not even feel a hint of remorse. What adds insult to injury is the fact that Xander doesn't call him out on it, and family means everything to the man. 

    Dishonorable Mention: Rowan x Marth. Similar reasons as above, but barely escapes a tie because Rowan actually shows signs of questioning his views on kingship. 


  6. 2 hours ago, The DanMan said:


    Interesting. It goes into a bit of detail about how the NPC characters fight.

    Also... uh...
    "Tiki attacks exclusively in dragon form"
    "Rather than rely on her [Celica's] sword, she focuses on hindering enemy movement."

    Personally what I found strange in the profiles were those of the characters that didn't make it in (at least for now). The text claims that Owain uses lightning and Oboro uses wind when gameplay shows them using darkness and lightning respectively. I'm curious as to whether this contradictory information indicates Navarre, Oboro, Owain, and Niles are all going to be retooled before being officially added.

  7. My reactions to some of Corrin's newer supports: 

    Xander: Uh, Corrin, sweetie, a lot of things can go wrong by bringing a Nohrian into the Hoshidan camp. Otherwise, that was sweet. 

    Frederick: I guess because Frederick now knows for a fact she's a princess he's acting more kindly to her. Also, there's a callback to her supports with Jakob (now if only he could join the roster and these two could support).

    Tiki: Nice bit of worldbuilding here. Guess that confirms Corrin is not a Manakete. Also, Tiki calling Corrin's dragon form cute :). 

    So overall, I'm really enjoying Corrin's supports. I know that both genders are available but it really feels like the game is embracing F!Corrin's personality (i.e. teasing, optimistic, impatient) without feeling like a sudden overhaul. I can also say the same about Robin.


  8. 3 hours ago, ProtoManDan said:

    Hi there, new to Serenes Forest. I've started cleaning some of the Warriors supports that haven't been done yet (to my knowledge). I'll gradually update the post with a few more.

    Lucina x Hinoka : https://pastebin.com/Mw4mb9TZ

    Lucina x Elise : https://pastebin.com/EAGcrZjN

    Lucina x Marth : https://pastebin.com/QqUB7eH9 (One of my favourites. Got a bit muddy near the end as it was hard to tell who was speaking.)

    Lucina x Cordelia : https://pastebin.com/4L8s4U9D

    Lucina x Anna : https://pastebin.com/iB1SgMRZ

    Lucina x Rowan : https://pastebin.com/VTypYq76

    Lucina x Chrom : https://pastebin.com/8As1wSy8

    Lucina x Frederick : https://pastebin.com/QX8uNVUQ (Again, bit muddy towards the end)


    Seems like that's all of Lucina's. I'll check back tomorrow morning and see which supports are left.

    Thanks! You've already contributed so much.

    Update: I read Lucina and Cordelia and it's wonderfully sweet (it basically starts with Cordelia comparing Lucina to her father and then they both start to praise each other).

  9. 20 minutes ago, Azure Sen said:

    Only one complaining publicly anyway, I think Rowan's pretty terrible too. Ask and ye shall receive:

      Hide contents

    Phew, we won. Thank goodness my.strategy played out how I hoped....L.Your strategy? You mean my skills. Did.you see how many enemies I cut down?...O.You still don't trust my tactical sense?.I thought I had earned your approval....A.Pull your weight in a fight, and you'll.always have my approval!...E.But you gotta admit, knights are far.more important than tacticians....M.You still don't understand that there's.more to war than just swordsmanship....L.Let's hold a short symposium on the art.of battle. You may learn something....H.Art? Knights don't need art! They just.need to train and become strong....O.It's a pity you feel that way. To think,.you'd be a splendid knight otherwise....K.You may not need tactics to charge in.headfirst, but there are other ways......Let's say, for example......M.The enemy has 10 times your forces..Even with strong knights, could you win?...1.Well, victory in that case.would be difficult......Q.But with a keen strategy--sneak attacks,.pincers, diversions... See what I mean?...M.You have to admit, strategy and tactics.are just as important as any weapon....G.Even so, coming up with strategy is.a tactician's job. Not a knight's....N.Not true. A tactician can only plan for.the future, not foresee it perfectly....M.The tide of battle shifts constantly..The front line must know how to adapt....P.Knights must have good judgment and.adapt on the fly; otherwise the plan fails....G.In other words...knights can't always.just do what the tacticians say?...L.Precisely. Tacticians paint the broad.strokes; knights fill in the details....P.So if a knight is strong enough to fight.and smart enough to employ strategy......%.I know where you're going with this....J.If you can protect your friends with.your brains as well as your brawn......).Your skill as a knight.will be peerless....3.I like the sound of that. That's what.I'll become!...+.That's the spirit. I'm sure you can do it!...3.In that case, would you mind.teaching me strategy?...:.I wouldn't mind at all..I'll teach you everything I know....D.Let's start with what informs strategy..I have a list right here........That is a really long list.... .N.Somewhere out there an enemy knight.is actually putting in the time to study..!.=.I can't let some enemy outclass me....All right, I'll do it..".L.You must be a master tactician, huh?.Do you know everything about strategy?.#.=.Hardly. Strategy is always changing,.so I'm always studying..$.:.Then let's study together. We'll each.grow in our fields!.%.O.I'm sure you'll one day not only become.a fine knight but a fine king as well..&.).Huh? Become a fine what and a.what when?.'./.You'll be great, Rowan..Now let's get started!

    So that's what that dump was for. As an aside, I just read his one with Celica and, honestly, it was so refreshing to see someone call out Rowan on his narrow mindedness.

  10. 1 hour ago, Nanima said:

    Here is my take on the Marx+Takumi support.

    Again, the gist of it is the same as the English one. There are some small details on Xander's past which can be found in the Chinese translation but not the English.

    One thing of note is that Takumi actually speaks very politely when talking to Xander. Guess he is a bit intimidated haha. I tried getting it across, but I am not sure if I managed it. Can see why the localization didn't bother with it.

    It's fine, you have also seen me being pretty whiny as of late, so we can call it even.

    Wait, that's your Tumblr? I just sent a request to clean up Lianna and Ryoma's support. Ugh, I feel so stupid.

  11. 5 minutes ago, unique said:

    oh right, I forgot that they were twins

    i assumed it was lianna since it looked like they were sorted by games and it wasn't with xander and corrin, but there's no one else it could really be aside from hinoka

    weird that she doesn't really talk about herself much at all

    ok while rowan is definitely a total shithead, eating cookies without thinking or asking about it is the one thing I will defend

    Eh, to each their own.

  12. 43 minutes ago, Peaceful_User said:

    Rowan is as annoying as I thought he was XD

    Yeah, it's kind of a shame, really. His older sister gets all the interesting supports (I think her one with Ryoma takes the cake in my opinion) while most of his either focus on his fighting or being an immature brat. Like, really, Rowan? You're somewhere in your mid teens and you lack so much self control that you eat Lianna's cookies without even questioning whether they belong to anyone? 

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