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Everything posted by Nightmare

  1. Do you even know what "prowess" means? You're putting Hika and RP in the same category now... And somehow you think Hika's post quality was low? Are you trying to be wrong or do you really believe all this?
  2. Nothing. And you're still too young to get it.
  3. Fixed spelling. And salt is better for increasing blood pressure, I hear. Not sure though. But I love eating sweets anyway. If I don't excessively indulge in sweets, I think I'll drop dead. But I don't think this is what Revan meant for us to discuss.
  4. Duessel is also a knight, so he does the same, really. And if you think it's "reducing yourself to be someone's dog" then you don't know very much about manliness to think such things would affect it. Being manly doesn't mean independence, kicking ass, being rebellious and full of muscle. It's something you attain from within, although the muscle helps a lot. You may understand...with time.
  5. This reminds me of the time when Destiny Hero made a topic complaining that the banner shows Leanne's (exposed) breasts or something.
  6. Fixed. I love it when that happens. The whole house shakes and it's amazing.
  7. Tauroneo for all. I really admire his strength of character, among other things.
  8. There is absolutely no need for such attitudes, so just stay away from these topics if you really hate them that much. I really don't want you to make members feel uncomfortable with themselves, or unwelcome.
  9. That's my shtick, not Emerald's.
  10. Hirohiko Araki, Tetsuo Hara and Makoto Yukimura are my favourites because of their extremely detailed, realistic and beautiful styles. Araki probably tops them all.
  11. Trolling can be funny/hilarious every once in a while, but I still don't like it very much, despite laughing at it. It's mean. : ( You're probably thinking "But you troll a lot of members with ban threats!" but that's kind of different since I'm not especially aiming to irritate/intimidate people for my own amusement and more doing it in a light-hearted manner, so you could call it more of a "mean joke" or something. By the way, Hika wasn't exclusively a troll. He did it sometimes, but I'm pretty sure 99% of the time, he was just posting his honest thoughts.
  12. Your profile pic isn't Very British.

  13. Well I'm not threatening with mod powers, but MAN POWER.
  14. I'm so bored, I'm threatening people in the forum chat. Life goes on as always.
  15. I was referring to that Saint Seiya image.
  16. You probably have a huge screen because it was stretching for me and just about everyone else.
  17. Cut your Fs a bit short, General. The locals were getting upset, hope you don't mind.
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