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Everything posted by Cryptic

  1. January 11 February 10 March 10 April 10 May 10 June 10 July 8 August 9 September 10 October 11 November 4 December 11
  2. Rofl, I just never bothered. I kinda knew it was dead after a few days. Oh well, R.I.P. Gods of Atonement.
  3. Cryptic

    Trolling Team

    Well, for some battles I liek to use Cradily. With the right moveset and proper setup (and stats, but >.>) it can be one of the most annoying stallers evur.
  4. Alone. Loners turn into stoners... Would your rather hate the world or be unloved?
  5. Hehe, screw everyone else. It's not like they'll care for more than a day anyways.
  6. It looks like the title is Solatorobo. Whatever. I have no clue what it is, but I want. But if it helps, the Website.
  7. Wingull moves up... now. Ingame it makes an awesome slave. Tropius for the same reasons, just not as good as wingull.
  8. If you give me a few minute to learn the controls and get a basic concept of it, nearly any game.
  9. Amazing! Absolutely stunning! We must... do something... something awesome... with lots of garlic fingers. Vibrant garlic fingers.
  10. Link-up get! Or hopefully get. Would be nice.
  11. There is a notification unread. You should read it.
  12. Happy Birthday to you, good sir.

  13. "How 'bout we avoid traveling at night. Wouldn't want to get lost in the utter blackness of the night, now, would we?" Lucifer suggested to the axeman. "However, if you'd walk with me for a few minutes, I could lead you to a small oasis I've been camping out at for a while. It's really quite nice." Lucifer began to walk off at a fast pace without waiting to see if they would follow.
  14. I don't have a drama class. I am in drama club, though.
  15. Avatar: 7/10 because it looks cool and has a bow. Sig: 5/10 because it has some decent quotes and mildly interesting faces.
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