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Everything posted by Nightmare

  1. I see...you are the rare tsundere breed.
  2. And I have mine. It starts with the letter "B."

  3. I know that. I'm asking who your mate is.
  4. I always knew it was based on the Japanese legal system, but I didn't know it went that far. Pretty cool.
  5. I'm dreaming of a gay Christmas Just like a throbbing penis
  6. My image uploading website wasn't working, I was forced! Honest! Though now that it's working, I'll replace it with the image urls, because that attachment icon is annoying and it's destroying this thread's (non-existent) chastity. EDIT: Alright fixed. Go look, it's a cool post.
  7. I'll bomb them all. I'LL DESTROY THEM ALL
  8. Someone tried gifting me Muscle March on the Wii, but it couldn't happen because he lives in Europe and my Wii is NTSC U/C. I was enraged so I sent a furious (but gentlemanly) letter to Nintendo. I hope they somehow reciprocate, because if they don't...
  9. http://objection.mrdictionary.net/go.php?n=4749212
  10. Everybody's been bugging me about it but I don't get it.
  11. Demon's Crest. It's an excellent and deep platformer, one of the most unique out there, with a captivating atmosphere, and quite brutal to boot. It's about a demon named Firebrand who wants to become the very best, like no one ever was, and he searches far and wide to find every crest (things that give him powers). Seconding Megaman X. The first one, at least, was really good. The second is good too, and the third...well, it's not exactly bad, but I don't really like it as much as the other two.
  12. Then I shall recite some gay stories to you. But I need Shuuda's permission first, for I pair him and Jarly in them.
  13. It's especially, not specially. Chill, Soul. If you want to post on FftF, you have to get used to stuff like this. And, if you pay attention, deep down, this pet peeve of yours is really silly, so you should not encourage it to grow.
  14. Man, I remember when we all ganged up on him later on, when his idiocy spread farther than just the writing section. It was great, and then the FEE guys (I think that was the name) showed up and we harassed Jarly further and had a merry time together. Those days were quite gay. Quite gay. I miss the gaiety of those days.
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