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Status Updates posted by Nightmare

  1. Back in the day...?

    *Goes to hunt topics*

  2. I noticed you've started to use the "=" style smilies, most notable "=D"...

  3. Yeah I've noticed that a long time ago, lol.

  4. It was quite unexpected of you to add me as a friend. But you're cool, so all is well. :)

  5. Yeah yeah whatever.

  6. I'm always reminded of Overlord when hearing/reading that...ever played the game?

    Oh and, good day!

  7. Why two "r"s? :(

    And I'm great today...I think...

  8. I find it kinda strange...just today, I was looking at the movie topic, trying to find Act 8. I saw Act 7 but I was like "Where's Act 8? Where's Act 8?". Then I realized you posted Act 7 just today...

  9. Well, I don't give nightmares just out of the blue.

    Also lolzeph

  10. Do you have nightmares every night?

    And hello to you too.

  11. Unsophisticated boor...

  12. LOVE your avatar!

  13. :O You might not like them if you don't like difficult games, though...

  14. No wuv for my wittle Simon?

  15. Well, right now I'm in more of an Alucard mood...he's just too cool...that, and I'm replaying SotN (DXC)...but thanks...

  16. I'm thinking of changing to Juste, Soma or Richter...or maybe even go back to Simon...what do you say...?

  17. What my dear? What?!

  18. lolyeah.

    And speaking of which, dost thou know Rugal?

  19. Actually...I was Nightmare when I first registered. I temporarily changed to Rugal because I had him as my theme and then changed back 'cause people kept calling me Rugal instead of Nightmare.

  20. Good day. How are you?

  21. I'm bored.

    Amuse me!

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